
  • 网络Business unit
  1. 相反,SOA主要被视为是部门或单个业务单元的设置。

    Instead , SOA has been mainly seen in departmental or single business unit settings .

  2. 非常大的部署可能对每个业务单元增加第三层级的ESB,以便将服务请求中转到该单元。

    Very large deployments might add a third hierarchical-level ESB per business unit to mediate service requests local to that unit .

  3. 你如何确保SOA不会围绕业务单元创建一组新的筒仓?

    How do you ensure that SOA then does not create a new set of silos across business units ?

  4. (在这种情况中,我们使用了虚拟组织(virtualorganization)这个术语表示很多联合业务单元的组合,每个业务单元都包含在自己的管理域中。)

    In this context , I use the term virtual organization to mean a composition of federated business units , each contained within its own administrative domain .

  5. MartinFowler设置了一个任何多业务单元SOA基础设施都可能遇到问题的场景。

    Martin Fowler sets the stage for problems that face any multi-business-unit SOA infrastructure .

  6. 企业服务总线(EnterpriseServiceBus,ESB)将事件驱动的方法和面向服务的方法结合使用,以简化业务单元的集成,从而在异类平台和环境间建立联系。

    An Enterprise Service Bus ( ESB ) combines event-driven and service oriented approaches to simplify integration of business units , bridging heterogeneous platforms and environments .

  7. OMAP功能称为应用业务单元(ASE)。

    OMAP functions are called Application Service Elements ( ASEs ) .

  8. ESB具有渗透性本质,因为它可以跨不同的部门、业务单元甚至业务合作伙伴进行应用程序集成。

    An ESB is by nature pervasive because it can integrate applications across different departments , business units or even business partners .

  9. 在代理ESB中,各个业务单元负责在其生命周期内控制和管理自己的ESB。

    In a brokered ESB , each business unit is responsible for the governance , life cycle , and management of its own ESB .

  10. 例如,CIO想要驱动创新,包括成本和业务单元之间的沟通。

    For example , a CIO may want to drive innovation , contain costs , and improve communication with business unit counterparts .

  11. 然而,如果一个较大的组织中存在几个截然不同的业务单元时,整套DSL方法开发起来还是比较困难的。

    But a full DSL approach could be difficult to develop in a large group with several business units that are distinct from each other .

  12. 在此基础上,采用BCG方法对时代公司的各业务单元进行了重新组合,综合采用SWOT方法和大战略矩阵制订出了公司战略选择方向,并进行了战略匹配分析。

    Basing on the analysis , it rebuilds the operation cells by uses the BGD , constitutes the strategy orientation by uses the SWOT and Gig Strategy Matrix , carry on the matching analysis .

  13. 公司CSO需要检测并记录各个业务单元之间的信息安全水平,以满足严格的政府与行业标准。

    The CSO needs to measure and document security across every business unit in order to meet stringent government and industry standards .

  14. Storebrand也期望将Web服务用到Storebrand银行和基金业务单元内的其它业务领域中,也可以在这些地方减少内部的操作成本。

    Storebrand also expects that web services will be utilized in other business areas within Storebrand Bank and Storebrand Funds business units to reduce internal operating costs there as well .

  15. LDM应避免被物理数据库、应用程序或业务单元束缚,从而实现跨整个企业的语义中心。

    LDM should avoid being bound by a physical database , an application , or a business unit in order to be a true semantic hub across the enterprise .

  16. 作为百通的一个独立业务单元,BSI将继续其成功和成长,为我们向关键任务网络解决方案提供安全通讯的愿景作出贡献。

    As an independent business entity within Belden , BSI will continue its growth and success and contribute to our vision of delivering secure communications to mission critical networking solutions .

  17. 请求或提供服务的业务单元是相互独立的。

    Business units that request or provide services are mutually interdependent .

  18. 企业业务单元数量与作业成本制衡作用辨析

    The Effect Analysis of Counterbalance between Business Unit Quantity and Activity-based Cost

  19. 团队还包括消费者、业务单元副本、以及计划管理者。

    It also includes customers , business unit counterparts , and program managers .

  20. 企业内部业务单元数量是否具有规模经济的某些特征?

    Whether business unit quantity of enterprise has certain characteristics of scale economies ?

  21. 新型超短波战术电台综合业务单元设计

    The Integrated Services Unit Design of New Type of Ultra-short Wave Radio Set

  22. 定义特定业务单元或者开发项目所需要的基础。

    Define the infrastructure required by a particular business unit or development project .

  23. 战略业务单元退出模型研究

    On the models of exit of strategic business unit

  24. 使用了战略更新方法进行业务单元的战略规划。

    Strategy renew method to program the business unit .

  25. 并于11月29日宣布售出了另一个小业务单元。

    and on November 29th it announced the sale of another small unit .

  26. 这必然会导致出现针对各个业务单元的多个体系。

    It would lead to the emergence of many formalisms for each business units .

  27. 同业务单元副本的关系变得更加开放、动人和有生产力。

    Relationships with business unit counterparts become more open , engaging , and productive .

  28. 利用波士顿矩阵对企业的业务单元组合和发展态势定位进行分析。

    Using the Boston matrix business unit and thedevelopment trend of enterprise location analysis .

  29. 很多农业企业为扩大规模、增加业务单元而展开多元化经营。

    Many agricultural enterprises explore diversification to expand the scale , increase business unit .

  30. 企业,而不是任何个人或业务单元,拥有所有数据。

    The enterprise , rather than any individual or business unit , owns all data .