
  • 网络concept of honor;honor and disgrace
  1. 社会主义荣辱观与民族精神的培育

    Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace and the Cultivation of National Spirits

  2. 论脸面心理与社会主义荣辱观的树立

    On Face-saving Psychology and Establishment of Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace

  3. 确立社会主义荣辱观重在道德践行

    Practice the Moral Worm of Socialist Concept of Honors and Dishonors

  4. 浅析社会主义荣辱观的特点

    On the Characteristics of the Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace

  5. 更新了人们的价值观和荣辱观。

    Reforms people 's values and view of honour and disgrace .

  6. 高校教师践行社会主义荣辱观的研究

    View of College Teachers Practising Socialism Concept about Honor and Dishonor

  7. 通过荣辱观教育培养和造就合格大学生

    Cultivating Qualified University Student by the Education of Honors and Disgraces

  8. 对社会主义荣辱观的哲学思考

    The philosophical consideration on socialistic honor and disgrace concept s

  9. 荣辱观教育应与现行大学生思想政治教育有机结合。

    It should be integrated into the present ideology education .

  10. 新时期荣辱观的价值定位

    Explaining the Value Positioning of the Honor Outlook in the New Period

  11. 当代大学生应牢固树立社会主义荣辱观

    College Students Should Firmly Establish the Concept of Socialism Honor

  12. 试论大学生荣辱观教育与校园文化建设

    On the Honor Concept of College Students and Construction of Campus Culture

  13. 论荣辱观教育与学校德育教学

    The Education of Honor and Disgrace and School Moral Teaching

  14. 荣辱观:从道德规范走向伦理建构

    Concept of Honor and Disgrace : from Moral Standards to Ethical Construction

  15. 社会主义荣辱观的意义与启示

    The Significance and Inspiration of the Socialist View of Honor and Disgrace

  16. 以社会主义荣辱观指导素质教育

    Guiding the Quality-Oriented Education by the Socialist Outlook on Honor-Dishonor

  17. 荣辱观:家庭与社会和谐

    The Socialist Views of Honors and Dishonors : Harmonious Family and Society

  18. 领导干部的社会主义荣辱观

    The Sense of Socialistic Honor or Disgrace about Leading Cadres

  19. 试论大学生应树立正确的消费荣辱观

    The Undergraduates should Set up Correct Expense Outlook for Honor and Disgrace

  20. 社会主义荣辱观的学理意义与媒体策略

    Socialist Viewpoint of Honor or Disgrace : Academic Significance and Media Strategy

  21. 第四章是高校大学生荣辱观教育的路径探析。

    The forth chapter is the paths of the University Honor Education .

  22. 把握落实社会主义荣辱观的出发点:坚持与个人道德需求相协调;

    On its purposes : coordinated with the requirement for personal morals ;

  23. 社会主义荣辱观的文化特质

    On cultural traits of socialist outlook of honor and disgrace

  24. 坚持正确价值取向树立社会主义荣辱观

    Persist Correct Value Orientation Set up Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor

  25. 社会主义荣辱观与中华人文精神

    Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace and Chinese Humanist Spirit

  26. 树立和实践社会主义荣辱观的基本途径

    Main Way to Establish and Practice Socialist View of Honor and Disgrace

  27. 论荣辱观的基本特征与主要功能

    Concept of Honor and Disgrace : Basic Characteristics and Functions

  28. 弘扬雷锋精神与践行社会主义荣辱观浅谈

    Carrying forward Lei Feng Spirit , Fulfilling Socialistic Outlook of Glories and Disgraces

  29. 荣辱观的当代语境意义和道德实践

    Contemporary Contextual Meaning and Practical Value of the Concept of Honor and Disgrace

  30. 再次,分析了大学生荣辱观教育的途径。

    Again , analysis of the way college students honor concept of education .