
  • 网络Free Paper;free newspaper;freesheet
  1. 他还出版登有其舞蹈团电话号码的免费报纸《拉斯维加斯快报》。

    He also publishes the Las Vegas Informer , a free paper that lists telephone numbers for his dancing troupe .

  2. 诡异的是,在免费报纸拍照片时他女儿就在他的身后——见上图。这有多巧!

    The odd thing was , his daughter had been right behind him when the free paper took the photograph - shown in the photograph above . What are the chances of that !

  3. 报业生态中的免费报纸:综述、解析与展望

    Free Newspapers in Press Ecology : Overview , Analysis and Prospect

  4. 免费报纸未来的发展趋势如何?

    How about the developing tendency of the free newspaper ?

  5. 中国为什么没有出现免费报纸?

    Why has the free newspaper not appeared in China ?

  6. 中国免费报纸的发展态势及竞争策略研究

    China Free Newspaper 's Development Trend and Competition Strategies

  7. 我国免费报纸发展态势与竞争策略研究

    A research into development trend and competitive strategy of China 's free newspaper

  8. 免费报纸兴起的业态环境及发展态势研究

    The Study of the Subsistence Environment of the Free Newspaper and Its Developing Tendency

  9. 早晨都有一份免费报纸。

    Get a free newspaper in the morning .

  10. 请勿发送免费报纸或垃圾邮件

    No free newspapers or junk mail

  11. 可以预见,在不久的将来,免费报纸势必对传统报业形成强有力的冲击和挑战。

    We can predict free news-paper certainly will form powerful impact and challenge to traditional journalism in the near future .

  12. 欧洲之星的列车上不仅有电源接口,在商务座和特惠经济座还提供免费报纸和杂志。

    Eurostar 's trains have power sockets and offer free newspapers and magazines in business and premium economy classes on-board .

  13. 我站在柜台边,拿了一份孟菲斯《商业呼声报》,读起了免费报纸。

    I stood at a counter and picked up the Memphis Commercial Appeal and began my free reading of the press .

  14. 1995年,免费报纸在西方国家出现,并迅速向全世界蔓延,抢占报纸市场,从而改变了传统报业的格局。

    Since 1995 , the free newspaper has appeared in western county . It spread all over the world quickly , and reft the newspaper market , changed the situation of the traditional market .

  15. 表面看来,媒介形态完全相同的免费报纸与传统报纸之间的差别仅在于一个是免费,一个是付费。

    On the face of it , free newspaper and traditional newspaper has a common media form and the only difference between them is that one is " free " and another is " not free " .

  16. 免费报纸在我国报业市场中已经崭露头角,并呈现出从地下到地上、从自由取阅到定点发行的发展态势。

    Free newspapers in our country 's press market are already budding , and takes on the tendency , from " underground " to " on the top " and " free " to " designated circulation " .

  17. 浅谈免费网络报纸资源的开发与利用

    A Study on Developing and Utilizing Free Web Newspapers Resources

  18. 如果你坐公交或地铁,你可以读书而不是随手抓过来一份免费的报纸。

    If you take the bus or train , you could read a book rather than grabbing a free newspaper .

  19. 我通常会尽力从图书馆外面领取一份免费的(报纸)。

    I usually try to get one for free from outside the library .

  20. 在新推出的平面产品中,确实吹着一股偏向小型版式的风&免费公交工具报纸、少年报纸、面。

    There is an undoubted trend toward more compact formats in the launch of new print products & free commuter newspapers , young adult newspapers , supplements , and sections .

  21. 参加本展会,同时免费享有电视报纸主流媒体、杂志期刊平面媒体、网络媒体等多重资源多角度多层次宣传报导,影响力深而广,时间长达一年以上。

    Taking part in SLF , all the exhibitors can enjoy the main stream media , like TV , newspaper , magazine , internet , etc to cover themselves from different angles , multiple layers for over one year .

  22. 欢乐时光免费饮料及小食,免费洗衣,每日报纸

    Complimentary happy hour drinks and refreshments at the lounge , Free laundry , Daily newspaper