
  • 网络macroeconometric model;macro econometric model
  1. 其他定量的研究方法主要包括投入产出模型、线性规划模型、宏观经济计量模型(ME)等,本章描述了CGE模型作为政策分析工具与它们相比的优越性。

    Other quantitative analytical methods include I / O model , liner programming model and Macroeconometric Model etc.

  2. 但计算汇率偏差是一件非常不确定的事情,将其纳入贸易政策,会带来围绕宏观经济计量模型方法无休止的争论,很有可能出现没完没了的世界贸易组织(WTO)诉讼。

    But the calculation of exchange rate misalignments is a highly uncertain business , and incorporating them into trade policy will involve endless debates – and most likely perpetual World Trade Organisation litigation – about the methodology of macroeconometric modelling .

  3. 宏观经济计量模型的应用&对长航干线直属港口总吞吐量七五指标的预测

    Application of Macro - Econometric Model to Prediction of Port Throughput

  4. 论宏观经济计量模型的发展

    On the Development of Macroeconometric Models

  5. 宏观经济计量模型

    Macro economic quantitative model

  6. 宏观经济计量模型是当今世界各国普遍采用的一种研究国民经济运行情况的有效工具,主要应用于结构分析、经济政策评价和经济发展预测。

    Econometric model is an effective tool commonly used in the world to study the operation of the national economy . It ′ s mainly applied to structure analysis , evaluation of economic policy and forecast of economic development .

  7. 文章以理性预期理论为基础建立了一个宏观货币经济计量模型,并以此模型探讨了含预期变量的经济计量方程的一般求解方法。

    This paper builds a monetary macro econometrics model on the foundation of this theory , discusses the general solving method of econometrics equation which includes expected variable on the basis of the model .

  8. 主要用到的计量方法有单位根检验、协整检验,构建了股票市场流动性、波动性和资本化率指标与宏观经济相关变量的计量模型。

    Econometric models were established between shares fluidity , fluctuation and capitalization rate and relevant macro variables . Main methods of econometric measurement used are Unit root test , Co-integration test and Granger causality test .