
  • 网络superheater tube
  1. 电站锅炉过热管异种钢焊接性研究

    Research on Weldability of Dissimilar Steel of Power Station Boiler Super-heater Tubes

  2. 快锅过热管承插焊管座的镗削加工

    Boring of Socket Joint Base of Welded Tubes for the Super Heather of Fast Boiler

  3. 锅炉过热管爆管与水垢

    Crack of Boiler Superheater-Pipe and Water Scales

  4. 高负荷运行下的焦化加热炉,由于局部炉管过热引起管内结焦是一个普遍性的问题。

    Under the heavy duty operation , the internal coking of tube caused by local tube over heating is an universal problems for delayed coking furnace .

  5. 针对锅炉过热器管在运行中常见的过热爆管问题,从原理及运行工况的角度进行分析,并提出了有效的隐患整改措施,保证了锅炉的正常运行。

    Be aimed to the often-speared problem of pipe blast of boiler superheater in operation , the principle and operation situation are analyzed , some suggestions for hidden risk control are presented and safety operation of boiler is received .

  6. 苯乙烯蒸汽过热炉炉管缺陷的分析与探讨

    The analysis and discussion of pipe defect for Styrene Steam Superheater

  7. 蒸汽过热炉爆管原因及改造

    Reasons for tube blasting of steam superheater and Its Revamp

  8. 某石化公司苯乙烯装置蒸汽过热炉过热器管在中压汽包加碱煮炉过程中多处发生断裂。

    A steam super heater furnace had been built in a Petrochemical plant .

  9. 蒸汽过热炉炉管稳定性安全分析

    Safety Analysis of the Stability of the Tubes of a Steam Gas Superheated Furnace

  10. 常减压装置常压炉对流室过热蒸汽炉管的调整

    Adjustment of Superheating Steam Tubes of Convection Chamber in Atmospheric Pressure Furnace of Atmospheric and Vacuum Distillation Unit

  11. 对制氢转化炉对流室过热段炉管试运行中发生的破裂性质及原因进行了试验分析。

    Material test and rupture analysis of the converter tubes in the superheat stage of convection cell were carried out .

  12. 通过对蒸汽过热炉爆管原因进行分析,提出一种更能满足生产需要的炉管材料。

    Analyzes reasons for tube blasting of steam superheater and recommends a kind of tube material which can better satisfy production requirements .

  13. 中压汽包接管应力分布的三维有限元分析某石化公司苯乙烯装置蒸汽过热炉过热器管在中压汽包加碱煮炉过程中多处发生断裂。

    3 & D FEM Analysis of Stress Distribution for Connecting Pipe in Mid-pressure Steam Drum A steam super heater furnace had been built in a Petrochemical plant .

  14. 过热蒸汽炉对流管弯头失效分析

    Failure analysis on an elbow of convection pipe in superheated vapor boiler

  15. 2004年四管泄漏问题得到了有效控制,但仍存在一些问题,如由超温过热而引发爆管的次数和焊接缺陷导致的爆管次数仍然很高。

    The four tubes ' leakage problems have been effectively controlled since 2004 , but some problems still exist now , for example , the times of tube bursting arising from overheating and the times of tube bursting arising from welding defects are still very high .