
  • 网络transitional words;transition words;transitional phrases
  1. 信息处理与过渡词

    Information processing and the transitional words

  2. 对英语演讲中使用过渡词的认可情况调查

    An Acceptance Survey of Transitions Employed in English Speeches

  3. 过渡连接词对写作起着非常重要的作用。

    Transitions play an important role in writing .

  4. 汉语信息处理技术的重点已由单个字符处理过渡到词处理和句子处理,过渡的基点是分词,一个统一的分词规范国家标准对于众多信息处理系统之间的兼容性具有不言而喻的重要意义。

    The focal point of techniques in Chinese Information Processing has shifted from single-Character processing to word and sentence processing .

  5. 汉语词汇从以单音词为主过渡到以复音词为主,是汉语发展史上的一个重大变化。

    The Chinese language vocabulary transfers the monosyllabic words first to the disyllabic and polysyllabic words first .