
  • 网络Service specification;BUSINESS PRACTICES;Best Practices
  1. BP模型定义了技术框架来将业务规范和IT开发联系起来。

    The BP model defines the technical framework to align business specifications with IT development .

  2. 处于初级发展阶段的我国网络银行存在的主要问题是缺乏全国统一的CA认证、缺乏相关的业务规范和法律约束以及网络建设水平低。

    The principal problems existing in the primary stage of developing on-line banking are the lack of the nation-unified CA authentication .

  3. 与XSD不同,它不会将数据结构与业务规范绑定在一起。

    Unlike XSD , it doesn 't tightly couple the data structure to the business rules .

  4. AlfaLaval紧凑型柴油机供油单元船舶供受油业务规范管理研究

    Alfa Laval compact supply fuel oil module Discussion on regulating bunkering of ships

  5. 但对于违反业务规范的错误,OnErrorGoto就不能很好的捕捉并可能因此造成巨大的错误后还返回一个友好的界面。

    For business rule violations , your code could raise a specific error number and then the On Error Goto statement could catch the error and display a user-friendly message .

  6. 基于Parlay业务规范的开放业务技术是下一代网络研究的重要内容。

    Open service technology based on Parlay specifications is one of the important works in the researches of next generation networks .

  7. 另外,业务规范监管局将负责投资人的保护,并且将履行目前由美国证券交易委员会(sec)履行的许多职能。

    Also , a conduct of business regulator would be responsible for investor protection . This agency would perform many duties currently done by the securities and Exchange Commission .

  8. 最后得出结论:Parlay业务规范在跨业务管理域的业务调用、用户身份验证和用户业务逻辑传递方面仍然无法支持业务的移动性。

    It concludes that Parlay specifications can not support service mobility in following aspects : service invocation , client authentication and service logic transferring across different service domains .

  9. 虽然Parlay业务规范目前已经被电信界普遍接受,但是,Parlay业务规范是否可以满足现在和未来电信业务发展的需求,这仍然是一个尚未解决的问题。

    Although the Parlay specifications are widely accepted by telecommunication industry , it is still an unsolved question whether the Parlay specifications can meet the requirements of telecommunication development both at present and in the future .

  10. 对实现UMTS系统端到端QoS过程中UTRAN所面临的挑战及可能采用的QoS技术进行了分析,然后结合3GPPUMTS业务规范,提出了一种在UTRAN中基于DiffServ机制分级支持QoS的IP/MPLS传输模型。

    The challenge before UTRAN during the realization of end-to-end QoS of UMTS systems and the QoS technology probably adopted are analyzed . Based on 3GPP UMTS specification , an IP / MPLS transport model in UTRAN is present which is based on DiffServ mechanism and supports QoS .

  11. 十多年来,机要通信业务规范变化很大。

    The standards of confidential communication business change greatly in the last ten years .

  12. 多媒体短信业务规范的研究和实现

    Research and Implementation of Specification in MMS

  13. 如何实施这些业务规范呢?

    How are these business rules enforced ?

  14. 相关技术和接口模型已列入了河南有线的双向业务规范。

    The relevant technology and interface models have been listed in bidirectional working standards of Henan Cable .

  15. 对电子商务监管问题则须在公平一致、信息披露、业务规范、合作交流等方面加强监管。

    The regulation of EB should be enhanced in field of fairness and conform , information publication , business standard , corporation and communication .

  16. 该系统采用C/S结构,面向对象的设计方法,在信息安全、数据加密和业务规范化等方面独具特色。

    The system adopts C / S structure and OO design way . Therefore , it is particular on information security , data encrypt , and operation standardization .

  17. 只有从改革体制、搞活机制入手,采取切实措施,加强对粮食物流的调控与管理,才能促进粮食物流业务规范、有序、高效运行。

    The paper argues that more efforts should be made to reform the old system and adopt effective measures to strengthen the control and management of grain logistics .

