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  1. 研究方法是:1.既有静态描写,又有动态分析。

    The present thesis has both the static description and dynamic analysis .

  2. 文章主要是通过静态描写和动态描写相结合来撰写的。

    This article is mainly combined to the static description and dynamic description .

  3. 现代汉语拟声词系统的静态描写

    A Static Description of Onomatopoeia in Modern Chinese

  4. 采用穷尽性统计、分析比较的方法,对《歧路灯》中把字句的结构类型进行了静态描写,总结出该书中这种句法格式的基本特点。

    (ⅱ): Make a static description of Ba-structure by the means of exhaustive statistics and analysis .

  5. 然而,国内在此方面的研究仍属静态描写而非动态观察。

    However , the domestic studies in this field still belong to static description rather than dynamic observation .

  6. 第三部分就话对的组合类型进行了静态描写。

    In the third part , the author makes a static description of the combination types of Conversational pair ?

  7. 第四章指出汉代诗赋中所述婚恋多是单向性的,以静态描写和作者内心独白为主。

    The fourth chapter points out that the Dan Dynasty poetry and Rhapsody described marriage and love is one-way , in the main with static description and the author inner monologue .

  8. 但是,值得指出,这些研究多集中于对脑筋急转弯形式及内容的客观观察和静态描写,均不能有效揭示英语脑筋急转弯的内在机制。

    But , these researches mainly focus on the objective observation and static description of the form and content of the conundrum , which cannot provide full explanations for the internal mechanism of conundrums .

  9. 再运用将静态描写与历时比较相结合的方法,对书中的反义词语进行深入的分析研究,试图从中总结出代表其所处时代的词汇及词汇系统的特点。

    Further more using the method of combining static description and diachronic comparison , the antonyms in the book are deeply researched , try to find out the characteristics terminology and terminological system , which can represent the epoch .

  10. 静态描写和动态历时分析的有机结合,使我们对魏晋核心词有了更深入的了解。(3)计算机辅助研究和手工甄别相结合。

    The combination of the static description and the diachronic analyse brought out a way to understand the kernel words that time more deeply . ( 3 ) The combination of the Computer-assisted method and the manual discrimination method .

  11. 第三章双重意义修辞的建构和接受过程,主要从言语施为者和接受者两个不同的角度,研究双重意义修辞的动态运作过程,和第二章的静态描写、剖析相得益彰。

    In Chapter three , mainly from the different aspects of speaker and hearer , the dynamic manipulation process of the rhetoric of double meanings is researched , which brings out the best in each with Chapter two , the static description .

  12. 文章着重分析了《一块牛排》在四个层次上展现出来的文本张力:白描和阐述之间的静态描写、对话和行动之间的动态描写、情节冲突的张力和象征等。

    This article analyzes the four levels of tension created in the characterization of A Piece of Steak : static characterization of dramatization and exposition , dynamic characterization of dialogue and action , and tension as is expressed in conflicts and symbolic descriptions .

  13. 文章除了对成都话的疑问词和疑问句两大系统进行了详尽的静态描写之外,还同普通话的相关对应项作了比较。

    In the paper , the author not only makes a static description of both word system and sentence system of interrogative category in detail , but also does a comparative study on the differences and similarities of interrogative category between Chengdu dialect and Mandarin .

  14. 通过这种共时层面的研究,可以为不同地域之间的语音比较以及语音地域性演变模式的拟测提供依据,从而使这种共时平面的静态描写成为一种语音演变发展的动态分析。

    We could make some drafted measure of the phonetic compare and evolvement mode among different areas which offer some gist to the measure through such investigation contemporarily . So we can change the static depiction on the contemporary planar into a dynamic analysis about the phonetic evolvement and development .

  15. 偶有涉及,一般也限于就二人对话的静态结构进行描写,而忽视对二人或多人会话时的动态转换形式进行描写;

    When the study is occasionally conducted , generally only the static structure of a conversation between two persons is described , with the dynamic transformation of two or more persons being ignored .

  16. 主观位移句中,位移动词用在对静态空间场景的描写上。

    In a subjective motion expression ( SME ), a motion verb is used to describe an inherently static scene .