
  • 网络over learning;overlearning;overfitting
  1. 普通高校学生公共英语过度学习焦虑成因及消除策略

    The Reason and Elimination Strategies on Non-English-Major Students ' Over-study-anxiety in Universities

  2. 复述策略主要包括排除干扰、及时复习、过度学习等策略。

    Repetition strategy mainly includes elimination of interference timely revision over learning and so on .

  3. 因而要改进教学测验,调整教学导向,以降低过度学习的影响。

    Therefore we should change the teaching examination , adjust teaching direction so as to reduce the effect of over studying .

  4. 过度学习是利还是弊,不同的人有不同的看法,只要在学习中能够得到快乐就是对的。

    Is over-studying good or bad ? The perspectives can vary from person to person . It 's good as long as you enjoy it .

  5. 当前初中教学问题集中体现在简单以应试训练替代本质学习的“过度学习”现象的泛滥。

    At present , the problem that over studying resulted from simply using exam-oriented training to replace real study in junior middle schools is becoming more and more serious .

  6. 努力降低过度学习的影响&初中教学测验的命制策略与教学导向希特勒遇到了苏联制其死命的策略。

    Making Effort to Reduce the Effect of Over Studying & The Strategy of Designing Examinations and Teaching Direction in Junior Middle Schools ; Hitler came up against the Soviet tactics which sealed his fate .

  7. FOK研究中一种新的标准测验&过度重复学习

    A new FOK criterion test : over-relearning

  8. 结论:单胺类神经递质代谢异常可能是导致ADHD患儿注意力不能集中、活动过度、学习困难的原因之一。

    Conclusion : Abnormity of catecholaminergic neurotransmitters metabolism might lead to scatterbrain , hyperactivity , and difficult studying in patients with ADHD .

  9. 学习倦怠是学生在学习过程中由于过度的学习压力而产生的情感、态度和身体上的一系列负面反应。

    Student burnout is a negative affect , attitude and behaviour symptom under excess stress in process of studying .

  10. 学生过度的学习压力限制了学生对闲暇知识与技能的掌握。

    The leisure knowledge and skills which the middle school students especially urban ones should master are limited by the excessive pressure in study .

  11. 过度注重学生学习结果等。

    Overly pay attention to students ' learning results , and so on .

  12. 语言的迁移过程,由训练造成的迁移过程,过度概括,学习策略与交际策略可以看作是僵化产生的心理学基础。

    L1 transfer , Training transfer , Learning strategies and communication strategies can be regarded as the psychological basis for fossilization .

  13. 过度的内源性学习焦虑及附着于学习活动的外源性焦虑,不仅会导致学生产生多种焦虑倾向,甚至会导致心理异常或心理障碍。

    Excessively intrinsic and extrinsic anxiety attached to learning activity may cause not only various anxious tendencies , but also abnormal mentality .

  14. 造成偏误的原因主要是母语负迁移、目的语过度泛化、学习态度、学习环境、教学误导这几个方面。

    The main reasons for errors are transfer of mother tongue , the generalization of target language , learning attitudes and learning environments , misleading of teaching .

  15. 焦虑是影响外语学习的重要情感因素之一,过度焦虑会给学习者极其行为表现带来负面影响。

    Anxiety is one of the important affective factors that influence foreign language learning . Over anxiety could bring negative effects to language learners and their performances in class .