
  • 网络business training;Professional Training;vocational training
  1. Fuentes根本就不会讲英语,也没有接受过任何正式的业务培训,却让公司业绩自上个季度以来增长了两位数。

    Fuentes , who speaks no English and has no formal business training , has spurred double-digit growth since last quarter .

  2. 早上好,这里是橡树叶业务培训公司。

    Man : Good morning , Oakleaf Business Training .

  3. 结论卫生行政部门应加强监督管理,规范验收制度,开展技术指导和业务培训工作,建立健全CT机的应用质量保证体系。

    Conclusions health bureau at various levels must to strengthen supervision , standardize the system of the check before acceptance , develop technical guidance and technical train and establish application quality assurance system .

  4. 积极推荐江苏省符合条件的网球教练员参加ATP大师赛和中国网球公开赛比赛工作和业务培训;积极引进网球人才,丰富网球教练员的培养机制。

    Positive recommendation in Jiangsu Province eligible to participate in ATP Masters tennis coaches and the China Open Competition and operational training ; actively introduce tennis professionals , rich tennis coach training system .

  5. 新形势下高校图书馆员业务培训探讨

    Discussion on the Professional Training of University Librarians under New Situation

  6. 高校图书馆业务培训四个误区

    Four major mistaken ideas in professional training of the university library

  7. 驻港部队医院护士岗位业务培训的体会

    Experience of professional training of nurse post in a special condition

  8. 积极发挥业务培训工作在医院开展创新工程中的作用。

    Play active roll of training in developing innovation program in hospital .

  9. 结合美国护理继续教育模式加强在职护士业务培训

    Combining The American Nursing Mode , Enhance Nurses Continuing Education

  10. 强调一般知识的学习而不是职业或业务培训的大学科目。

    College students emphasizing general knowledge rather than professional or vocational trainning .

  11. 档案业务培训方法探讨

    A Probing into the Training Methods of the Archival Affairs

  12. 你方受训人员将免费接受业务培训。

    Your trainee will undergo vocational training free of charge .

  13. 医学图书情报专业毕业生上岗后的图书馆业务培训

    Professional training for graduates from medical library and information science

  14. 构建档案业务培训教学质量体系的思考

    A Thought about Constructing the Teaching Quality System of Archival Profession Training

  15. 高水平田径教练员还缺乏业务培训,培训班存在培训时间短、内容针对性不强、形式单一、不注重能力培养等问题。

    The coaches of high-leveled track team are also lack of operation training .

  16. 科学发展观与档案业务培训工作

    On the View of Scientific Development and the work of archival professional training

  17. 新时期图书馆业务培训工作的新变化

    The New Changes of Professional Training Work of Library in the New Period

  18. 方法:由县卫生局组织有关产前保健专家对乡镇卫生院产科医务人员进行业务培训;

    Methods : The county MCH care experts trained the township hospital midwives ;

  19. 对对外汉语教师业务培训的思考

    Training Teachers of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

  20. 加强业务培训,扩充派出所(警署)外管职能。

    Strengthen professional training , widen the foreign administrative function of local police stations .

  21. 组织导游业务培训;

    To conduct training in tourist business operations ;

  22. 图书馆业务培训是图书馆员接受继续教育的有效形式。

    The training of library work is a efficient form for librarian continue education .

  23. 提高图书馆业务培训工作绩效之我见

    My Views on Improving the Efficiency and Achievement of the Professional Training in the Library

  24. 开发并持续开展业务培训课程;

    Establish and develop service business course ;

  25. 团队成员一般包括业务培训和技巧培训方面的技巧。

    Team members should naturally include these skills in their training budgets and skills planning .

  26. 为经销商提供业务培训,改进业务流程,提高服务能力;

    Provide service business training for dealers , improve business process and enhance service ability ;

  27. 编辑业务培训资料、课件,简单教具的设计及制作。

    Edit service business training materials and courseware , design and make the teaching aids .

  28. 档案业务培训面面观

    View on training of Archives

  29. 加强教练员业务培训,发展科研能力,提高教练员队伍水平。

    Enhance the coaches operation training , develop their research ability , improve the level of coaches .

  30. 严谨的业务培训;

    Rigorous professional training ;