
fā huò rén
  • shipper;consignor;sender;deliverer
  1. 为开给发货人或拖运人的正本,即使信用证规定提交全套正本。

    Be the original for consignor or shipper , even if the credit stipulates a full set of originals . v.

  2. 在任何单据中注明的托运人或发货人无须为信用证的受益人。

    K.The shipper or consignor of the goods indicated on any document need not be the beneficiary of the credit .

  3. 添加发货人的UPS帐号可进一步定义货件。

    Adding the shipper ′ s UPS Account Number defines the shipment .

  4. 要进一步缩小搜索范围,请输入目的地邮政编码、国家或地区和/或发货人的UPS帐号。

    To further narrow your search , enter the destination postcode , country and / or the shipper ′ s UPS account number .

  5. 论文指出,在我国现行法律未做明确规定或者合同未做明确约定的情况下,承运人向我国发货人或收货人收取装卸港THC不符合合同相对性原理。

    Moreover , the thesis points out that the collection of THC charged Chinese consignors or consignees by liners is not in accordance with the principle of the Privity of Contract if the laws of china do not provide or the contract of carriage does not stipulate .

  6. 311.活橄榄使发货人的肝脏继续存活。

    311 . The living olive keeps the deliverer 's liver alive .

  7. 申请人、发货人及收货人详情不会被撷取。

    Details of applicant , exporter and consignee will not be retrieved .

  8. 发货人选择港口方式采用了广义费用函数。

    And port selection mode of shippers is used generalized cost function .

  9. 很多发货人都开始扩大其业务希望达到全球业务的激增。

    Many shippers have expanded their operations in anticipation of a global boom .

  10. 发货人应赔偿承运人所发生的任何费用。

    The shipper shall hold the carriers harmless from any expense they may incur .

  11. 这批货物的发货人是谁?

    Who is the shipper of the freight ?

  12. 发货人将联系上述的运输代理人来领取订单。

    Shipper will contact transportation agent listed above to arrange for pickup of order .

  13. 如果因发货人的要求采取货到付款的货物,所有即期汇票必须有各自的出口商的签名。

    Charges'demand draft must be issued in the name and favour of the respective exporter .

  14. 运费是由发货人还是由收货人来付?

    Is freight paid by the supplier or the person to who the goods are being sent ?

  15. 请在装货单上加“甲板货由发货人负责”的批注。

    Please put down the remarks " Deck cargo at shipper 's risk " in the Shipping Order .

  16. 在这种情况下,我通常加批注“甲板货由发货人负责”。

    Under such circumstances , I usually put the remarks " Deck cargo at shipper 's risk " .

  17. 集装箱运输发货人责任

    Liability of Container Shipper

  18. 公司拥有自己的报关行,能协助收、发货人迅速顺利通关;

    The company has its own customs broker , can help close the consignor rapid and smooth customs clearance ;

  19. 发货人跟大副正在调度室谈论蓖麻籽袋子破损的事。

    The Shipper and the Chief Officer are discussing the torn bags of castor seeds at the Dispatch Office .

  20. 表明以信用证受益人以外的一方为发货人的运输单据。

    A document indicates as the consignor of the goods a party other than the beneficiary of the Credit .

  21. 考虑到燃料价格的飙升,许多发货人认为物流公司需要巨型油轮来创造盈利。

    Given the rising price of fuel , many shippers think they need huge ships to turn a profit .

  22. 托运人托运危险货物的义务和责任论发货人的权利、义务和责任

    Shipper 's obligations and liabilities on the shipment of dangerous goods On the Rights , Obligations and Liabilities of Consignor

  23. 本公约的任何规定不得影响发货人在多式联运和分段运输之间进行选择的权利。

    Nothing in this Convention shall affect the right of the consignor to choose between multimodal transport and segmented transport .

  24. 出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在装货的二十四小时以前向海关申报

    Declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to loading unless otherwise specially approved by the Customs

  25. 由此产生的费用及滞期费/滞留费将由发货人或者收货人承担。

    Besides shipments / consignments will accrue demurrage / detention which will all be at the cost of the Shipper / importer .

  26. 好的,在发货人方面,当货物到达时,所有的文件必须送交给买货人。

    Yes , on the shipper 's side , when the cargos arrived , all relevant documents will be forwarded to the consignee .

  27. 它首先是发货人与船运公司之间的一种合约。如果装船货与样品不符,贵公司须负责任。

    It is , firstly , a contract between the shipper and the shipping company . Shipment unequal to sample holding you responsible .

  28. 〃包裹追踪概要〃的状态字段中指定〃已返还给发货人〃意味着包裹已返还给原始发货人。

    The designation Returned to Shipper in the Status field of the Tracking Summary means that the package was returned to the original shipper .

  29. 提单提供了发货人的姓名和运载船舶的船名,装运港及目的港和运费率。

    The document quotes the name of the shipper and the carrying vessel , the ports of shipment and destination , the freight rate .

  30. 出口实行验证管理的商品,发货人应当向出入境检验检疫机构申请验证。

    For the export commodities subject to verification administration , the consigners shall apply for verification to the entry exit inspection and quarantine organs .