
miǎn shuì shānɡ pǐn
  • Duty-free goods;free commodities;duty free commodities
  1. 我们在机场买了许多免税商品。

    We bought a load of duty-frees at the airport .

  2. 你们要不要看看机上的免税商品?

    Would you like to browse through our in-flight duty-free items ?

  3. 买免税商品你们接受哪种货币?

    NO04 , What currency do you take for duty-free goods ?

  4. 这班飞机上有卖免税商品吗?

    Will you be selling duty-free goods on this flight ?

  5. 我在飞机上买什么免税商品?

    Which duty-free articles can I buy on the plane ?

  6. 我在哪里可以拿到免税商品的明细表呢?

    Where can I get a list of all those duty-free goods ?

  7. 飞机上你们什么时候卖免税商品?

    When will you sell duty-free goods on board ?

  8. 我们在机场等候的时候可以买免税商品。

    We can buy our duty-frees while we 're waiting at the airport .

  9. 免税商品在抵达中国前才交给你。

    Duty free merchandises will be delivered to you upon arrival in China .

  10. 如果您需要,我可以向您推荐几款适合您的免税商品。

    If you like , I may recommend some Duty-free items for you .

  11. 谈机场免税商品包装设计中的中国元素

    Talk about the Chinese Element of Duty Free Commodity Packaging at the Airport

  12. 晚餐之后会开始提供免税商品的销售服务。

    We will start selling duty-free products right after the dinner is served .

  13. 飞机上出售免税商品吗?

    Do you sell duty-free goods on the plane ?

  14. 想要一些免税商品吗?

    Would you like any duty free goods ?

  15. 你们在飞机上卖免税商品吗?

    Do you sell duty-free products on board ?

  16. 消除免税商品,它是走私香烟的一个主要渠道。

    Eliminate duty-free sales , which often serve as a major source of smuggled cigarettes .

  17. 什么时候我们能买免税商品?

    When can we buy duty-free goods ?

  18. 免税商品型录就在您前方的椅背置物袋里。

    NO07 , The duty-free catalog is in the seat pocket in front of you .

  19. 非洲能向美国出口的免税商品多达6999种。

    There are6,999 items that can be sent from Africa to the United States duty-free .

  20. 你们卖免税商品吗?

    Do you sell duty free goods ?

  21. 真不好意思,我们只有在促销活动期间部分免税商品可以打折。

    I am afraid only some of the Duty-free items are at a discount during sales promotion .

  22. 你可以带价值100美元的免税商品,所以你的手表和西装都不用交税。

    You are allowed $ 100 duty-free , so you don 't have to pay any duty on your watch and suit .

  23. 风俗征税方案-创造应税或免税商品,以及有能力在加上全球各种税方案校验。

    Custom Taxing Options - Create taxable or tax-free products and have the ability to add various global tax options at checkout .

  24. 至于根据《非洲增长与机会法》的规定向美国出口的数千种免税商品,他们尚且无法完全依赖竞争。

    They cannot compete for the kind of exporting of thousands of products that can be sent duty-free to the United States under AGOA .

  25. 中国公民从境外返回中国大陆时,每次可以依法携带价值不超过人民币5000元(合823美元)的免税商品供个人使用。

    Chinese citizens can legally import Rmb5000 ( $ 823 ) of duty-free goods for personal use each time they return to the mainland .

  26. 大陆游客一年只能在海南购买两次免税商品,而岛内居民一年只能购买一次。

    Mainland visitors to Hainan can only buy goods duty-free at the shop twice a year , while island residents can only once a year .

  27. 免税商品最可能在过境运输中得以购买到。刺绣和丝绸是丝绸之路上运输的主要商品。

    Tax-free cigarettes are most often bought ' in transit ' . and silk and embroidery were the main products transported along the ancient Chinese Silk Road .

  28. 当离澳出境赴国外旅行所带的免税商品,不得留用在澳大利亚。

    I will take these goods with me when I depart from Australia on a journey to a foreign country I will NOT leave the goods in Australia .

  29. 免税商品,比如免征消费税和其他税种的香烟和一些烈酒,只面向飞往欧盟以外目的地的消费者。

    Duty Free products , those such as cigarettes and some spirits which are exempt of excise duty and taxes , are only available to customers travelling outside the EU .

  30. 消除免税商品,它是走私香烟的一个主要渠道。你可以带价值100美元的免税商品,所以你的手表和西装都不用交税。

    Eliminate duty-free sales , which often serve as a major source of smuggled cigarettes . You are allowed $ 100 duty-free , so you don 't have to pay any duty on your watch and suit .