
  • 网络App;Apps;Windows Mobile;Software
  1. 据报道,法国的APP开发商则坚持认为这款手机软件只是为了娱乐。

    The French developer of the app , according to reports , insists that the concept is a humorous one .

  2. VLC已设计了一款智能手机软件,两部iPhone能用此软件以低速传输数据。

    VLC has already produced a smartphone app which allows low-speed data transmission between a pair of iPhones .

  3. 他的创造力在诸如iPod,iphone和iPad这样的产品中可见一斑,以及在对音乐和在线手机软件进行定价和推销的新商业模式中得以体现。

    His creative force is seen in products such as the iPod , iPhone , and iPad , and in new business models for pricing and distributing music and mobile software online .

  4. 基于Linux的智能手机软件平台

    Platform of smart phone based on Linux

  5. windows7这种产品就要好得多,windowsphone7亦是如此这是微软试图与苹果争锋的一款手机软件。

    Windows 7 is a much better product as is Windows Phone 7 , its attempt to match apple in mobile software .

  6. 与此同时,Android软件也尚未赢得大型手机软件开发商的普遍支持。

    Meanwhile , the Android software has yet to win broad support from large mobile-software developers .

  7. 基于J2ME的Java手机软件&足球彩票手机投注系统的设计与实现

    Java Mobile Phone Software Based on J2ME & design and implementation of football lottery mobile phone betting system

  8. OO运行支撑技术在PDA手机软件平台中的应用

    Application of OO Runtime-supporting Techniques in PDA Software Platform

  9. 介绍了手机软件开发的应用BREW平台。

    The BREW platform used in the mobile software development is introduced .

  10. 通过图形化建模工具,给出了UMLprofile技术在智能手机软件生产线中具体的可变性建模应用实现。

    Through the graphical modeling tool , this paper achieves the modeling variability for the UML Profile technology under the environment of smart phone softwares .

  11. BREW平台上的手机软件开发

    Mobile Software Development on the BREW Platform

  12. 传统的手机软件不能满足这种需求,而J2ME平台由于自身特有的优势,如今已经成为手机应用程序开发的主流平台。

    Whereas , the traditional mobile software has lots of defects , the platform of J2ME become popular with its excellence .

  13. 这次争端围绕的是Uber的低端产品UberPop,该产品将司机与乘客通过智能手机软件相连接。

    The dispute concerns Uber 's low-cost UberPop product , which connects drivers with customers through a smartphone application .

  14. 不管怎样这都是一个俗套、却不十分有用的比喻。生态系统和DNA一样,比喻时应该观察一些基本、自然的东西,可手机软件绝对是非自然的产物。

    It is anyway a tired and not especially useful metaphor which , like DNA , is supposed to glance at something elemental and natural , whereas mobile phone software is surely as unnatural as it comes .

  15. 随着移动通信技术和手机软件市场的高速发展,Android智能手机功能也越来越强大,手机管理面临着新的挑战。

    As mobile communication technology and the rapid development of mobile software market , Android smart phone features more powerful , phone management is also facing new challenges .

  16. 中国手机软件技术联盟(CMSL)制定的手机软件平台API标准为嵌入式GUI系统的标准化提供了依据。

    Until now The China Mobile Software League ( CMSL ) stipulated the " Standard API of Mobile Software Platform " .

  17. 当时微软的财务总监彼得•克莱因也对Skype的成就多有耳闻,于是在今年四月与德班进行了接洽。微软的手机软件业务还处在襁褓阶段,正是四处物色强援的时候。

    Peter Klein , Microsoft 's chief financial officer , had been hearing the chatter and reached out to Durban in April .

  18. 作者将基于J2ME的Java手机软件这一思路与国内新兴行业枣足球彩票行业相结合,研发了足球彩票手机投注系统。

    The author combines the idea of Java mobile phone software based on J2ME with newly rising football lottery industry of China , develop the football lottery betting system in Mobile Phone .

  19. 本文根据现代化校园和无线网络的发展需求,设计了基于J2ME的Java手机软件&学生成绩查询系统。

    Along with the development of modern campus and wireless network , this paper introduced a Java software of cellular phone based on J2ME & the searching system of student 's result .

  20. 我在iPhone里安装TripIt(一款手机软件,中文名叫“旅行助手”)保存我所有的行程信息。

    I use TripIt to keep all my itinerary info in one place on my iPhone . 10 .

  21. 谷歌的购物工具谷歌shopper是一个便利多多的绿色小手机软件。

    Google has a shopping utility called Google Shopper that combines a number of convenient features in one clean little mobile app .

  22. Periscope是一款智能手机软件,用户可以使用视频功能记录生活中发生的点滴。

    Periscope , an app for smartphones , uses a video function to allow users to stream events live .

  23. 这家互联网巨头发布了名为AndroidWear的安卓移动软件。按照其一贯策略,这个软件可以用于其他公司制造的智能手表。凭借这类策略,谷歌技术也主导了智能手机软件平台。

    The internet search giant released a version of its Android mobile software designed to work on watches made by other companies - replicating the strategy it used to make its technology the dominant software platform for smartphones .

  24. 法庭文件显示,乔布斯写道,我听说,谷歌手机软件新团队正在连续不断地从我们的iPod团队挖人。

    I am told that Googles new cellphone software group is relentlessly recruiting in our iPod group , Mr. Jobs wrote , according to the court documents .

  25. 还有一个原因让谷歌对Siri感到忧心忡忡:这是目前最贴近大众消费市场的一款手机软件。

    Google has another reason to be worried about Siri : It 's the closest thing we have to a mass-market phone app .

  26. 目的是从研究考生志愿填报系统的安全性入手,使得系统的安全得到加强,从而Java手机软件在考生志愿填报系统中得到更大的普及。

    The purpose is from the study of the securities of the voluntary reporting system to discuss how to make the security of the system strengthened , thus to make Java mobile phone software be more popular in candidates voluntary reporting systems .

  27. 京晶:是的,我有NPROne的手机软件,下次我听节目的时候也听听Indicator.马克:好,可别错过北京外语广播的节目哦。

    Yeah , I have the NPR One app on my phone . I 'll tune in to the Indicator next time I 'm listening . Mark : OK , don 't miss anything at Beijing Radio International , though .

  28. 本文研究的核心是基于SACCO操作者角度如何优化手机软件定制的处理流程。

    The core of this paper is how to optimize phone software customization process based on SACCO mobile operator point of view .

  29. 美国国会德州议员约翰科波逊(johnculberson)认为,一款小小的手机软件可能就会在美国国会引起一场革命。

    John culberson , a Texan member of the US Congress , believes a small piece of mobile phone software could help bring about a revolution on Capitol Hill .

  30. 如果三星没有赢得上诉,那么该公司可能必须在年底之前修改其智能手机软件,甚至包括最近推出的手机,例如最新款GalaxyS6。

    If Samsung does not win an appeal , it may have to tweak the software even in recent devices such as its latest Galaxy S6 by the end of the year .