
  • 网络Filter;Filter Machine
  1. 苛化用新型CD压力式圆盘过滤机

    The operation experience of a new type CD - filter in causticization

  2. 基于ANSYS的陶瓷过滤机真空转筒的强度分析

    Strength Analysis of Ceramic Filter 's Rotary Vacuum Based on ANSYS

  3. P系列新型陶瓷过滤机在铁精矿过滤的应用实践

    Application Practice of P series New Type Ceramic Filters in Iron Concentrate Filtering

  4. PLC机水平带式真空过滤机自动控制

    Automatie Control with PLC in Level Vacuum Filtrator

  5. 基于ANSYS的陶瓷过滤机主轴电机斜撑支架的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis on Bracing Bracket of Spindle Motor in Ceramic Filter Based on ANSYS

  6. 天津PTA装置TA单元过滤机运行状况分析

    Running condition analysis of TA unit filter in Tianjin PTA plant

  7. PL型多圆盘过滤机的设计开发和运行实践

    Development and Operation of PL Type Multi - Disc Filter

  8. PTA装置精制过滤机运行的影响因素及对策

    Influence factors and countermeasures of refined filter running in PTA plant

  9. TT型特种(陶瓷)过滤机的研究与应用

    Study and application of TT special ( porcelain ) filter

  10. 国产真空过滤机在PTA装置中的应用

    Application of vaccum filter made in China to PTA plant

  11. DI型移动室带式真空过滤机气控系统故障分析及处理

    Fault Analysis and Treatment of Air-Control System for DI Vacuum Belt Filter with Movable Cavity

  12. PTA装置真空过滤机系统的模拟计算

    Simulation on PTA Vacuum Filters System

  13. PBF型带式真空过滤机在TA残渣脱水中的应用

    Application of PBF Belt Vacuum Filter in TA Residue Dewatering

  14. 结果表明:陶瓷过滤机生产能力达500~2000kg/m2·h,滤饼水分小于10%。

    Result shows the capacity of ceramic filter is up to 500 ~ 2 000 kg / m 2 · h and the moisture in cake is less than 10 % .

  15. 对PG型加压过滤机过滤轴及分配阀的结构进行了分析,并对其几个主要参数进行确定及结构设计。

    Analysis is made of the filter axle and structure of the distribution valve of the PG pressure filter .

  16. PVF精密滤材及新型YG系列油过滤机

    PVF fine filter material and new YG series oil filter

  17. 介绍了板框过滤机的工艺操作流程,结合过滤机的特点,采用分散控制的思想并用PLC实现板框过滤机的联动控制。

    According to the technologic process of the filter and the characteristics of the filter , interconnected control of the filter has been realized by way of distributed control and the Programmable logical controller ( PLC ) technology .

  18. 转鼓式真空过滤机为PTA生产工艺中的重要设备之一,但其在工业应用中存在过滤效率较低,能耗较大的问题。

    Rotary vacuum filter is one of the most important facilities in PTA production , but it has low filtration efficiency and large energy consumption in industrial application .

  19. 介绍了该厂PTA装置精制单元应用国产真空过滤机,改造原有的常压离心机后的生产状况。

    The application of vaccum filter made in China to refining unit in PTA plant , the production conditions after modifying the original normal pressure centrifuge were introduced .

  20. 由此,提出工业REY分子筛在带式过滤机上生产的优化工艺方案。

    Finally , the optimum process scheme to prepare zeolites REY on the belt filter was brought up .

  21. 介绍了HTG型陶瓷真空过滤机的机理、构成,以及在矿山精矿脱水中的应用及发展。

    The mechanism , composition , application in concentrate dewatering and development of HTG ceramic vacumm filter are described .

  22. 在化学品氧化铝4A沸石生产中针对分离、洗涤设备,初次选用移动盘式真空带式过滤机获得成功。本文对其结构特点和使用效果进行了阐述。

    The removable vacuum belt filters were selected as separators and washers in production of 4A zeolite for the first time , and the result was good .

  23. 最后,在有限元分析软件ANSYS中建立陶瓷过滤机支撑机架的有限元模型,对其进行静力分析,并利用ANSYS的优化模块对支撑机架进行优化设计。

    Lastly , finite element model of the supporting stand in ceramic filter is built in ANSYS , the finite element analysis software , to conduct static analysis and optimize the design of the supporting stand by ANSYS optimization module .

  24. 本文介绍的新型MG-1硅藻土过滤机是在原有棉饼过滤机的基础上,经加工改造而成。

    This article will introduce a new MG-1 diatomite filter based on a cotton cake filter .

  25. 中国各大氧化铝厂在氧化铝生产中先后从法国DORR公司引进了平盘过滤机,用于成品AH的分离洗涤。

    Flat Disk-Type filters introduced from French Dorr Co. have subsequently used for solid-liquid separation and washing of filtered aluminium hydroxide product in domestic large alumina factories .

  26. 基于改进的传统过滤理论及逐层分析法,建立了转鼓真空过滤机的计算机设计模型。采用FORTRAN语言开发了用于该机设计的计算机程序。

    On basis of improved traditional filtering theory and layer by layer analysis method , computer design model of rotary drum vacuum filter is founded and computer design program is made with FORTRAN language .

  27. ZPG系列盘式真空过滤机的研制与应用

    Research and Application on ZPG Series Disk Vacuum Filter

  28. 优选合适的凝聚剂和控制适宜加入量来改善分子筛过滤效果,提高NaY分子筛的过滤速率,扩大带式过滤机的生产能力。

    Through selecting suitable agglomerator and controlling its proportion to improve the filtering effect of zeolite , enhance the filtering rate of NaY zeolite and increase the productivity of belt filter .

  29. PGP型号过滤机内部的过滤介质或是一块水平过滤板,或是水平过滤板与其他形状的过滤介质组合而成的组合板。

    The filter medium inside PGP type filter is a level filter plate , or a combination plate made up of the level filter plate and filter media of other shape .

  30. 利用GPJ-96加压过滤机处理原生煤泥的应用

    The application of the pressure filter ( GPJ-96 ) to deal with primitive slime