  18. 分析了福费廷无追索权的相对性对我国银行福费廷业务规范的启示并提出了完善意见。

    Besides , this part discusses the revelation that the relativity of forfaiting without recourse to the norms of the bank forfaiting business in China and put forward a sound opinion .

  19. 然后详细讨论系统框架的具体实现机制,实现了信息流、教学因素流、资金流的集成,从而实现业务规范化及资源共享。

    Then we discuss the implementation mechanism of the system framework in detail . It achieves the integration of information flow , teaching factors flow and capital flow , so that to achieve business standardization and resource sharing .

  20. 和企业自身相比,第三方逆向物流企业有更强的专业性,它可以将企业的逆向物流业务规范化、集中化、减少运营风险,提高运作效率。

    Compared with enterprises themselves , the enterprises of the third party reverse logistics are more professional ; they can standardize and centralize the operation of reverse logistics , reduce the risk of management , and improve the efficiency of operation .

  21. 第三方支付平台的出现在一定程度上缓解了目前电子商务的支付瓶颈问题,促进了电子商务的发展,但同时也为新的市场秩序构建和业务规范发展带来了新的课题。

    The emergence of third-party payment platform to some extent alleviate the current bottleneck of e-commerce payments , promote the development of electronic commerce , but also for the new market order to build and regulate the development of the business has brought new issues .

  22. 此后国家烟草局为了进一步完善烟草专卖制度于2005年颁布了地市级烟草公司卷烟销售网络业务规范,重新规范了卷烟销售的业务流程,重塑了销售网络。

    Since then , in order to further improve the tobacco monopoly system , the State Bureau of tobacco in 2005 promulgate new regulations of the municipal tobacco companies to regulate cigarette sales network and the cigarette sales business process , and reshape the distribution network .

  23. 重点是从立法体例、义务形态、法律后果等方面说明了附随义务立法的完善建议。二是金融层面,对银行业务规范治理和安全管理开展了合规思考。

    The focus point is to explain legislative proposals of collateral obligation from the aspects of legislation style , liability type , legal consequence , etc. On the other hand , from financial aspect , the author ponders over standard control of banking business and safety management .

  24. Web服务业务流程规范的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Business Process Specifications for Web Services

  25. 因此该文对典型的Web服务业务流程规范进行了介绍、比较和分析,并讨论了现有Web服务业务流程规范存在的主要问题以及今后的发展趋势。

    This paper introduces , compares and analyses some typical business process specifications for Web services . Finally , this paper discusses the deficiencies of specifications and their trend .

  26. 文章对家庭网络的业务平台规范OSGI(开放服务网关联盟)及NGN(下一代网络)的业务平台进行了探讨。

    In this paper , we investigate the service platform of home network OSGI and that of NGN .

  27. 最后,BPEL支持伙伴之间的业务协议规范和复杂内部业务流程的视图。

    Finally , BPEL supports the specification of business protocols between partners and views on complex internal business processes .

  28. IBM、微软等公司在近几年连续推出了有关Web服务的事务规范,包括Web服务原子事务规范、Web服务业务活动规范等,但是这些规范中制定的规则是泛化的,实现起来比较困难。

    Some transaction specifications concerning web services , including web services atomic transaction and business activity specification , were released in recent years by IBM and Microsoft etc. But it is difficult to realize all the rules in these specifications .

  29. 随着XML和WEBService技术的逐步成熟,流程层集成成为主流的企业应用集成(EAI)方式,而Web服务业务流程规范是流程层集成的基础。

    With the maturity of XML and Web Service technology , process integration has been the primary method of EAI ( Enterprise Application Integration ) . And business process specification for Web services is the foundation of process integration .

  30. 其中,对vxml配置文件的解析使整个程序形成了一个良好的业务生成规范。

    Besides , the analyses of vxml configurable file impels the whole program to generate a good business standard .