
  • 网络growing wheat after rice
  1. 四川盆地稻茬麦免耕栽培增产机理研究

    Yield increasing mechanism of non-tillage culture for Wheat Following Rice in Sichuan Basin

  2. 湿地生态型稻茬麦免耕机条播栽培技术研究

    Studies on the Technologies of Drilling with Zero - tilling Machine of Wheat after Rice in Wetland

  3. 稻茬麦追肥时期及比例对产量的影响

    Effect of period and ratio of Appling nitrogen on to the yield of wheat after getting rice

  4. 稻茬麦免耕抑播稻草覆盖栽培技术研究Ⅰ.小麦和后作水稻的增产增收效应分析

    Studies on the technology of surface seeding & mulching straw for wheat after rice I.Analysis of yield and benefit effect on wheat and subsequent rice

  5. 而在黄淮麦区稻茬麦,茬口晚的背景下,水稻土的理化性状严重的影响了小麦的苗期生长,且条播小麦往往难以实现适期播种。

    But the rice harvest was always late in the wheat after rice region in the Huang-Huai-Hai plain , the physicochemical property of the rice soil caused serious influence to the growth of seeding stage of wheat .

  6. 通过连续5年在四川盆地主要麦区、主要土类上布置多点试验、示范,系统研究了稻茬麦免耕栽培的增产机理和关键技术。

    For 5 years in succession , the yield increasing mechanism and the key technique for high yielding of non-tillage culture were studied systemically through multipoint experiment and demonstration in the main wheat belts and under various soil types .