
zī jīn shì chǎnɡ
  • capital market
  1. 中国信贷资金市场巨额存差分析

    Analysis of China 's Capital Market Deposit Overplus Credit Cycles

  2. 比如房地产市场、外汇市场、劳动力市场、短期资金市场等。

    For example , the real estate market , foreign exchange market , the labor market , short-term capital market .

  3. 对美国资金市场的投资扶持了美元。

    Investments in the U.S. money market have propped up the American dollar

  4. 金融市场主要包括长期资本市场与短期资金市场。

    Financial market mainly includes capital market and money market .

  5. 推动财政投资信用资金市场化配置所必须解决的问题

    Problems in market allocation of financial investment and credit capital

  6. 货币市场是指一年期以内的短期资金市场。

    Money market means short-term fund market in one year .

  7. 论我国农村资金市场的改革与发展

    On the Reform and the Development of the Chinese Rural Area 's Fund Market

  8. 资金市场变化中的形式和作用

    Capital Markets : Changing Forms and Functions

  9. 垄断抑或竞争&对贫困地区农村资金市场的初步分析

    Monopoly or Competition ? & An Preliminary Analysis of Rural Capital Market in Poverty-stricken Areas

  10. 税收对土地市场和资金市场等领域的调节,远远没有到位。

    Regulation through taxation for land , capital and other markets is far from being well established .

  11. 首先是在短期资金市场上,银行不得不借那些放贷时间总是更短的资金。

    The first is that in short-term funding markets banks are having to borrow for ever shorter periods .

  12. 建立并发展长期资金市场,包括建立完全信用形式的投资银行;

    Set up and develop the long-term fund market , including the investment bank totally in the form of credit ;

  13. 财政资金市场化是指部分财政资金通过金融市场筹集和运用的改革过程。

    Marketization allocation means the process that some fiscal fund is collected through financial markets and applied by means of financial market .

  14. 我国资金市场主导利率是官方利率,国债发行利率是其从属利率。

    In China the leading interest rate of financial market is official rate with the interest rate of national debt as a subordinate one .

  15. 国内游资的流动能够增加资金市场的投机程度,造成投资者的盲目投资并且扰乱市场的正常运行秩序等,因此我国需对国内游资问题引起足够的重视。

    The flowing domestic hot money may increase speculation of capital market and haphazard investment of investors and also may disturb the normal market order .

  16. 信中写道,目前有一些令人忧虑的崩溃迹象,包括国际银行业务收缩、以及跨境放贷和资金市场的缩水。

    There are worrying signs of fragmentation , including retrenchment in international banking , reductions in cross-border lending and in funding markets , it said .

  17. 资本市场是金融市场的核心,其发展水平在很大程度上决定了资金市场的发展水平,决定了金融市场的发达程度。

    As the core of the financial market , the development of the capital market to a great extent decides the development of the financial market .

  18. 自2003年末华安、博时、招商三家短期资金市场投资基金面世以来,我国货币市场基金在较短的时间内取得了不俗的成绩。

    Since the government ratified three money market funds at the end of 2003 , money market funds have made a success in a short period .

  19. 在市场体系问题上,文章分别论述了报业的发行市场、广告市场、资金市场、资产市场的建立与运行机制上亟待解决的一些问题。

    The focus of the article are on these subjects : property right and market systems & distribution market , advertisement market , fund market and property market .

  20. 但是,这份名单并不意味着这些企业可进入资金市场,申请者仍需得到证监会的批准。

    However , the list may not necessarily grant the companies access to the capital market , as the applications were still subject to approval of the commission .

  21. 改革开放以后,尤其是实行社会主义市场经济体制和现代企业制度以后,企业管理的环境如资金市场等因素发生了根本性的改变。

    After reform and opening up , especially the socialist market economic system and modern enterprise system after the business management environment and other factors such as capital market has undergone fundamental changes .

  22. 而信贷约束程度能反映资金市场的供求状况,从而能够较好的反映资金价格的变动。

    However , the degree of credit constraints could reflect the supply and demand situation of the capital market , and thus be able to better reflect the changes in the prices of funds .

  23. 作为资金市场价格的利率,实际上是由中央银行代表国家来制定并加以调整的统一利率。

    As the price of the fund market , actually , interest rate is a kind of unified interest rate which is formulated and adjusted by Central Bank according to the demand of our country .

  24. 为适应金融全球化和本国资金市场进一步开放的趋势,马来西亚政府对本国金融业进行了大刀阔斧的改革并取得实质性的进展。

    Malaysia has carried out drastic reform in domestic finance in order to adapt to the financial globalization and the increasingly opening trends in domestic financial market , in which it has made substantive progress .

  25. 农村资金市场的特点及我国农村发展的现状呼唤着我国的农村合作金融组织的产生和发展。

    The characteristics of rural capital market and the situation of rural development in China evoke the creating and development of rural cooperation financial organizations , and it is urgent requirement after China entrance into WTO .

  26. 我希望这篇文章将帮助新的投资者,谁刚刚开始与外汇,同时也经历谁贸易交易,并定期进行定期或宽松的资金市场。

    I hope this article will help new traders , who just began to work with Forex , and also to experienced traders who trade regularly and regularly make or loose their money to the market .

  27. 本文就信用社体制的改革、农业银行的发展以及农村资金市场的建立从多方面进行了论述。

    The present article represents an attempt by comprehensive observation to give a general review of the reforms of the credit cooperatives , the enlargement of the agricultural banks and the formation of rural financial markets .

  28. 外部上,加强立法,转变政府对高校的干预方式,建立高校职员市场、资金市场、评价中介市场,发挥社会各界监督作用。

    On the external side , we should enforce the legislation , transform the intervene style of the government to the colleges and universities , built the personnel marked , capital market , evaluating agency market and the supervising role of the society .

  29. 在日本模式和台湾模式中,为方便政府对信用交易的监管,设立了证券金融公司,它起着联结资本市场和资金市场的作用。

    In the patterns of Japan or Taiwan , securities finance companies which have played a role in linking the capital markets and fund markets together , are set up in order to make it more convenient for the authorities to supervise Margin Requirement .

  30. 怎样借鉴国外先进的管理经验,加强我国商业银行资金市场风险管理管理工作?这些努力对商业银行开展市场风险管理有何帮助?

    In that way , what kind of market risks our commercial banks face , what present situation of the management on market risks of commercial banks , how developed market risk management experiences can help strengthening our commercial banks ' market risk management .