
  • 网络intensity;Density;Integrity
  1. 该公式与均布荷载下的公式相同,仅荷载集度须以线性分布荷载的平均集度代替。

    The simplified formula is the same as that of the circular slab under uniformly distributed load provided the load intensity is replaced by the average intensity of the linearly varying distributed load .

  2. 混凝土构件中宏观裂纹尖端附近,伴随有损伤,随着损伤的发展,微裂纹集度不断增大,合并形成宏观裂纹。

    There is damage in area by a top of the macroscopic crack in a concrete structural member . In pace with development of damage , density of microscopic cracks continuously grow and the microscopic cracks ( combine ) a macroscopic crack .

  3. 通过建立自组织的具有小群体特性的P2P覆盖网络拓扑结构,使节点具有高聚集度和低特征路径长度。

    Network nodes become high congregated and have low characteristic path by creating self-organized P2P overlay network topology with small-world property .

  4. 结果表明:NAF可达到满分集度,性能优于AF和DF。

    The results show that NAF can achieve full spatial diversity , and it outperforms AF and DF .

  5. 点独立集度和的几个结果

    Some Results about Degree Sums of Independent Sets of Vertices

  6. 一族满分集度酉空时分组码

    A Family of Full Diversity Unitary Space-Time Block Codes

  7. 某炮弹立靶密度集度的影响因素分析

    Analysis on Factors Influencing Vertical Target Dispersion of Projectile

  8. 该方案保证系统获得满分集度增益情况下,实现码率为0.5的传送指标。

    Keeping full diversity order gain , the design can achieve 0.5 transmission rate .

  9. 放大前传协同方法能够以较低实现复杂度获得满分集度,是一种重要的协同分集方法。

    Amplify-and-forward cooperative diversity scheme is an important cooperative manner as its low complexity and full diversity orders .

  10. 匀弹力变截面开口圆环的弹力集度及强度计算

    The Calculation of the Elastic Force Degree and Strength of Varied Section Open-Ring EXerted by Uniform Elastic Force

  11. 该判据的理论依据是牙轮钻头滑动轴承的局部摩擦能量损失不能超过其材料所规定的能量集度。

    The theoretical basis of this criterion is the energy loss of local friction is lower than the specific energy of its material failure .

  12. 通过对底部钻具组合受力变形分析、地层力的计算及井壁变形影响分析,提出了钻具结构集度的概念和计算方法;

    The concept and calculating method are suggested based on the deformation analysis of BHA , calculations of formation forces , and analysis of wal1 deformation effects .

  13. 为此首先证明由文本形成的词汇共现图呈现短路径,高聚集度的特性,说明小世界结构存在于文本中;

    It is explained that the term co-occurrence graph of text is highly clustered and has short path length , which proves that texts have small world structure .

  14. 工程实践和研究表明,锚固段的内力沿杆长分布是不均匀的,杆体轴力和剪力集度均向根部衰减。

    The engineering practice and researches show that the inner force distribution on the rod is not uniform , axial force and shear force distribution damps to the root .

  15. 各个乡镇景观指数的分析结果是,高优势度、高聚集度和低分维数的区域为彭公乡,土地利用以大面积的园地、林地为主导。

    The results demonstrated that Penggong village had mainly high level of dominance and contagion and low level of fractal dimension dominated by large blocks of garden plot and woodland .

  16. 本文是利用载荷集度与内力之间的微分关系,总结出一种快速绘制内力图的方法。

    One method of drawing internal force chart rapidly is introduced in this paper , which is based on the differential coefficient connection between load collection degree and internal force .

  17. 此外考虑不同均布荷载集度的工况,用有限元方法进行了大量算例分析,总结出主弯矩对斜腿框架临界荷载降低的影响。

    The different distribute load patterns are considered and simulated in the ANSYS , and the adverse influence of the main moment to the overall stability of the frame is summarized .

