
  • 网络Present Value Model;APV
  1. 在EMH框架下,运用协整、标准差等方法对所选取个股样本以及模拟的市场组合进行了检验,包括方差边界及现值模型的成立与否。

    In the framework of the EMH , using the methods of co-integration and the poor standard test the selected samples and the simulation of stock market combination , including whether or not the establishment of the border of variance and the present value model .

  2. 通过对人力资本投资成本的分析,将聘用期视为投资回收期,建立了净现值模型,并给出了一个实例,为聘用单位确定聘用期提供了一种适用的方法。

    Through analyzing the human capital investment cost , this paper establishes the net present value model that taking the period of employment as the payback period , and provides a suitable method for the employing units to determine the period of employment by using an actual example .

  3. MA(q)利率下企业生存年金精算现值模型

    Actuarial present value models of enterprise life annuity based on MA ( q ) interest rate

  4. 基于ARMA(p,q)利息力生存年金精算现值模型

    The Life Annuity Actuarial Present Value Models Based on ARMA ( p , q ) Force of Interest Rate

  5. 基于MA(q)利息力下缴费预定型企业年金保险中生存年金精算现值模型

    The Life Annuity Actuarial Present Value Models of Defined Contributed Enterprise Annuity Insurance Based on MA ( q ) Force of Interest Rate

  6. 利用CAPM模型,引入项目资金结构的净现值模型对特许权期的求值是更能够准确反映项目成本和收益的科学方法。

    Using the CAPM model , the introduction in project 's capital structure model is a scientific method to reflect the cost accurately when it used to evaluate the concession period .

  7. 本文结合前人的研究,利用PERT预测法和蒙特卡洛模拟法,建立了项目的随机净现值模型。通过分析净现值的概率分布,利用期望效用理论得出决策者的期望效用值,对项目作出决策。

    This paper combined the study of predecessor and use PERT predicted method and technology of Monte-Carlo Simulation to get the probability distribution of project 's random NPV , and to use the Theory of Expected Utility to get Expected Utility Value for decision-making to make decision of project .

  8. 效用现值模型及其在反腐败行为中的应用

    Effectiveness PW pattern establishment and its application to the anti-corruption

  9. 随机利率下寿险组合精算现值模型研究

    Actuarial Present Value Model of Life Insurance Portfolio under Stochastic Interest Rate

  10. 根据基本净现值模型提出了随机净现值模型;

    And it brings forward random NPV model in the light of basic NPV model .

  11. 进而根据组合理论,获得了多种寿险组合精算现值模型。

    Then according to portfolio theory , access to a wide range of life insurance actuarial present value model portfolio .

  12. 同时也通过分析,建立了土地征地费用模型和降低路基高度后节省的费用现值模型。

    Meanwhile , we make two models after research on signing the land charges and the saving charges after lowering the height of embankment .

  13. 然后,考虑市场上存在多种相互独立的随机投资利率的情况下,依据投资组合理论得出企业年金保险中多种生存年金组合的精算现值模型。

    We then get the life annuity actuarial present value models of annuity portfolio insurance through the portfolio theory , under the independent stochastic interest rates environment .

  14. 利用股票红利现值模型推导出影响市盈率的主要内在因素:股利成长率和投资者要求的投资报酬率。

    Making use of model of present value of stock dividend , the paper deduces the inherent factors which influences P / E ratio , growth rate of stock dividend and ROI requested by investors .

  15. 除了前文提到的两种计量模式,还应有现值模型为导向的公允价值、可变现净值以及历史成本+自然增值三种会计计量模式。

    In addition to the previously mentioned two measurement model , there should be the present value-driven fair value measurement mode , net realizable value measurement mode and " historical cost + natural value-added " measurement mode .

  16. 通过对企业折现现金流模型、调整后现值模型和股权现金流折现模型的比较分析,得出三种方法的联系与区别,应用时需注意的环节以及适用范围。

    Through the analysis on the comparison of the discounted enterprise ' cash flow method , the adjusted cash flow method and the discounted stockholders ' cash flow method , the relationships and differences between them are given , attentions and applying scopes as well .

