
  • 网络clustering;clusterability;volatility clustering;communal nature
  1. 并且,进一步根据两子序列的波动集群性建立一系列GARCH模型,对中国大豆期货的两个收益序列的波动性进行分析,并比较了二者的异同。

    Moreover , the author sets a series of GARCH model to describe the volatility clustering of the two return series , analyzed the volatility of the return of soybean futures contracts in our country , and made a comparison towards the similarities and differences .

  2. 基金市场的价格波动具有集群性;

    The price volatility of fund market has a characteristic of volatility clustering .

  3. 二是会计集群性以及制度和经济背景对所得税会计处理的影响。

    Secondly , accounting system and economic background may also affect accounting treatment .

  4. 进一步指出,内在联系和集群性是城市群的本质特征。

    It further points out that the inner relations and the cluster are the essential characteristics of the urban agglomeration .

  5. 实证结果发现,上海股市具有杠杆效应、波动集群性和波动持续性。

    We find that the stock market in Shanghai has the qualifications of leverage , volatility concentration , and lasting fluctuation .

  6. 体育科学的研究由过去的定性研究、单向性研究、回顾性研究转向综合、定量、多向集群性研究。

    Sports science research changes from qualitative , one way , review research into comprehensive , quantitative , several way , group research .

  7. 本文认为集群性动态能力分为三部分:集群性知识创造能力、集群性整合能力和集群性创新能力。

    Clustered dynamic capability is consisted of three parts : clustered creation capability of knowledge , clustered integration capability and clustered innovation capability .

  8. 麻雀是集群性鸟类,取食地点相对固定,作为环境监测的指示物种有很好的应用前景。

    The forage site and home range of Tree Sparrow are steady during the study , which implys that it is a potential species for monitoring environment .

  9. 人民币汇率收益率波动有集群性效应,不符合正态分布,有尖峰厚尾的特点。

    The return of RMB exchange rate has a characteristic of fluctuation clustering , does not comply with the normal distribution and has an obvious peak and fat tails .

  10. 实证结果表明,我国证券市场交易过程中的集群性是由于以私人信息为基础的信息交易所引起的,私人信息的进入导致了证券市场在时间方向表现出更大的波动性。

    The research results indicate that the transaction clustering is caused by the informed trades and the volatility with respect to time is magnified due to the private information introduction in stock market of China .

  11. 由此可见,集群性动态能力成为集体学习影响集群企业竞争优势的中间传导机制。(4)不同类型的集体学习对集群企业竞争优势的影响程度是有差别的。

    So , clustered dynamic capability becomes middle conductive mechanism that collective learning acts on competitive advantage of clustered firm . ( 4 ) There is different degree that kinds of collective learning acts on competitive advantage of clustered firm .

  12. 通过分析我们得知山寨的木质不是冒牌,不是盗版,而是模仿,甚至创新。山寨现象具有集群性、平民性、非规范性和非理性的特点。

    By analyzing the nature of our " shanzhai " that is not " fake ", not "' piracy ", but to imitate , and even innovation . " Shanzhai " in a cluster of the civilian have non-standardized and non-rational features .

  13. 由于银鲳属于中上层鱼类,且分布较分散,集群性较差,受捕捞压力相对较小,但在长期捕捞压力及外部环境变化下,银鲳性成熟提前、生长状况变好。

    This may be because it is a pelagic species with disperse distribution , less aggregative and with lower fishing pressure relatively , but it is premature and grows better in the living environment which may be caused by long-term fishing pressure and environment change .

  14. 大规模集群一致性维护的网络传输控制方案

    A Network Transport Control Proposal for Large Scale Cluster

  15. 根植性维度,反映了产业集群共享性资源嵌入产业集群内部社会网络的稳定状态。

    Embeddedness reflects the state of shared resources in the internal network of industrial cluster .

  16. 集群可用性的电子表格计算

    Spreadsheet calculations of cluster availability

  17. 之后,本文对企业集群外部性的机制、影响和治理展开分析。

    After that , analyses of the mechanisms , influences , and governance of firm duster externalities are presented .

  18. 最后,本文探讨了治理企业集群外部性的两种重要形式&联盟治理和政府治理。

    Finally , two basic governance forms of firm cluster externalities , alliance governance and government governance , are explored .

  19. 所谓企业集群外部性指的是,由企业集群的地理特征和产业特征所决定的外部性。

    So-called firm cluster externalities refer to externalities determined by the geographical characteristics and industrial characteristics of the cluster of firms .

  20. 本文主要依靠概念模型和几何模型对企业集群外部性相关的复杂现象进行实证分析。

    This paper heavily relies on conceptual models and geometrical models to make positive analyses of firm cluster externalities and the relevant phenomena .

  21. 集群动态性的内在基础是集群内多样化发展的技术与组织能力,与一个具有创新精神的企业家群体。

    The internal foundation of cluster dynamic portfolio , is the diversiform development of technique and organizational competence in the cluster , and the enterprisers who are accustomed to predominate innovation .

  22. 本文有关企业集群外部性的机制研究的基本结论是,企业集群外部性主要产生于三种形式的相互作用:通过市场机制的相互作用、网络型相互作用和策略性相互作用。

    The basic conclusion drawn from our study on the mechanisms of firm cluster externalities is that firm cluster externalities mainly develop in three major forms of interaction : interaction through the market mechanism , the network-type interaction , and strategic interaction .

  23. 如何才能有效地培育集群根植性,防范与控制西部县域园区产业集群发展的地域根植性问题呢?本文从产业集群与工业园区发展的关联性出发,研究了园区产业集群地域根植性问题。

    How can we cultivate effectively , guard against and control regional embeddedness of industry clusters development of industrial districts in the western county ? This article embarks from the association between industry clusters and the industrial district development , studies regional embeddedness of industry clusters development of industrial districts .

  24. Web集群服务器可用性的提高

    Improvement of the Availability of Cluster-based Web Server

  25. 同时,分布式控制中多主CE集群的可用性与载荷种类和子集群的划分有密切关系。

    And availability of the cluster is closely related to the load types and division of sub-cluster .

  26. 希望您也觉得对Domino集群环境可用性的改进对于LEI来说是一个极大的成功。

    We hope that you find the improved availability of the Domino cluster environment to be as big of a win for LEI as we do .

  27. 区域集群自稔性风险成因分析

    Analyze the regional clusters ' self - fertility cause of risk

  28. 浅谈关于创意产业园区集群内部多样性模式

    On diversity model of group inner of originality industrial garden area

  29. 基于马尔可夫过程模型的服务器集群数据可用性分析

    Analysis of Cluster Servers ′ Data Availability Using Markov Process Model

  30. 大规模集群软件一致性维护技术研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Large Scale Cluster Software Consistency Maintenance Technique