
  • 网络Business Market;Victor Comptometer
  1. 美国分析师在估计公司对公司业务市场大小时略显谨慎。

    American analysts have been somewhat cautious in estimating the size of the B2B market .

  2. 葫芦岛电信3G业务市场营销策略研究

    Study on Marketing Strategy of Huludao Telecom 3G Business

  3. 基于VaR的投资业务市场风险评估

    Risk Assessment of Investment Market Based on VaR

  4. 中国IPTV业务市场分析及发展策略研究

    The Study on Market and Development Strategy for IPTV in China

  5. 随着PHS语音业务市场渐趋饱和,数据业务研究的重要性凸现。

    The research of PHS data service is becoming more and more importance due to being saturation of PHS voice service market .

  6. 中国移动作为ICT业务市场的新进入者,在业务能力、产业合作、渠道能力等方面与竞争对手相比都存在较大的差距。

    As a newer in the ICT service market , China Mobile is facing a great gap in operational capacity , industrial cooperation , and the construction of channels .

  7. 本文对目前短信增值业务市场作了初步的分析,对MMS市场发展的情况也进行了一定论述。

    This article has made the preliminary analysis to the present short note increment service market , has also carried on the certain elaboration to the MMS market development situation .

  8. 在实施SCP范式分析过程中将中国电信业分为目前主要运营商的市场三大板块&固话业务市场、移动通信市场和互联网宽带接入市场,分别进行论述。

    In the implementation of SCP model analysis process , the current Chinese telecommunications industry will be divided into three parts : Fixed telephone business market , Mobile communications market and Internet broadband access market .

  9. 数据业务市场规模的迅速扩张,离不开一种新技术的应用与大规模部署,那就是EGPRS技术。

    It is that the application and development of EGPRS technology brings the rapid expansion of Data services market .

  10. 我国的3G即将步入运营阶段,随着电信业务市场竞争的激烈,客户群不断增加,3G运营中客户关系管理(CRM)越来越重要。

    3G is about to be operated in our country . Along with the drastic competition in telecom market , high speed increase of customer groups , the customer relations management ( CRM ) in 3G operation is more and more important .

  11. Z水电勘察公司是S企业的一家下属独资公司,主要经营水利水电勘察、水利水电测绘、检测监测,岩土设计及施工等,业务市场集中在国内水利水电勘察和东南亚国际勘察市场。

    Hydropower Reconnaissance Company Z which mainly engages in water conservancy and hydropower reconnaissance , surveying and mapping , detecting and monitoring , and geotechnical design and construction is a sole proprietorship affiliate of Enterprise S. The market scope covers domestic and Southeast Asia .

  12. 根据我国当前电信市场特别是语音业务市场发展的总体形势和我国电信运营企业的情况,并参考国外的管制经验,提出我国现阶段VoIP的管制政策。

    According to our country current telecommunication market is specially the pronunciation service market development overall situation and our country telecommunication operation enterprise 's situation , and the reference overseas control experience , proposes our country present stage VoIP control policy .

  13. 以利于ZY移动在下一步的增值业务市场竞争中取得领先优势,同时也为其他移动兄弟分公司的增值业务服务质量提升起到抛砖引玉的借鉴作用。

    For ZY mobile get advantage of the value-added services in market competition in the next step . At the same time , also for other mobile brother to Improve value-added services quality play a reference role .

  14. 本文既具有一定的理论依据,又有较强的针对性、操作性和实践意义,这对GSY提高个人理财业务市场竞争力具有较高的理论价值,同时对其他商业银行也具有现实的借鉴意义。

    It is a high theoretical value for GSY to improve the market competitiveness of personal financial business , and also has practical significance as reference for other commercial banks .

  15. 关于进一步加强电信业务市场管理的通告

    Public Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Telecom Service Market

  16. 因此,对增值业务市场营销问题进行研究具有现实意义。

    The marketing research on value-added services therefore has realistic meaning .

  17. 放开经营的电信业务市场管理暂行规定

    Temporary Provisions on the Management of the Liberalized Telecom Service Market

  18. 重庆电信新视通业务市场竞争战略

    The Market Competition Strategy on New Video Service of Chongqing Telecom

  19. 规范增值业务市场创造健康有序的发展环境

    Standardizing the Market of Value-added Service and Creating Well-ordered Development Environment

  20. 国内外宽带业务市场的发展及参考策略

    Development and Reference Strategy of Foreign Domestic Broadband Service Market

  21. 广西电信数字音乐业务市场推广策略研究

    Marketing Strategy Research for Digital Music Business of Guangxi Telecom

  22. 整个欧洲的在线电视业务市场潜力巨大。

    Throughout Europe , the potential for online TV viewing is huge .

  23. 商业银行中间业务市场特征及问题分析

    Characteristics and Problems of Intermediate Business Market of Commercial Bank

  24. 对宽带业务市场的全面、系统的分析;

    The comprehensive and systematic analysis for the broadband business ;

  25. 招商银行信用卡业务市场分析和发展方案研究

    Market Analysis and Development Research of China Merchants Bank 's Credit Card Business

  26. 无线局域网业务市场的起起落落

    Rising and Falling of the Wireless LAN Service Market

  27. 中国可视图文业务市场需求及业务预测

    Market Demands and Service Forecast for Videotex in China

  28. 天津联通移动增值业务市场分析及营销战略研究

    Market Analysis and Study on Marketing Strategies of Mobile Increment Business in Tianjin Unicom

  29. 石油石化工业体制改革使得五矿石油主营业务市场份额下降。

    Minpeco 's market share decreases directly due to the reform of petroleum industry .

  30. 中国多媒体通信业务市场展望

    Market Prospect of Multimedia Communications Services in China