
  • 网络integration services;integrated service;INTSERV;SQL Server Integration Services;SSIs
  1. 基于集成服务的IP网络QoS实现技术

    The QoS Technology of Transmitting Real-time Multimedia on IP Network Based on Integration Services

  2. 在SOA内启用信息集成服务需要使用额外功能,以在面向服务的接口中封装联合访问。

    Enabling information integration services within SOA requires additional functionality that encapsulates a federated access within a service-oriented interface .

  3. Internet上集成服务到区分服务的映射

    Mapping Integrated Service to Differentiated Service on the Internet

  4. Internet集成服务研究

    On Internet Integrated Services

  5. 集成服务网络中QoS路由的讨论

    A Discussion on QoS Routing Mechanisms in the Integrated Service Networks

  6. 在Internet集成服务模型中,QoS路由选择是解决实时多媒体传输的一个关键技术。

    QoS-based Routing is an important technology to support real-time multimedia communications in Internet Integrated Service Model .

  7. 基于MAS体系的移动GIS集成服务研究

    The Study of Mobile GIS Integration Service Based on Multi-Agent System Infrastructure

  8. 这种技术充分利用互联网和Web站点中的闲置资源,达到最大的资源共享和集成服务。

    This kind of technique makes most use of the idle resources of Internet to attain the biggest resources sharing and integrated service .

  9. Jim使用中介流来集成服务和XML映射,完成数据映射。

    Jim used the mediation flow to integrate services and XML Map to do the data mapping .

  10. 基于CORBA和集成服务网络的分布式多媒体应用构架

    A Framework for Distributed Multimedia Applications Based on CORBA and Integrated Services Networks

  11. 集成服务网络中具有QoS支持的分组公平调度算法的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Packet Fair Scheduling Algorithm with QoS Support in Integrated Service Networks

  12. 创建JMS集成服务:发送消息

    Creating the JMS integration service : Send message

  13. 另外,在资源建设的基础上,为用户提供了一站式的集成服务,包括本地检索服务、WEBService服务、个性化服务。

    In addition , on the basis of resource construction , to provide users with an integrated service , including local search service , Web Service interface service , personalized service .

  14. 在BPM的实现中没能有效地利用“集成服务”。

    Failure to leverage " integration services " effectively in BPM implementations .

  15. 在SOA中,将项目视为集成服务的交付&一些是新建的,一些是现有的。

    In SOA , you think of a project as the delivery of integrated services & some new , some existing .

  16. 第三层则表示了SOA的松散耦合本质,在组合或者集成服务时它有很强的灵活性。

    The third layer expresses the loosely coupled nature of a SOA that allows for great flexibility in composing or integrating services .

  17. 基于H.323的Intranet集成服务实现的探讨

    An approach to the implementation of integrated services over the intranet based on H.323

  18. 集成服务层是一组通用的、可扩展的ETL访问接口;

    Integration Services is a common and extensible ETL data access interface .

  19. 与集成服务模型相比,区分服务不仅具有良好的可扩展性,而且更容易在传统IP分组交换网络上实现。

    In contrast to integrated service architecture , DiffServ is not only more scalable , but also easier to be deployed in traditional packet switching networks .

  20. 这样开发环境使用WSDL将集成服务的流程自动处理到请求者应用程序。

    Thus development environments can use them to automate the process of integrating a service into a requester application .

  21. 在调研现有领域主题词表情况的基础上,结合WEBService技术和知识组织技术,针对国家科技热点监测的需要,提出了跨领域、多来源主题词表的集成服务框架。

    On the wide research of existing thesauri , Web service and knowledge organization technologies , according to the need of scientific monitor requirements , a multidisciplinary and multi-sources thesauri integration service framework is proposed .

  22. 基于SAML的电力企业集成服务智能登录系统设计

    SAML Based Intelligent Logging-on System in Electric Enterprise Integration Services

  23. WSDL文档告诉你如何集成服务,UDDI帮助你找到所需的服务。

    The WSDL document tells you how to integrate a service ; UDDI helps you find required services .

  24. 在这个小节中,您将创建另一个JMS集成服务,该服务与上一小节中创建的服务类似。

    In this section , you create another JMS integration service similar to what was done in the previous section .

  25. 网络化协同设计环境下4C集成服务模型与平台研究

    Study on 4C-Integration Service Model and Platform in Web-based Collaborative Design Environment

  26. CALIS信息集成服务模式和应用

    The Model and Application of CALIS Information Integration Service

  27. 有一个产品套件能够满足对信息集成服务组件的各种需求:它就是IBMInformationServer(在参考资料中可以找到更多信息)。

    There is one product suite for information integration addressing the needs of the information integration services component : This is the IBM Information Server ( more details can be found in the Resources section ) .

  28. SOA的价值来自在多种业务背景下集成服务的能力,以及在对业务进行优化和适应的同时尽量不影响用户。

    The value of SOA comes from the ability to integrate [ services ] in multiple business contexts , and the ability to optimize and adapt them with minimal impact on their users .

  29. WebSphereProcessServer是基于服务组件体系结构(SCA)和服务数据对象(SDO)或业务对象(BO)创建和集成服务的平台。

    WebSphere Process Server is a platform to create and integrate services based on Service Component Architecture ( SCA ) and Service Data Objects ( SDO ), or Business Objects ( BO ) .

  30. 本文描述创建并连接到一个JMS队列、以及使用一个简单的集成服务来发送和获取消息的步骤。

    It describes the steps required to create and connect to a JMS queue and how you can use a simple integration service to send and retrieve messages .