
miǎn ɡēnɡ fǎ
  • no-tillage ;no-till
  1. 试论思想方法的心理定式问题&从精耕细作法向免耕法转换的启示

    On the Problem of Response Set in the Way of Thinking

  2. 少耕法、免耕法及其所用机具

    Less-ploughing method , no-ploughing method and employed machines and tools

  3. 免耕法对土壤微生物和生物活性的影响

    Effect of zero tillage on soil microorganisms and biological activity

  4. 秸秆覆盖免耕法稻田固定厢沟双免耕栽培技术

    Fixed Coverage and Draining Channel Double Till-less Cultivation Techniques of Paddy Field

  5. 推广免耕法是世界各国治理沙尘暴的有效方法。

    Free tillage technique is also a worldwide practical method to contol sandstorm .

  6. 免耕法对土壤影响的研究分析

    Research and Analysis of Impact of No-tillage on Soil

  7. 水稻免耕法及其生理生态效应的研究

    Studies on the no-tillage method in rice cultivation and its physiological and ecological effects

  8. 免耕法在太湖稻麦轮作地区的应用效果

    The applicability of no-tillage to rice-wheat / naked barley cropping system in Tai Lake Region

  9. 太湖地区水稻土的物理特性与少免耕法的关系

    Physical properties of paddy soils in relation to minimum and zero-tillage methodes in Taihu Lake Region

  10. 科学家们向这一区域的农民们介绍免耕法&也可理解为保护性耕作。

    The scientists introduced zero tillage also known as conservation tillage to farmers in the region .

  11. 自然免耕法是我国南方稻区农业腾飞的技术基础

    Non-tillage technique is the basis of the high-speed agricultural development in the rice districts of southern China

  12. 通过免耕法技术,农民能够有更高的产量而同时生产成本能降低10%。

    With zero-tillage technology , farmers can produce higher yields and reduce production costs by up to ten per cent .

  13. 冬季种植覆盖作物结合免耕法构成的保护性耕作法,在冬春季土壤休闲时期可提高土壤含水率,抑制土壤风蚀,回收土壤残留氮素;

    Conservation cultivation in winter , such as cover crops and non-tillage , can increase water content of soil , suppress soil erosion , and scavenge soil residual nitrogen .

  14. 为了提高作物产量,我国从20世纪50年代开始进行少免耕法的研究,并且表现出从北方干旱半干旱的旱地到南方水田发展的趋势。

    Therefore , it is necessary to carry out the sustainable development of agriculture and track a path to ecological agriculture . The study of NT began in the 1950s in our country for high yield .

  15. 化除宿营法与化除免耕法建立人工草地在建植当年没有显著差异,但第2年化除宿营法比化除免耕法增产7353kg/hm2(P<0.01)。

    Herbage yield on phytocide and sheep night penning pasture was increased by 7 353 kg / hm ~ 2 ( P < 0.01 ) compared with phytocide tillage only pasture in the second year , but the difference was not significant in the first year .

  16. 烤烟高效栽培及套种免耕玉米关键技术初探用更加多样化的轮作代替秋耕闲地,以及使用最少和/或免耕法技术代替传统的土壤耕种。

    A primary discussion on key technologies of fluecured tobacco high-effect cultivation and interplanting in no-tillage maize field The replacement of black fallow by a more diversified crop rotation , and the use of minimum and / or no-tillage technologies in lieu of conventional soil tillage .