
  • 网络Roewe;saic roewe;Rowe
  1. JDPower的迈克尔•邓恩(MikeDunne)表示,对上汽和中国而言,荣威550的成功承载了太多的东西。

    For SAIC and for China , much is riding on the Roewe 550 's success , said Mike Dunne of JD Power .

  2. 上汽集团利用与通用汽车(GM)的合作关系,基于别克(Buick)平台打造其荣威(Roewe)950轿车。

    SAIC Motor is taking advantage of its partnership with GM to build its sedan Roewe 950 on the Buick platform .

  3. 如今,南汽正以荣威(roewe)品牌生产老款的罗孚车型。

    It now produces old Rover models under the Roewe badge .

  4. 最近在一家上海展厅,一位上汽销售人员在推销荣威550时,一上来就指出它的外观酷似宝马(BMW)。

    At a Shanghai showroom recently , an SAIC saleswoman started her sales pitch about the 550 by pointing out that the exterior looked like a BMW .

  5. 预计其自主品牌汽车荣威的价格将在每辆3万美元左右,其竞争对象将定位为别克君威(BuickRegal)和本田雅阁(HondaAccord)。

    Its Roewe saloon is expected to be priced at about $ 30,000 a car , and will be up against the Buick Regal and Honda Accord .

  6. 而且租金还出奇地便宜:一嗨汽车租赁有限公司(eHiCarServiceLtd.)一辆续航里程90公里的国产荣威(Roewe)租金仅相当于25美元/天。

    And it 's surprisingly cheap : eHi Car Service Ltd. charges the equivalent of just $ 25 a day for a Chinese-built Roewe with a range of about 90 kilometers .

  7. 上海汽车上月开始销售其首个自主品牌的汽车荣威(roewe),这款车以该公司2005年收购的rover75的设计为基础。

    SAIC last month began selling its first own-brand vehicle , the Roewe sedan based on the Rover 75 designs it acquired in 2005 .

  8. 上汽(SAIC)自主开发的中型车荣威350(Roewe350)配备的车载软件,让乘坐者可以交易股票、打扑克、在中国版的Facebook上发帖子以及交流即时讯息。

    The Roewe 350 , the homegrown midsize model from SAIC , comes with in-car software that allows occupants to trade stocks , play poker , post to the Chinese version of Facebook and exchange instant messages .

  9. 今年就自有品牌还将推出几个新型号,包括MG6经济型,荣威顶级和荣威SUV。

    It will soon introduce several new models of its own brands this year , including the MG6 compact , Roewe A-class model and the Roewe SUV .

  10. 于是,我决定就开着租来的荣威E50(RoeweE50)在我住的那一片转悠一下。这款车是国有的上海汽车制造商上汽(SAIC)设计的“纯”电动小汽车。

    So I decided to just zip around my own small corner of Shanghai in a rented Roewe E50 , the " pure " electric runabout designed by SAIC , the state-owned Shanghai carmaker .

  11. 去年,占上汽整车总销量约三分之二的这些联合品牌的销量增长了近五分之一,而荣威(Roewe)等上汽自有品牌的销量却与上一年持平。

    Sales within these co-branded car segments , which make up about   two-thirds of total unit sales , accelerated almost a fifth last year . Sales of its own vehicles , such as the Roewe , however , were flat .

  12. 多种按摩程序,将叩击,揉捏荣威一体,本机配置保护装置。

    The many kinds of massages program that will appeal , kneading machine configuration roewe integration , protective device .

  13. 徐乐说,她喜欢本田,但荣威很炫,看上去像我喜欢开的那种车。

    She says she likes the Honda , 'but the Roewe is stylish and looks like a car I want to drive .

  14. 一些中国汽车制造商有仿造外国品牌的名声,它们把仿制品不加掩饰地作为自产轿车销售但荣威550不同。

    Chinese carmakers have a reputation for imitating foreign brands , and selling barely-disguised copies as home-grown cars . But the Roewe 550 is different .

  15. 第三部分对我国乘用车市场的历史和发展现状进行了描述,并就荣威品牌现状做了简要的分析。

    And the third part has carried on the review to the development of automobile industry in our country , and at present our country independent brand passenger car consumption status of a brief analysis .

  16. 南汽于2005年收购了名爵品牌及其生产资产,并将多数生产资产转移到了南京。上汽则购得名爵部分车型所有权,并将其改名为荣威。

    NAC bought the MG brand and its production assets in 2005 , and shipped most of the plant to Nanjing . SAIC acquired the rights for some of the carmaker 's models , which it renamed Roewe .