
  • 网络Amateur radio;ham radio
  1. 我在11岁时成了一名业余无线电操作员。

    I became a ham radio operator at the age of eleven .

  2. 我是一名业余无线电操作员,从事无线电和电子方面的工作。

    One Thousand Marbles I 'm a Ham radio operator and work with radios and electronics .

  3. 精密化学武器-软件培训阅读莫尔斯电码或软件运行CW模式或什相干CW模式的业余无线电设备从您的PC。

    Precision CW-Software to train reading Morse code or software to run CW mode or even COHERENT CW mode on your amateur radio equipment from your PC.

  4. 介绍了国际业余无线电联盟公布的分组无线网的AX。

    It also introduces a scheme of packet radio networks using the AX .

  5. 业余无线电QRP通联的研究与尝试

    Study of QRP Communication in Amateur Radio

  6. 埃及业余无线电协会(ERASD)对空气庆祝第53届开罗国际侦察兵在中心大露营。

    The Egyptian Radio Amateurs Society ( ERASD ) celebrating the53rd Jamboree On The Air at the Cairo International Scout Center .

  7. 有轨道电路的容许闭塞业余无线电用轨道卫星

    Track circuit permissive block orbiting satellites carrying amateur radio

  8. 这是一个中国业余无线电爱好者的论坛。

    This is a discussion forum of China Radios .

  9. 低功率业余无线电收发信机是业余无线电爱好者们急需的低功率通信设备。

    Low power amateur radio transceiver is in urgent need to radio amateur .

  10. 很多工程师开始结束业余无线电爱好。

    Many engineers started off as hams .

  11. 他们两人都是业余无线电爱好者,所以他们日常能用无线电来互相联系。

    An they were able to keep in daily touch with each other over the air .

  12. 这本书十分易读、完全不涉及技术,8至80页告诉读者如何获得业余无线电许可证。

    This easy-to-read , completely nontechnical book tells anyone from age8to80how to get a ham license .

  13. 如同早年的业余无线电实验,电子杂志正在寻找通向大众传播的非主流途径

    Like early experiments with ham radios , electronic magazines are finding alternative ways of reaching the masses

  14. 你知道西班牙国王、摩洛哥国王和约旦国王都是业余无线电爱好者吗?

    Did you know that the kings of spain , Morocco and Jordan are all radio hams ?

  15. 现在他把许多精力投注到自己的爱好上:业余无线电、彩绘玻璃和园艺。

    He is very much the hobbies man now : ham radio , stained glass , gardening .

  16. 业余无线电用轨道卫星

    Orbiting satellites carrying amateur radio

  17. Theseare:我们将开启你的成功之路,通过将一些历史悠久的业余无线电的传统扔进垃圾堆。

    We 're going to start on your road to success by throwing some time-honored ham-radio traditions onto the trash heap where they belong .

  18. 业余无线电操作者传统地使用最慢的,最令人沮丧的,最痛苦和最无效的方法来获得代码熟练能力。

    Amateur radio operators traditionally have used the slowest , most frustrating , most painful and least effective techniques possible for gaining code proficiency .

  19. 并根据业余无线电频段和开放了的公共电视服务频段等共享频段的频谱特点,设计了一种基于混沌检测理论的弱信号检测系统模型。

    We design a detecting system based on chaos theory in accordance with the spectrum features of amateur radio and public television service frequency bands .

  20. 乔布斯还在玩希斯工具盒的时候,沃兹尼亚克已经在组装来自世界上最先进的无线电制造商哈里克拉夫特(Hallicrafters)的发射器和接收器了,他还和父亲一起获得了业余无线电执照。

    And at an age when Jobs was building Heathkits , Wozniak was assembling a transmitter and receiver from Hallicrafters , the most sophisticated radios available .

  21. 现在,人们可以使用科克方法,并不是因为他们要通过考试,而是因为他们想提高自己的业余无线电乐趣。

    Now , people can use the Koch Method , not because they have to pass a test , but because they want to increase their amateur-radio pleasure .

  22. 加雷思·米切尔:我是加雷思·米切尔,接下来是业余无线电爱好者评价关于具有高保真度的无线保真技术是如何应用于“每个孩子一台笔记本电脑”计划的。

    GARETH MITCHELL : I 'm Gareth Mitchell and still to come the radio amateur gauging how Hi-Fi the Wi-Fi is on the " One Laptop Per Child " .

  23. 控制室对救灾物资的分发进行监督,工作人员利用电话、无线电和业余无线电爱好者电台设施相结合的方法对哪些地方需要什么物品进行跟踪。

    Control rooms monitored the distribution of relief materials , using a combination of phones , wireless , and ham radio facilities for tracking what was needed and where .

  24. 具有熟练的莫尔斯技巧很有用,你可以抄写12-13WPM以上,将添加不可估量的享受到你的业余无线电。

    Having a level of Morse proficiency that is of real use on the air , meaning that you can copy at12-13 wpm or more , will add immeasurably to your enjoyment of Amateur Radio .

  25. 除一些小变动外,这种电码一直用于某些种类的无线电报,包括业余无线电。他们两人都是业余无线电爱好者,所以他们日常能用无线电来互相联系。

    " With minor changes , this code has remained in use for certain types of radiotelegraphy , including amateur radio . " An they were able to keep in daily touch with each other over the air .

  26. 但业余无线电使用者经交通部要求调整使用频率并更新设备致发生实际损失者,应付与相当之补偿;

    However , appropriate compensation shall be paid to an amateur radio user for an actual loss incurred as a result of an adjustment in frequency or upgrade in facilities , which are made in accordance with instructions from the motc .

  27. 在5月的那个黎明,肯特郡滑翔俱乐部的机场上至少有20个人在协助我们,世界各地也有80名专家在提供帮助,包括美国怀俄明州的气象学家,以及帮助我们保持联系的业余无线电专家。

    There must have been 20 people on the airfield at Kent Gliding Club helping us that dawn in May , then another 80 specialists around the world , from our meteorologist in Wyoming to the ham radio specialists who helped us stay in touch .