
  • 网络Business Logic;service;spring
  1. Web页面开发人员与创建业务逻辑的开发人员的技能不同。

    Web page developers often have different skills than developers who create business logic .

  2. 业务逻辑层推入DataServices组件而不是驻留在BusinessServices层的组件中

    Business logic being pushed into the Data Services components instead of residing within components within the Business Services layer

  3. 该设计模式分为三层,即应用系统的业务逻辑层(Model层)、控制逻辑层(Control层)和显示逻辑层(View层)。

    This mode can be divided into three layers : the Model layer , the Control layer and the View layer of application system .

  4. 注意:在打开Design工具定义业务逻辑之前,确保保存DesignData定义并关闭DesignData。

    Note : Make sure you save the Design Data definitions and close Design Data before you open the Design tool to define the business logic .

  5. WebApplicationServices:这个组件封装在Web应用服务器上运行的Web应用程序的业务逻辑。

    Web Application Services : This component encapsulates business logic for Web applications that are running on a Web application server .

  6. 该解决方案使用WebSphereInterChangeServer来异步地执行业务逻辑。

    The solution uses WebSphere InterChange Server to execute business logic asynchronously .

  7. 在执行业务逻辑之前将一个SOAP附件签入ClaimCheck数据存储中。

    Checking in a SOAP attachment into the Claim Check data store before performing business logic .

  8. 更进一步,通过这种方式实现command对象允许您在Web应用程序的其它领域重用业务逻辑。

    Further , implementing command objects in this way allows business logic to be reused in other areas of your Web application .

  9. web层实现表示逻辑,应用服务器层实现业务逻辑,后端数据库层存储数据。

    A web tier that implements the presentation logic , an application server tier that implements the business logic , and a back-end database tier .

  10. 既然您已经完成了数据模式和业务逻辑定义,那么就需要将项目发布到BusinessEvents运行时。

    Now that you 've completed the data model and business logic definitions , you need to publish the project to the Business Events runtime .

  11. 两种编程模式都允许您创建池线程和守护程序线程,以便运行J2EE业务逻辑。

    Both programming models let you create pooled and daemon threads to run J2EE business logic .

  12. 如果新的Web服务业务逻辑或者以数据为中心提供更好的或者额外的服务或功能,开发人员必须减少或者完全消除冗余的Web请求。

    If the new web service business logic or data-centric provides better or additional service or functionality , developers must reduce or altogether eliminate redundant web requests .

  13. 业务逻辑控制采用MVC设计模式。

    The business logic tier used MVC design model .

  14. 系统在实现上采用三层结构的形式,分为数据访问层、业务逻辑层和Web层,各个层次完成明确的任务。

    This system using 3-tier structure in implementation , it divides data access layer , business logic layer and Web layer , each layer has its specific tasks .

  15. 有时候同时具有这两种接口,并将UI、代码和业务逻辑分离开了。

    Sometimes they have both and separate the UI , code from the business logic .

  16. 要实现和使用RESTweb服务,您只需要关注应用程序业务逻辑,而不需要关注低级技术细节。

    To implement and consume REST web services , you need to focus only on the application business logic and not on the low-level technical details .

  17. 基于CORBA的分布式智能网的业务逻辑对象实现

    Realization of the Business Logic Object for the Distribute Type Intelligence Net According to the CORBA

  18. 涉及Spring的最常用场景之一是使用简单的JavaBean类配置并驱动业务逻辑。

    One of the most often used scenarios involving Spring is to configure and drive business logic using simple Java bean classes .

  19. Web架构随着网络技术和Web技术的发展,逐渐融合了核心的业务逻辑,成为企业新的业务处理基础平台。

    With the development of network technology and Web technology , the web structure gradually integrates of the core business logic , and becomes the basis for new business-dealing .

  20. 因此,应该避免在业务逻辑层使用对servletAPI或StrutsAPI调用的任何引用。

    Therefore , avoid any reference to servlet API or Struts API calls in the business layer .

  21. 也可以将后端业务逻辑中的动态程序数据置于HTML中的指定位置上。

    Dynamic program data from back-end business logic can also be placed at the specified location in the HTML .

  22. 简单的程序体系结构会自然地将业务逻辑和数据访问逻辑(如SQL)混合。

    A simple program architecture would naturally mix the business logic with data access logic ( like SQL ) .

  23. 我向您展示了如何复用以数据为中心的Web服务以及来源于一个或更多SOA的业务逻辑并将它们结合进复合应用程序中。

    I show you how you can reuse Web services & data-centric and business logic-from one or more SOAs and combine them into a composite application .

  24. 交互集:包含一个或多个交互块,它定义了WebSphereBusinessEvents在收到事件时将要运行的业务逻辑。

    Interactions sets : Contain one or more interaction blocks that define the business logic to be run by WebSphere Business Events when it receives an event .

  25. 根据要实现的业务逻辑定义Portlet交互和访问控制。

    Define portlet interaction and access control according to the business logic to be implemented .

  26. 负责业务逻辑的部分(模型,通常使用EnterpriseJavaBeans™或传统Java对象来实现)。

    Those responsible for business logic ( the Model & often implemented using Enterprise JavaBeans ™ or plain old Java objects ) .

  27. 为业务逻辑添加更多CMPbean和会话bean,可以创建一个更有趣的Web应用程序。

    In adding more CMP beans and session beans for business logic , you can create a more interesting Web application .

  28. 许多用户都用自己的数据访问层,使用自己的API编写业务逻辑。

    Many users have their own data access layer , with their own APIs , to which the business logic is coded .

  29. 一旦测试了业务逻辑,就可以通过更新XML配置文件来将bean集成到工作流程应用程序中。

    Once you have tested the business logic , you can integrate your beans into your workflow application by updating the XML configuration file .

  30. 随着Web的普及,Web系统也变得越来越复杂,应用平台(如J2EE)和业务逻辑之间的一个中间层产品&Web框架应运而生。

    With the prevalence of Web and more and more complicated the Web systems becomes , Web frameworks emerge as a middleware between applied platforms and business logics .