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fà shì
  • hairstyle;hairdo;hair style;head;coiffure
发式 [fà shì]
  • [hairstyle] 头发梳理成的样式

发式[fà shì]
  1. 中国古代少数民族的发式

    The Hair Style of Chinese Minority Nationality in Ancient Times

  2. 论唐代女子的面妆及发式

    Discussion on Female Makeup and Hair Style of Tang Dynasty

  3. 这支乐队以怪异的服装和发式而闻名。

    The band were famous for their preposterous clothes and haircuts .

  4. 我喜欢你梳的发式。

    I like the way you 've done your hair .

  5. 他还是一个叫做“酷炫发式”乐队的主唱。

    He also fronted a group called Haircuts That Kill .

  6. 我喜欢你这个发式。

    I like the way you 've had your hair done .

  7. X波段双通道同时收发式多普勒偏振天气雷达

    Dopple-Polarization Weather Radar of Simutaneous Transmissions and Receivers of X-Band Double-Channel

  8. 一种基于Rough集理论的属性约简启发式算法

    Heuristic Algorithm for Reduction of Attributes Based on Rough Set Theory

  9. 用于PZT调制干涉仪的外触发式差动数字鉴相技术

    Triggered differential phase discrimination technology used for PZT modulated interferometer

  10. 以动态光散射(DLS)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)和场发式扫描电子显微镜(FESEM)等对各阶段乳液聚合的胶粒大小和分布以及形态结构进行了表征。

    The sizes and their distributions as well as morphologies of polymer microspheres at various emulsion polymerization steps were characterized by means of DLS , TEM and FESEM .

  11. 由于应用了增强现实技术(AR),美妆相机可以精确地探测到使用者的面部特征并进行虚拟化妆,——它不仅可以给用户的自拍相片涂眼影、睫毛膏,甚至能改变用户的发式。

    Using Augmented Reality ( AR ) technology , Makeup Plus can accurately detect a user 's facial features and apply virtual makeup - eyeshadow , mascara products and even hair styles - to the user 's selfie .

  12. Delphi强大的ADO接口提供了快捷的数据处理能力,更好的满足了并发式数据的要求,为系统提供了更为安全稳定的数据存储和管理功能。

    DELPHI 'S powerful ADO interface , offering a rapid data processing capacity and better satisfying the requirement of parallel data , provides the system a safer and more stable data preservation and management function .

  13. 随着越来越多的企业级分布式应用采用CORBA作为其构造平台和通过分布式对象集为猝发式客户请求提供高QoS的服务,基于CORBA的负载均衡服务具有重要的研究价值。

    With the adoption of CORBA as the constructing platform for more and more enterprise-level distributed applications and high QoS service for abrupt clients through distributed object set , the research on CORBA based load balance service becomes very important .

  14. 同步动态随机存储器SDRAM因其容量大、读写速度快、支持猝发式读写及相对低廉的价格而得到了广泛的应用。

    Because Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory ( SDRAM ) has the advantages of mass storage , high speed , burst read / write and low cost , which is widely used in various fields .

  15. 一种常有的发式是beni(曲卷装的头发),颇受bangalee妇女的喜欢。

    A common hairstyle is Beni ( twisted BUN ) that bangalee women are fond of .

  16. 讨论了各种参数对其热力性能和ε~NTU关系的影响.所得结果可供蒸发式冷却器的计算和工程设计之用。

    The ε ~ NTU curves of cross flow are derived and the influence of different parameters on the ε  ̄ NTU relations are discussed . The results can be used in the profound analysis and engineering design of cross flow evaporative coolers .

  17. 其次,介绍《花间集》中的女性发式。

    Second , it introduces " Huajian philatelic " female hair .

  18. 我去了一家美容院,做了个新的发式。

    I went to a salon and had a new hairdo .

  19. 我希望留长发垂肩的发式。

    I 'd like to wear my hair in shoulder-length style .

  20. 铜仁地区属于新发式文化发展类型。

    Tongren Prefecture belongs to the cultural type of new development .

  21. 他那新奇的发式成为笑柄。

    His strange new hairstyle is the cause of much merriment .

  22. 多级闪发式海水淡化装置水流特性数值模拟

    Numerical simulation to characteristics of seawater flow in MSF desalination devices

  23. 管状吻合器及多发式直线切割缝合器在消化道重建手术中的运用

    Application of anastomat and stapler in surgical reconstruction of digestive tract

  24. 神龙一号电子束束参数测量系统猝发式的精确触发方式研究

    Accurate Burst Trigger Mode for Dragon - I Electron Beam Measurement System

  25. 最坏的发式脂肪和饱和脂肪的。

    The worst kinds of fat are trans fats and saturated fats .

  26. 一种改进的粗糙集属性约简启发式算法

    A modified heuristic algorithm of attribute reduction in rough set

  27. 一阵风吹乱了她好看的发式。

    A gust of wind ruffled up her nice hair .

  28. 她把自己的头发按玛丽莲梦露的发式做成金黄卷曲状。

    She has her hair blonde and curly a la Marilyn monroe .

  29. 针对复杂系统并行模拟问题的并发式多级矩阵重排算法

    A concurrent permutation based multilevel matrix ordering strategy for parallel process simulation

  30. 你想要小缕刘海还是浓密一点的发式。

    Do you want a wispy fringe or something heavier ?