
  • 网络Performance report;performance reporting
  1. 第三章针对我国业绩报告的现状提出改进建议。

    Chapter 3 provides two suggestions to our countries ' financial performance report .

  2. 论财务业绩报告的改进

    Study on Improvement of Financial Performance Report

  3. 而《纽约时报》(newyorktimes)及其它报社的业绩报告显示,第四季度情况将更为严峻。

    Reports from the New York Times and others suggest that the fourth quarter will be yet more severe .

  4. 消息发布两天前,IBM还在第四季度业绩报告中表示,硬件业务的下滑速度超过预期。

    The news comes just two days after IBM said during its fourth-quarter earnings report that its hardware business was declining faster than expected .

  5. 摩根大通(JPMorgan)明天将公布去年第四季度业绩报告,预计届时将宣布全球裁员方案。

    When JPMorgan reports fourth-quarter earnings tomorrow , it is expected to announce global lay-offs .

  6. 汇丰控股周三发布了第三财政季度的最新交易情况,同时也发布了HSBCFinance的当季业绩报告。

    The bank yesterday gave a third-quarter trading update for its entire business , and reported earnings results at HSBC Finance for the period .

  7. 英国石油(BP)公布,由于石油价格不断下跌,公司利润大幅下滑,但该公司承诺将采取更多削减成本的措施,以加强其财务状况。英国石油启动了特大石油公司挑战重重的业绩报告季节。

    BP reported a sharp drop in profits due to the plunging oil price but promised more cost cuts to strengthen its finances as it opened a tricky earnings season for the super-major oil companies .

  8. 通过使用新的会计规定,德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)在最新业绩报告中实现了利润而非亏损。这些新规旨在减轻金融危机对欧洲银行的影响。

    Deutsche Bank has recorded a profit instead of a loss in its most recent results by using new accounting provisions designed to mitigate the impact of the financial crisis on European banks .

  9. 周一,iPhone制造商苹果(Apple)的股价跌至近一年最低位,原因在于投资者对于苹果削减供应链订单的消息感到恐慌。此前投资者已对下周将公布的苹果业绩报告感到不安。

    Appleshares hit their lowest point in almost a year on Monday after investors , already jittery about the iPhone maker 's results next week , were spooked by reports of supply-chain cutbacks .

  10. 中国互联网游戏和社交媒体集团——腾讯控股(TencentHoldings)的投资者在第4季度业绩报告周三公布前夕有理由感到焦虑。

    Investors in Tencent Holdings , China 's internet gaming and social media group , have reason to feel anxious leading into Wednesday 's scheduled fourth-quarter earnings announcement .

  11. 将于周二公布上半年业绩报告的宝马(BMW),一季度营业利润率为12%。

    BMW , which is due to report first-half results on Tuesday , reported a 12 per cent operating margin for the first three months of the year .

  12. 汇丰(HSBC)在半年度业绩报告中预计,亚洲在其私人银行资产管理规模中所占比重,将在5年内从现在的30%上升到50%。

    At its half-year results , HSBC said it expected Asia to generate half of its private banking assets under management within five years , up from 30 per cent now .

  13. 丰田汽车(Toyota)昨日警告称,由于全球范围内汽车需求下降造成的影响,公司将出现自68年前开始发布业绩报告以来的首次亏损。

    Toyota Motor warned yesterday that it would suffer its first loss since it began reporting financial results 68 years ago , as the worldwide deterioration in vehicle demand takes its toll on one of the best-run carmakers .

  14. Allen&Overy和CliffordChance在周初发布了他们的业绩报告,FreshfieldsBruckhausDeringer和Linklaters随后也将发布业绩报告。

    Allen & Overy and Clifford Chance released results early this week , and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and Linklaters were expected to do so later .

  15. 花旗集团(Citigroup)持股3.8%的浦发银行拒绝就其融资计划置评,但银行人士和交易员表示,预计该行将在下月公布其2007年业绩报告前宣布其大规模增发计划。

    The bank , which is 3.8 per cent owned by Citigroup , declined to comment on its plan but bankers and traders said it was expected to announce the massive sale before its 2007 earnings report next month .

  16. 第二部分论述了各国财务业绩报告改进的现状,阐述了英、美、IASC及G4+1集团对财务业绩报告的改进,并分析了他们改进的共同趋势。

    The second part discusses the current situation in the improvement of financial accomplishment reports for every country , and describes the improvement of financial accomplishment reports as well as the same tendency of their development by analyzing ASB , FASB , IASC and G4 + 1 group .

  17. 昨日,在高盛发布业绩报告后,银行股再次停滞不前。

    Yesterday , after the results , bank stocks stalled again .

  18. 本周四发布的全年业绩报告显示实际只达到6.5%。

    Full-year published on Thursday showed them at 6.5 per cent .

  19. 在中国内地,季度业绩报告已成为标准。

    Quarterly reporting is already the norm on the mainland .

  20. 业绩报告通过将实际结果与计划对比提供反馈信息。

    Performance reports provide feedback information by comparing planned and actual outcomes .

  21. 第三季度业绩报告给市场笼罩上了一层阴影。

    Casting a pall over the market is the third-quarter earnings season .

  22. 阿里巴巴业绩报告的一个亮点是移动用户的增长。

    One bright spot for Alibaba was the growth in mobile users .

  23. 该行将在2月5日公布全年业绩报告。

    The full earnings announcement is on February 5 .

  24. 在去年12月的季报中,联想的业绩报告未能达到预期水平。

    The computer maker reported weaker than expected results for the December quarter .

  25. 在2014年最后一个季度,许多大型公司发布的业绩报告显示利润下降。

    In the last quarter of 2014 , many big companies reported declining profits .

  26. 该公司周三发布的上半年业绩报告却不那么美。

    The market reaction to its first-half results on Wednesday was anything but beautiful .

  27. 稍加推算即可得知,他最近的业绩报告应该有多么惨不忍睹。

    A little back-of-the-envelope calculation shows you how ugly his recent paper statements probably looked .

  28. 其次对各国财务业绩报告改革的异同点做出评价。

    The second part evaluates the sameness and difference to the reform of financial performance report .

  29. 我们将于10月份公布第3季度业绩报告,届时将提供这方面的最新数据。

    We will provide an update on this when we publish our third-quarter results in October .

  30. 财务业绩报告的国际展望与思考

    International Perspective of Financial Performance Report