  18. 计算表明,同时啮合齿对的数目一般不大于5对,载荷分配系数随齿数和载荷集度的增加而减少。

    The calculation shows that the number of contacting tooth pairs should not exceed 5 in general and the values of load sharing factor will decrease as the tooth number and specific load increase .

  19. 文本聚类是文本挖掘的一个重要的组成部分,旨在于根据某些相似性规则自动的将文本划分为多个相关联的类别,达到实现类间高耦合度、类内的高聚集度。

    Document clustering is an important part of text mining , which is aim at dividing the document automatically according to some similarly rules . And make the text achieve high cohesion and high degree of polymerization .

  20. 本文通过实例介绍奇异函数应用到梁弯曲中,观察梁的载荷,就能以一个方程式的形式写出梁的载荷集度方程。

    In this paper some examples are cited to introduce the application of singularity function in bending of beams . By observing the lood of beams , the load-intensity equation of beams can be written as a form of single equation .

  21. 用数学方法分析联肢墙横梁中的弹塑性剪力集度的分布情况,进而分析横梁自身具有的延性系数对塑性内力重分布的影响。

    The elasto - plastic shear stress of binding beam at multi - pier shear walls is analysed with analytical method , the affection of ductility coefficients of the beam on plastic redistribution of internal force in the shear walls is also analysed .

  22. 文中根据该系统的力学特点,给出了承重索、轨索的无应力索长和各跨吊杆力的精细算法,并计入了柔索伸长对其自重集度的影响。

    According to the mechanic characteristics of this system , the bearing cable , the stress-free cable length of carry cable and the meticulous algorithm of suspension force of each span are given , and the influence of gentle cable elongation on its dead weight is presented .

  23. 与传统绘制内力图的方法相比,该方法不仅简捷、直观、易于掌握、便于验算,而且和教材中利用载荷集度与内力之间的微分关系画剪力图、弯矩图,形成有机的统一。

    Comparing with the traditional method of drawing internal force chart , this method is very simple , it is easy to master and easy to check-up . It unifies drawing shear diagram and bending moment chart using the differential coefficient connection between load collection degree and internal force .

  24. 本文主要论证了变截面开口圆环的弹力集度及强度校核计算方法,缸套内采用这种密封环或支承环,可使圆环对缸壁沿圆周产生均匀的弹力。

    In this thesis , the calculation method of the elastic force and strength of varied section open-ring has been proVided , If this kind seating ring of supporting ring is used in cylinder case , the uniform elastie force ex-erted on cylinder wall by the ring is produced .

  25. 利用声发射技术对钢筋混凝土梁的损伤进行了监测和定位,提出了用于混凝土梁损伤评价的声发射源集度函数。

    The results show that this method has high precision and reliability . Further , the damage monitoring and damage localization of reinforced concrete beams are researched by AE technique and a function of AE sources position concentration degree ( PCD ) is presented for the evaluation of damage degree .

  26. 算法的时间复杂度为O(n),其中n为2跳邻居节点集的度的最大值。

    UD-TDMA algorithm has a time complexity of O ( n ), where n is the maximum degree of two hop neighbor node sets .

  27. 然后给出基于Vague集包含度的模糊多目标决策方法。

    Then , we give multi-criteria fuzzy decision-making method based on inclusion degree of vague sets .

  28. 目前,在IPSec协议一致性测试方面存在测试集覆盖度不完备、测试序列冗余、测试用例执行效率低等问题。

    At present , IPSec protocol conformance testing has some problems such as the coverage of test suite is not complete ; test sequence has redundancy and so on .

  29. 提出了Apriori-2算法,新算法在计算候选大项集支持度所涉及的记录数目将小于事务数据库中原始的记录数目,提高了原算法的效率,具有一定的实用性。

    The new Apriori-2 algorithm has the advantage of less record numbers compared with work DB , high efficiency and certain practical significance .

  30. 直觉模糊集隶属度与非隶属度函数的确定方法

    Method of determining membership and nonmembership function in intuitionistic fuzzy sets