  17. 在生猪生长第三阶段&成年公猪和母猪阶段,应主要选择历史成本+自然增值模式计量,条件允许的情况下,还可选择市场价格为导向、现值模型为导向的公允价值计量。

    On the third pig growth stage-boar and sow mode , we should mainly choose " historical cost + natural value-added " mode , if conditions permits , we can also choose the market price-oriented , the present mode-derived fair value measurements on the third stage .

  18. 对西方商业银行日常经营活动中,主要的四种利率风险度量模型(重新定价模型、持续期缺口模型、收入模拟模型、净组合现值模型),进行了比较详尽的介绍。

    Then I introduced the types of interest rate risk , the principles of measuring risk of Basle committee on banking supervision and the main models ( repricing model , duration model , income simulation analysis and NPV model ) of measuring interest risk in Occident commercial bank .

  19. 矿业权理论及其收益现值法模型

    Mineral Property Theory and Its Valuation Model of Discounted Cash-flow

  20. 同时,本文主要应用矿业权估价的收益现值法模型和基于需求弹性矿产资源稀缺价值评估模型,为矿业税收的制定提供了定量化的分析工具。

    Meanwhile , this essay applies income present value model and rare evaluation model to provide quantitative analysis instruments for the establishment of mining taxation .

  21. 在分析企业家才能的市场定价机制后,对收益现值法模型进行修正和完善,重点分析和提出了评估企业家才能的价值贡献模型。

    After analyzing market-priced mechanism of entrepreneur value , this article revise the model of income present value , and create the model of value contribution .

  22. 本文总结了海岸工程水文的一维统计分布模型,提出了适用于我国沿海风暴潮影响地区的增减水重现值计算模型&组合分布模型。

    To summarize the univariate extreme value distribution models and put forward a Combined Distribution Model , which is suitable for statistical analysis of storm surge in typhoon-effected area .

  23. 给出了企业家价值评估应遵循的基本原则,简单介绍了几种评估方法,并在传统模型分析的基础上给出了修正后的收益现值法模型。

    This article presents the basic principles and some methods for evaluating a entrepreneur . Besides , the authors propose a revised Income Present Value Model according to the Income Present Value Model .

  24. 本文根据房地产投资的基本特点,提出了一组决策树概率加权现值分析模型,并以案例分析为依据,剖析了这组模型的决策思路及其作用。

    Based on the inherent characteristics of real estate investment , the paper presents the probability-weighted present value analysis models of decision tree , dissected the decision-making train of thought and functions for these models through a case-study analysis .

  25. 阐述工程投标不平衡报价的涵义及内容,结合公路工程项目对不平衡报价使用范围及技巧,建立利润现值最大化模型,对可能存在的风险做了深入分析研究。

    The article introduces the meaning and content of no-balance price-determining method . Considering the scope and use of quotations skills of no-balance price-determining method in the road projects , it establishes the profit maximizing model , and it analysis the risks that may exist-depth of the study .

  26. 企业整体资产评估中收益现值法的数学模型探讨

    The Mathematical Model On The Profit Present Value in Evaluating Enterprise Assets

  27. 系列付款现值的分期数学模型及其在会计中的应用

    Installment Mathematic Modes of Series Cash Payment Value and Its Application in Accounting

  28. 综合了硅资源的价格变化、成本变化和资金的折现率因素,构建了一套完整评估项目周期内任意时刻硅资源净现值的综合数学模型,为实际的硅资源评估提供科学的依据。

    Constructed a integrated mathematical model which assesses the net present value of the silicon resource at any time within the project cycle and provides a scientific basis for the real assessment of mineral resources investment .

  29. 根据原料、产品市场预测及规划周期内的投资预算,建立了以规划周期内净现值为目标的模型,能准确测算投资回报。

    In accordance with the market supply and demand of raw materials and products together with the investment budget of the planning cycle , a long term planning model was established aiming at the net present value .

  30. 将企业生命周期理论思想和指数拟合、线性拟合,运用到企业收益预测中,提出了新的超额收益现值法的计量模型,将量化与评估相结合,对商誉的价值进行计量。

    Exerting the theory of enterprise life cycle and regression analysis to enterprise income forecast , giving new measure model of current value of excess income , combining the quantitativeness to evaluation and measuring the value of goodwill .