
jìng zhì
  • stewing
静置[jìng zhì]
  1. 川芎等药材的醇沉以水提液浓缩至相对密度为1.00~1.10(60℃),加乙醇使含醇量达60%,静置24h为最佳工艺。

    The solution of water-extraction of Rhizoma Chuanxiong and others was concentrated to a relative density of 1.00 ~ 1.10 ( 60 ℃) and then precipitated by alcohol at the concentration of 60 % , then stewing 24 hours .

  2. 结果:最佳提取工艺为提取时间2h、1.5h,加水8倍量,提取2次,水溶液浓缩至相对密度1.10,加乙醇至含醇量为70%,静置24h。

    Results : The best condition is twice extraction by 2h or 1.5h , to add octuple water . Then the water solution was concentrated to relative concentration 1.10 , and adds ethanol to 70 % alcohol Concentration , then stewing 24h .

  3. 这种威士忌是在1926年通过蒸馏提取的,尔后静置到1987年才酿熟。

    The whisky had been distilled in 1926 and sat quietly maturing until 1987

  4. 食物出炉后都应该静置一会。在此期间,中心部分还在继续加热。

    When food comes out of any oven , it should stand a while . During this delay the centre carries on cooking

  5. "煮三杯水,加入混合物,慢火煮三分钟,熄火,静置五分钟。"

    " Bring three cups of water to boil , add mix , simmer three minutes , remove from heat , let stand five minutes . "

  6. 鸡肉加入腌料,静置10分钟左右

    Place the chicken dices in the marinade for 10 minutes .

  7. 基于BP神经网络预测静置电池的剩余电量

    Estimation of resting batteries ' remaining capacity based on BP neural networks

  8. 样本处理后静置时间对HBV-DNA荧光定量PCR的影响

    Effects of Standing Time for Disposed Samples on HBV-DNA Fluorescent Quantitative PCR

  9. 比较了PPy/V2O5及PPy/VXG复合材料的电化学性能,PPy/VXG较PPy/V2O5容量有所下降,但循环性能得到提高,且开路电压的静置稳定性较好。

    The electrochemical performances of PPy / V_2O_5 and PPy / VXG were compared .

  10. 利用微量过饱和静置法,在柠檬酸缓冲液中培养出可供X射线结构分析用的去B链N端二肽(B(1-2))猪胰岛素单晶。

    Des-B1-2 Pig insulin single crystals suitable for X-ray structural analy-is have been grown by the still-setting method in a buffer containing citrate .

  11. 发现在26℃斜面静置培养12天后可产生ST。

    ST production was detected on slant of such media at 26 ℃ for 12-day stationary cultivation .

  12. 结果表明:进料液的静置时间为3h时,Zn2+在SDS胶团上的吸附达到平衡状态。

    The Zn2 + adsorption to SDS micelle reached equilibrium after 3h .

  13. 美国马里兰大学(UniversityofMaryland)的工作台上静置着首个大爆炸台式模型。

    University of Maryland ( Maryland ) leads on the work of the rest for the first big explosion desktop model .

  14. 采用体外静置BF模型,分为空白对照组、EM组和CA组。

    Constructed the static BF model in vitro , and divided them into control group , EM group and CA group .

  15. 最适宜的条件为加热温度60~80℃,静置时间不少于1h。

    Optimum conditions include heating temperature 60 ' - 80'C and standstill time no less than 1 h.

  16. 以3倍体积的95%工业乙醇沉淀该水溶性多糖并静置2h的效果较好。

    The polysaccharides were precipitated with 3 times volume of 95 % ethanol for 2h .

  17. 31℃静置培养72h,期间在为24h翻曲1次,果胶酶活力达2418IU/g(干曲)。

    The pectinases activity reached 2 418 IU / g dry medium at 31 ℃ for 72 h.

  18. 通过静置法、离心法和调节pH值等物理法和化学法处理牛乳,结果以静置法,即:4℃放置24h后去上层脂肪最为方便、实用。

    The result indicated that static method is the most convenient and practical which cream layer was removed after laying milk in refrigerator for 24h at 4 ?

  19. 以亮蓝染料作为模型化合物,对不同亮蓝染料浓度、静置吸附时间、金属担载量、溶液pH值等条件下金属/硅藻土的吸附性能进行了研究。

    Was used as a model compound . The effects of Brilliant blue dye concentration , time , metal loading and pH value of the wastewater on adsorptive behavior of metal / diatomite were investigated .

  20. 应用Stokes公式模拟了夹杂物沉降距离与静置时间的关系,分析了影响夹杂物沉降速度的因素。

    The relationship between deposition distance and time is simulated by Stokes equation . The influence factors of deposition velocity of inclusion are analyzed .

  21. 通过人工神经网络(ANN)方法预测了火灾后考虑不同受火温度、静置时间、冷却及冷却后的养护方式三种影响因素的混凝土抗压强度;

    Concrete compression strength was predicted by Artificial Neural Network ( ANN ) considered three factors , such as temperature , standing time and cooling and curing process after cool .

  22. 实验并分析了静置培养和振荡培养2种培养方式处理下,桑种子萌发状态及萌发过程中内源激素含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的变化。

    After that , we observed seed germination and measured variations of endogenous phytohormone content and SOD ( superoxide dismutase ) activity during germination of the seeds under static and shaking cultural conditions .

  23. 亚丙脒在室温下的静置时间为9h。

    Standing reaction time 9 hours at room temperature .

  24. 用盐酸溶液调节滤液的pH值至3,室温下静置30min,使粗木质素沉降下来;

    The pH value of the filtrate was adjusted to 3 with HCl aqueous solution , and at room temperature the crude lignin could be deposited after 30 min.

  25. 对EDTA容量法测定水中硫酸根时,对加入沉淀剂后样品静置时间对测定结果的影响进行了研究。

    This paper discusses the effects of sample resting when precipitating agent is added on experiment results by using EDTA volumetric method for the determination of SO2-4 in water .

  26. 采用7d静置法和土壤培养试验,对聚合物包膜控释肥料养分释放动态进行了研究。

    Seven day no shaking method and soil incubation experiment were used to study the nutrient release dynamics of polymer coated released fertilizers .

  27. 适宜的发酵方式为先130r/min振荡培养10h,后静置培养10d。

    The optimum fermentation condition was : first shaking culture for 10 hours , and then static cultivation for 10 days .

  28. 最终得到智力胶囊大黄素的最佳提取工艺为:加10倍量水、提取4h、醇沉浓度为70%,药醇液静置48h。

    The optimized extraction procedure was as follows : 10 times of water , extracted for 4 hours , 70 % alcohol , stayed for 48 hours .

  29. 然后加SE缓冲液混匀,转入10mL离心管静置10min;

    Then SE buffer was added into mortal , mixed well and transferred to 10 mL centrifuge tube . The tube was placed stably for 10 min.

  30. 利用该水溶液,添加适量氢氧化铝,经过搅拌溶解反应、室温静置、100℃水浴中晶化等步骤,最后合成了P型分子筛,并对合成的P型分子筛稳定性进行了研究。

    Adding just the right amount aluminium hydroxide to this solution , then dissolve reaction by whisking , placing at room temperature and crystallizing at 100 ℃ water bath , Zeolite sieve P is synthesized . Study on stablity of Zeolite sieve P is also carried out in this article .