
  1. 独立工作、认真负责、诚实守信。

    capable of working independently in a responsible and honest manner ; and .

  2. 诚实守信。

    Be honest and keep your promise .

  3. 曾子深深懂得,诚实守信,说话算话是做人的基本准则。

    He knew that sincerity and keeping one 's words are the essentials of conducting oneself .

  4. 作为WTO的一项重要原则和规定就是诚实守信。

    Honesty and faith is one of the important principles and stipulations of WTO .

  5. 诚实守信是社会主义道德建设的重要内容,社会主义市场经济是以信用为基本前提的,中国加入WTO,信用建设更是意义重大,本文对此作了一些探讨。

    Credit is the main content of socialist moral construction , and it 's the basic prerequisite of socialist market e-conomy . After entering to WTO , it becomes more significant . This article inquires into the importance of it .

  6. 诚实守信是中国的传统美德。

    Being honest and believable is the traditional virtue in China .

  7. 诚实守信是每个公民道德行为的基本准则。

    Honesty is the basic principle that every citizen should keep .

  8. 行使责任,对独销商诚实守信。

    Act dutifully and in good faith towards the Sole Distributor .

  9. 这反映出传统道德规范中诚实守信的道德品质在网络世界中受到严峻挑战。

    Faithfulness in the traditional moral criterion is challenged severely .

  10. 它的基本意义是诚实守信、遵守诺言和真实负责。

    Its basic meaning is honesty , keeping promises , and responsibility .

  11. 诚实守信,不断扩大共信圈和加强信用文化建设,构筑坚强团队的具体对策。

    Enforcing credit culture construction , and countermeasures to build strong team .

  12. 诚实守信,精益求精,热诚服务,是我们的宗旨。

    Honesty , trustworthiness , excellence and dedication services is our aim .

  13. 在市场经济中,自主自立、公正公平、互利互惠、诚实守信、敢于创新是市场主体必备的伦理道德素养。

    Honesty and credit is main part of socialist market economy ethics .

  14. 论道德建设的重点:诚实守信

    On emphasis of moral construction : honesty and keeping one 's words

  15. 以“诚实守信”为行为准则;

    Take " honesty and trustworthiness as " behavior certainty ;

  16. 当你的掌心朝上,意味着你是诚实守信的。

    When your palms are up , it signals honesty and engagement .

  17. 我们公司诚实守信,质量保证,服务第一。

    Our company honest and trustworthy , quality assurance , service first .

  18. 社会诚信的基本含义就是诚实守信;

    The integrity and credit of society is an important moral category .

  19. 诚实守信、稳定安全体现了特安的价值;

    Integrity , good faith , stability and safety are values of ExSaf ;

  20. 第二,诚实守信,捍卫人性尊严;

    Second , she is honest and with dignity .

  21. 市场经济是以诚实守信为前提而进行的经济往来活动。

    The market economy is the economic exchanges which is based on honesty .

  22. 广大学生应该培养信用道德观念,诚实守信。

    Training the moral concept of credit of students .

  23. 尤其是道德建设,要以诚实守信为重点。

    Being honest and believable is the key point in the moral construction .

  24. 加强高校诚实守信道德教育环境的培育

    On Cultivating Honest and Creditable Educational Environment in University

  25. 诚实守信提高企业的竞争优势

    Sincerity and creditability : key factors to enhancing an enterprise 's competition superiority

  26. 务实创新,诚实守信,追求卓越

    Pragmatism , innovation , integrity , pursuit of excellence

  27. 诚实守信的人不会为怀疑所困扰;

    The honest man couldn 't puzzled by doubt ;

  28. 有良好的客户服务意识,诚实守信,良好的沟通能力。

    Customer oriented , credibility , communication abilities and ability to assert oneself .

  29. 我会做一个诚实守信,遵纪守法的执业律师

    I 'm gonna behave like an honest-to-god , law-abiding , licensed attorney ,

  30. 弘扬诚实守信传统加强思想道德建设

    Enlarging the Tradition of Honesty Strenthening Moral Construction