
  1. 其次,他把在政治经济这个名词下所包含的内容归纳到一种学说,这种学说显然是世界主义性质的;

    Secondly , that he attributes the name political economy to a doctrine which is evidently of cosmopolitical nature ;

  2. 罗虚代尔合作原则几乎是合作经济的代名词。

    The Rochdale cooperation principle is almost the representative of cooperative economy .

  3. 一度成了经济危机代名词的拉美,现已成为新兴市场投资者的热捧对象。

    A continent that was once synonymous with the words economic crisis has become the toast of emerging market investors .

  4. 从20世纪70、80年代开始,服务经济这一名词日益渗透到我们的生活当中,传统的制造业与服务业之间的隔阂也逐渐被消除。

    From 1970-80s , the term " service economy " is increasingly permeating our life , the traditional gap between manufacturing and service industries have gradually been eliminated .

  5. 论科技德语的一种经济性文体&名词体

    An Economical Form of Writing in Sci tech German & Noun Form

  6. 自从我国依法治国理念提出以来,社会主义法制得以日趋完备,法治经济成为市场经济的代名词,法律已渗透到社会生活的方方面面。

    Has managed state affairs according to law the idea since our country to propose , the socialist legal system can be day by day complete , the government by law economy becomes the market economy the pronoun , the law seeped to the social life aspects .

  7. 当今的经济形态多种多样,出现了闲暇经济、旅游经济、银发经济、健身经济等新名词,也出现了体验经济这个备受关注的话题。

    Nowadays , there are various kinds of economic types as the rise of new economy types like leisure economy , tourism economy , senior economy , health economy and so on . At the same time , topic about the experience economy has become a major concern .