
  • 网络excess demand;excessive demand
  1. 对某公司产品有过度需求。

    There is excess demand for a firm 's products .

  2. 科普读物的需求量很大。动态学中的过度需求

    Books on popular science are in great demand . excess demand in dynamics

  3. 赤字国家的过度需求一定程度上是对盈余国家行为的回应&这一观点得到了许多政策制定者的认同,其中包括美国前财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)。

    The view that the excesses of deficit countries were partly a response to the behaviour of surplus countries is shared by a number of policymakers , including Hank Paulson , outgoing US treasury secretary .

  4. 如果没有全球信贷市场,危机前水平的全球失衡本将创造对美国3A级证券的过度需求,而美国政府无法满足这些需求。

    Without a global credit market , the pre-crisis level of imbalances would have created an intolerable degree of demand for US triple-A rated securities that could simply not be satisfied by the US government .

  5. 与存货相关的过度需求

    Excess demand in relation to inventory

  6. 动态学中的过度需求

    Excess demand in dynamics

  7. 他表示,没有过度需求,就没有理由认为全球经济会陷入低迷。

    And without excessive demand , there is no reason to expect a global downturn , he says .

  8. 但这将必然意味着以下危险的出现:即盈余国家出现导致通胀的过度需求,以及赤字国家的需求不足。

    But that would surely mean a danger of inflationary excess demand in surplus countries and deficient demand in deficit ones .

  9. 亚洲是一大供应来源:债权国保持巨额盈余,以满足西方的过度需求。

    Asia was a source of much of the supply : creditor nations ran enormous surpluses to meet these Western excesses .

  10. 大宗商品的约束将限制全球范围内的实际产量反应,而大部分过度需求将发展成为更高的通胀率。

    Commodity constraints will limit the real output response globally , and most of the excess demand will spill over into higher inflation .

  11. 因为银行贷款人为的低利率水平,在中国存在对银行贷款的过度需求。

    Owing to the artificially low level of interest rates on bank loans , there has been an excess demand for bank loans in china .

  12. 如果对金融资产存在过度需求,那么就可能存在其它所有商品过度供应的情形我们称之为萧条。

    If there was an excess demand for financial assets , then there could be an excess supply of everything else what we call a depression .

  13. 在自由市场内,移植的器官价格在被决定在排除每一类型器官过度需求的层次上。

    In a free market , the prices of organs for transplants would settle at the levels that would eliminate the excess demand for each type of organ .

  14. 难道现在还看不出,当今世界面临的主要宏观经济挑战是对大宗商品的过度需求和金融服务的过度供给吗?

    Is it not now clear that the main macroeconomic challenges facing the world today are an excess demand for commodities and an excess supply of financial services ?

  15. 但全球经济现在最重要的问题是,支撑赤字国过度需求的由信贷推动的家庭借款已经骤停。

    But the biggest point about the world economy today is that the credit-fuelled household borrowing that supported the excess demand in deficit countries has come to a sudden stop .

  16. 在那种情况下,主要的金融过度需求是优质资产:你可以存放自己财富、并相信其不会蒸发的安全金融资产。

    Then the key financial excess demand is for high-quality assets : safe financial places in which you can park your wealth and still be confident it will be there when you return .

  17. 这一消息公布之际,适逢一些经济学家对这些措施的效力提出了质疑,怀疑它们能否推动中国进入可持续增长的轨道,减轻依赖西方对廉价中国出口的过度需求。

    The news comes as some economists question the efficacy of these measures in putting the country on a sustainable growth path that relies less on overstretched western demand for cheap Chinese exports .

  18. 为了应对市场对安全性和流动性的过度需求,银行业体系开始利用自身的能力,将风险资产设计改造成安全资产,以解决安全资产匮乏的问题。

    In response to this excess demand for safety and liquidity , the banking system began exploiting its ability to engineer risk-free assets from risky assets to keep pace with the safe asset shortage .

  19. 基于埃斯特尔·詹姆斯的划分,私立学校是对过度需求、差异需求以及非营利组织大量出现的回应。

    Drawing on the typology of Estelle James , private school enrollments can be a response to excess demand for school places ; a differentiated demand for school places ; and a large presence .

  20. 但经济学家表示,推动通胀上扬的根本因素,是通过贸易盈余和其它途径涌入中国的巨额资金所创造的过度需求,以及货币在经济领域的流通速度过快。

    But economists say the underlying driver of inflation is the excess demand created by the huge flow of funds into China through the trade surplus and other avenues , as well as the velocity at which money circulates in the economy .

  21. 随着西部大开发的推进,由于人类对地质资源的过度需求和不合理的开发活动,造成人类工程建设与地质环境之间的矛盾将会日益尖锐,各种环境地质问题将更趋严重。

    With the promotion of the west development , the contradiction between the construction of human and the geological environment will be increasingly sharp-pointed , and all kinds of environmental geological problems will tend to more serious because of excessive demand of geological resources and unreasonable exploitation .

  22. 对特需住院患者过度医疗需求行为的护理干预

    Effect of Nursing Intervention on Excessive Medical Demand Behaviors of Special Inpatients

  23. 首先,它是必要的控制过度的需求,而且也是为了确保有效供给。

    First , it is necessary to control excessive demand , but also to ensure the effective supply .

  24. 实际上,考恩认为,美国人从公共和个人角度而言都制造出了过度的需求,超出了自己的承受范围。

    In effect , he believes that Americans have made demands , both collectively and individually , that they could not afford .

  25. 此外,由于医疗保险市场存在道德风险和第三方付费制度,出现了过度医疗需求,导致了医疗费用的上涨。

    In addition , there have been excessive medical needs , leading to rising medical costs , due to the " moral hazard " and third-party payment system in medical insurance market .

  26. 他们给白宫安上了一系列罪名,其中包括:希望让国家破产,破坏美国人的生活方式,以及引入死亡专家组(DeathPanels)以减少老年人过度的医疗需求。

    They accuse the White House of wishing , among other things , to bankrupt the nation , destroy the American way of life and bring in death panels to mitigate the excessive healthcare demands of the elderly .

  27. 但是到底什么是过度的金融需求?

    But what is the financial excess demand , exactly ?

  28. 地方政府之间的经济增长指标竞争导致对公用基础设施过度的投资需求。

    Local government competition in indices of economic growth results in over-investment in infrastructure .

  29. 该公司表示,供应过度和客户需求不断下降已经导致芯片售价“明显低于制造成本”。

    It said oversupply and declining customer demand had driven selling prices " significantly below manufacturing costs " .

  30. 抑制房地产泡沫的产生首先要避免过度的投机需求,并通过有效的政策,实现房地产市场供给和需求的平衡;

    To avoid the wreckage of real estate bubble is to abstain demand of speculation and keep the balance of the supply and demand in real estate by efficiency government policy .