
  • 网络Supported Platforms;platform;SUPPORT PLATFORM
  1. 如果您想得到关于硬件、软件以及支持平台的信息,您可以查看CMServer硬件和软件需求。

    For information about hardware , software , and supported platforms , see CM Server hardware and software requirements .

  2. 所支持平台包括Windows、Linux和OSX。开发人员通过配置他们的IDE可以使用之前安装的Ruby或JRuby版本。

    Supported platforms are Windows , Linux , and OS X.Developers can also configure they IDE to use a previously installed version of Ruby or JRuby .

  3. 基于Web的大学英语自主学习支持平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Web-based College English Self-regulated Learning Supporting Platform

  4. 基于Web的城市污水处理厂决策支持平台研究

    Study of decision support platform based on Web for municipal wastewater treatment plants

  5. JPI:基于纯Java语言的异构并行处理支持平台

    JPI : Pure Java Language Based Heterogeneous Parallel Processing Supporting Platform

  6. 采用Java作为程序设计语言,支持平台无关的分布并行计算。

    It uses Java as programming language , supporting platform independent distributed parallel computing .

  7. 基于Linux的实验室管理及决策支持平台设计及实现

    Design and Realization of Laboratory Management and Decision Support Platform Based on Linux

  8. 对于目标部署服务器,WebSphere产品提供了更为广泛的受支持平台。

    For target deployment servers , WebSphere products have a wider range of supported operating systems .

  9. 采用微型Java虚拟机作为分布式中间件可以为系统调用接口提供一个统一的支持平台。

    The call interface in the system was implemented by embedded Java virtual machine which adopted a real-time garbage collection algorithm .

  10. 本项目力图为WebGIS在地下水资源管理的应用提供专业的技术支持平台,辅助地下水管理专业人员高效便捷地完成WebGIS开发任务。

    This project " Information system of zoning groundwater resources " provided a strong platform for the application of Web GIS in groundwater management .

  11. 并以ASP技术为支持平台,用COM技术封装上述业务逻辑,给出了邮资续费在WEB上的实现方案。

    Then gives out a solution for the realization of postage renewing on the WEB by using ASP and COM .

  12. 决策支持平台是一个动态的系统,它通过网络上分布的可用Web服务的动态创建与集成,实现其决策支持功能,从而具备了上述现代企业所要求的特性。

    Decision station is a dynamic system , which realizes decision support function with Web Services ' dynamic creation and integration , thus possess the morden enterprises ' requirements .

  13. 基于原子单元的PKI通用支持平台的研究

    Research on an Atomic-unit-based General PKI Support Platform

  14. 产品生命周期管理(ProductLifecycleManagement,PLM)作为研发设计的基础平台逐渐成为一个高效数据管理与业务运作支持平台。

    As a fundamental platform for research and design , Product Lifecycle Management has become an efficient data management and business support platform .

  15. 软件方面以源码公开的μC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统为软件的底层支持平台,采用多任务的程序设计思想,通过一个主任务和7个用户任务完成系统各部分的软件功能。

    In the software design , the paper uses μ C / OS-II operation system . There are one main task and seven user tasks make up of the software .

  16. 同时也请查阅BusinessObject的支持平台来检查一下你的开发平台(也就是数据库、操作系统等等)是否被BusinessObjects支持。

    Please also refer to Business Objects'Supported Platforms to check if your development platform ( that is , database , operating system , and so on ) is supported by Business Objects .

  17. 利用GIS技术作为支持平台,把GIS技术应用于地下水采补平衡分析和超采区的演变上,更充分地发挥了GIS技术强大的空间分析功能。

    Using GIS technology as supported platform , the paper analyzed the balance of groundwater between exploitation and replenishment and development of overfull areas with GIS .

  18. 本文在多台PC机构成的分布系统上建立了一个基于多Agent的分布式虚拟装配支持平台,该平台即可以满足虚拟装配的要求,又降低了系统开发的成本。

    This article build the distributed VA platform based on the multi-Agent . This platform using many PC can satisfy the VA the request , and can reduce the system cost .

  19. 基于TransomJack仿真支持平台的维修仿真系统

    Maintenance simulation system based on transom jack

  20. 最后,研究了支持平台的单一映象编程模型、实时QoS的支持、提供主动服务机制、灵活开放的系统结构等技术特点。

    Finally , concludes the technical features such as easy single image programming model , real time QoS services , active service mechanism , flexible configuration .

  21. 数量化录入模型的设计不仅量化了条件组合,而且使形式趋于简单化,适用于以农业专家系统平台PAID为支持平台的多种鲜果的感官品质评定模型设计。

    The design quantizes the combination of conditions , and simplifies the form , which is the same with the design of evaluation model for quality traits of fresh fruit based on PAID .

  22. 根据计算网络和Internet技术的特点,提出并实现了一个基于Internet的企业信息管理与协作支持平台(IPEIMC)。

    Information Management and Union Cooperation are two important activities in enterprise business . This paper , from the specialty of computer network and Internet , proposed and realized an Internet platform on enterprise information management and cooperation .

  23. LMS是E-Learning支持平台,具有对教与学的过程中的学生管理、课程部署、学习内容发布、学习过程跟踪、师生互动交流、学习绩效评价诸环节的全面支持功能。

    LMS is an E-Learning platform that can support student management , course and resource deployment , learning track , interaction and assessment etc.

  24. 针对目前软件开发过程中模块之间通信开发复杂、代码可读性差、应用程序和网页接口不统一等缺点,本文在支持平台中采用ICE(InternetCommunicationsEngine,即因特网通信引擎)中间件技术进行开发。

    To avoid the disadvantage such as complexity of communication between modules , unreadable code and the Non-uniform application interface , we adopt the ICE ( Internet Communications Engine ) middleware technology in the supporting platform .

  25. 其中包括数据库、数据实时采集与远程传输功能、井场信息Web发布平台功能、钻井事故诊断系统、远程协同群体决策支持平台等方面的设计。

    It includes data bank , data real-time acquisition and transmission function , the function of site information distribution Web platform , drilling accidents diagnosis system , and the support platform design of remote group concerted decision-making and so on .

  26. 同时,基于PDM构架的产品结构定义和配置管理是企业信息化支持平台中必不可少的核心功能。

    At the same time , practically product structure definition and configuration management under PDM architecture is one absolutely necessary core function of enterprise e-manufacturing supporting platform .

  27. 主要的AT厂商参与测试其产品在Eclipse上的互操作性的工作,确保该技术在所有的支持平台上是完全易访问的。

    Major AT vendors participate in ongoing efforts to test their products for interoperability on Eclipse , to ensure that the technology will remain completely accessible across all supported platforms .

  28. PEGASUSPLATFORM&该变量必须设置为受支持平台的标识符。

    PEGASUS_PLATFORM & this must be set to a supported platform identifier .

  29. 地理信息系统(GeographicInformationsystem,GIS)是能够收集、管理、查询、分析、操作以及表现与地理相关的数据信息的计算机信息系统,能够为分析、决策提供重要的支持平台。

    GIS ( Geographic Information System ) is a computer system that can collect , manage , query , analyze , operate and present the geography related information . It can provide very important support platform to give an analysis and decision-making .

  30. 空间知识网格是以网格GIS的基础设施、空间数据网格、空间信息网格(狭义)为基础,运用基本的网格服务建立的智能、高效、协作的决策支持平台。

    Spatial Knowledge Grid ( SKG ) is an intelligent , efficient , synergic decision support platform on the basis of Grid GIS infrastructure , spatial data grid and spatial information grid ( specialized definition ) .