首页 / 词典 / good

  • raw silk fabric
  • 生丝。

  • 生丝织物:~头(古代束发的头巾)。

  1. 真丝刺绣绡采用SAQ-1抗菌防霉剂整理,对其品质无任何影响,色牢度均有所巩固和提高,抗菌防霉能力提高到1级,且具有耐久性。

    Embroidered silk lustrine can be harmlessly finished with mould-resistant agent SAQ-1 . Furthermore , the colour fastness of the finished lustrine can be improved , and the antibiotic and mould resistant function enhanced to first grade , with permanent results .

  2. 它们是用不同的材料做的,白云石、绡、蝉翼纱等。

    They are made from different materials & dolomite , tough silk , organdie etc.

  3. 结语部分总结《生绡剪》的文学价值以及美术艺术价值。

    Conclusion section summarizes the literary and artistic value of " Sheng Xiao Jian " .

  4. 真丝绡染色工艺技术总结

    Technical Summary of Silk Chiffon Dyeing

  5. 第一节从题材角度将《生绡剪》内容进行分类,展示其丰富的内容。

    Section I classify the contents of " Sheng Xiao Jian " from theme perspective to display its richness .

  6. 绡纵即逝可以持续天长地久,海枯石烂仍可以刻骨铭心。

    Xiao longitudinal fleeting can continue enduring as the universe , but still can imprint is engraved on my heart .

  7. 如若灵魂已然冰冷,那么是否已是香绡玉陨的时候。

    Such as if the soul has be icy cold , so whether is already a time of the fragrant jade .

  8. 小说塑造了红绡和磨勒这两个不以色技炫人邀宠而甘于平静生活的不同寻常的平常人形象,为此后的中国文学拓宽了表现生活的道路。

    It created two characters of ordinary person , Hongxiao and Mole , widened the way of displaying real life for Chinese literature after this hereafter .

  9. 第三节讲述《生绡剪》的内容大要、版本及传播情况。第二章论述小说的内容与思想意蕴。

    Section III describes the main contents , releases and propagation of " Sheng Xiao Jian " . The second chapter discusses the contents and thought meaning of the novel .

  10. 丝棉交织缎条绡是近年来市场流行的一种时尚面料,亦是交织面料中的一朵奇葩。

    Silk / cotton cross woven satin gauze is a fashion fabric on the market for the recent years , and also a treasure in the field of intertexture fabric .

  11. 第二节通过对《生绡剪》内容的剖析,揭露明末清初那个金钱、权势、情欲所充斥的市民社会真相。

    Section II focus on content analysis of " Sheng Xiao Jian ", revealed the full truth of the civil society in late Ming and early Qing which was flooded with money , power and desire .

  12. 第四章将《生绡剪》与《儒林外史》、《聊斋志异》相关篇章做简略比较,论述分别侧重于讽刺艺术和故事情节的类似性。

    The fourth chapter makes a brief comparison between related chapters of " Sheng Xiao Jian " and " Ru Lin Wai Shi ", " Strange Stories ", discussion focuses on the art of irony and the similarity of stories respectively .
