
  • 网络Business Director;Account Director
  1. 据英国伦敦发展促进署全球业务总监毕保罗表示,中国是伦敦重要的市场,已成为美国和印度之后,伦敦的第三大投资国。

    Paul , Global Business Director of London Development Agency said that China is the important market of London , ranking third in investment of London , only next to that of America and India .

  2. 兴和电子商务有限公司的业务总监张新光表示,这些农户种植作物也能获得酬金。兴和电子商务是聚土地发起组织之一——浙江省供销社旗下的企业。

    They are also paid for growing the crops , explained Zhang Xinguang , business director of Zhejiang Xinghe E-commerce Co Ltd , an enterprise under the Zhejiang Supply and Marketing Cooperative , which was one of the initial backers of the Jutudi project 。

  3. SteveJones目前是Capgemini全球SOA和SaaS外包业务总监,曾是负责他们与Google的合作伙伴关系(该关系最近刚刚启动)的全球产品主管。

    Steve Jones is currently Head of SOA and SaaS for Capgemini 's global outsourcing business and was the Global Product Director for the recent launch of their partnership with Google .

  4. QS中国业务总监张巘博士指出,在高等教育这一层,中国院校在学术研究、创新和人才培养方面都处于领先地位。

    Dr. Zhang Yan , QS ' director for China operations notes that in regards to higher education , China takes the lead in academic research , innovation and talent cultivation .

  5. 该公司的业务总监保尔&12539;戈林(PaulGoring)解释说,对于那些不反对用靴子搭配正装的绅士而言,该公司有一些靴款可以抵御恶劣天气,而且制作精良,足以适合正式场合。

    For the gentleman who 's not averse to boots with a suit , Lobb 's director of operations , Paul Goring , explained that the company makes versions that are weather-resistant yet refined enough for a formal setting .

  6. 佳达全球产险业务总监劳拉莫厄里(LaraMowery)表示,由于提高主保险费率受到地方监管机构的限制,以及企业过去几年的盈余已经缩减,财产保险公司正在承受压力。

    Lara Mowery , head of global property speciality at Guy Carpenter , said property insurers were being squeezed as primary insurance rate increases were restricted by local regulators , and companies ' surpluses from previous years have shrunk .

  7. 业务总监(股权融资业务线)向总裁汇报。

    Chief Human Officer reports to the CEO .

  8. 收集客户反馈,分析并汇报业务总监。

    Collect customers ' feedback , analyze it and report to Railway & OPGW Director .

  9. 此处IT的经验是在选择试点参与者时应该听取业务总监的意见。

    The lesson here is for IT to listen to their line-of-business leaders when selecting pilot participants .

  10. 在这种情况下,业务总监或部门主管都曾独立调查社交软件应用程序,并且发现这确实有用。

    In this situation , the line-of-business leaders or department heads had independently been researching social software applications for business and discovered that it could help them .

  11. 在最近一波经济衰退中,布里吉失去了她在首都华盛顿一家建筑公司的业务总监职位。

    When the economy hit its recent downturn , she was laid off from her job as the Director of Business development for an architectural firm in Washington D.C.

  12. 中国国际旅行社中国公民部的业务总监黎明指出,购物是旅游中最具发掘潜力的,但中国在这方面做得还很不够。

    Li Min , the operation majordomo of the Department of Chinese Citizens of China International Travel Agency , points out that shopping is the most potential part , China needs to do much advancement in the area .

  13. 安本资产管理亚洲公司(AberdeenAssetManagementAsia)驻新加坡的业务拓展总监尼古拉斯哈多(NicholasHadow)表示,亚洲机构投资者越来越倾向于消极投资。

    Asian institutions are increasingly turning to passive investment , according to Nicholas Hadow , Singapore-based director of business development at Aberdeen Asset Management Asia .

  14. 劳伦皮卡雷洛是T3品牌和业务发展总监。她从这个月开始将自己的宝宝带来公司。她表示,该计划有助于“促进团队合作。”

    For Lauren Picarello , T3 " s director of brand and business development , who started bringing her baby in to work this month , the scheme helps " foster more collaboration across teams . "

  15. 他原先是田纳西州富兰克林Healthways公司的业务分析总监,2011年一家猎头公司挖他,他便辞掉了这份工作。

    He left his job as director of business analysis for Healthways , a Franklin , Tenn. , company , after a headhunter recruited him in 2011 .

  16. 中国,北京(178)-有业内人士称,蚂蚁网创始人兼首席执行官将出任百度即将成立的社交网络业务部总监。

    Beijing , China ( 178 ) - Maitian , founder and CEO of Mayi Net , is revealed to have taken the director position in Baidu , for a new department ( Social Net department ) .

  17. 斯坦福课程和业务开发执行总监肖恩班达卡(seanbandarkar)表示,这是一个机会,可以接触到那些可能永远不会来斯坦福上学的高管,还有助于在硅谷(siliconvalley)之外建立斯坦福关系网。

    It is , says Sean bandarkar , managing director of programme and business development at Stanford , a chance to reach out to executives who would never visit Stanford and to help build the Stanford community outside Silicon Valley .

  18. 李军先生是加拿大毕马威会计师事务所中国业务部的总监,常驻多伦多。

    Charles Li is one of the leaders of KPMG 's China practice .

  19. 最近,他被任命担任ADI新成立的位于美国马萨诸塞威尔明顿的医疗保健业务部门的技术总监一职。

    He was recently appointed director of technology for the new Healthcare business of Analog Devices based at Wilmington , Massachusetts , U.S.A.

  20. 大卫•李曾担任谷歌公司资本与法律顾问,负责公司在视频与多媒体领域的业务开发,曾在社交搜索网站StumbleUpon短暂担任过业务开发总监。

    The former Google principal and corporate counsel who led business developments on the video and multimedia fronts did a brief stint as head of business development at StumbleUpon , the social discovery network .