
xiàn jīn bǐ lǜ
  • cash ratio
  1. 因此本文选取净资产收益率作为衡量企业价值的指标,根据MM理论选取了保费对数、企业资产对数、长期负债率、现金比率和双赫指数作为自变量,并以盈利虚拟作为控制变量。

    Therefore , this article selects the ROE indicator as a measure of enterprise value . According to the MM theory , we select premiums , corporate assets , long-term debt ratio , cash ratio and HH index as independent variables , and earnings virtual as a control variable .

  2. 基于现金比率模型改进的我国地下经济规模测算

    Forecast of the Underground Economy Scale in China Based on Improved Cash Ratio Model

  3. 我国非正规经济规模的定量估测&现金比率法的修正及实证分析

    Quantitative estimation of irregular economy scale of China

  4. 实际上,许多分析者在财务报表分析中并不使用现金比率。

    Actually , many analysts don 't use the ratio in financial statement analysis .

  5. 现金比率法和潜在收入能力测算法是测算地下经济和公开经济中税收流失规模最常用的方法。

    Cash ratio and potential revenue capacity is the most commonly used method of measuring it .

  6. 现金比率表达了现金和现金等价物与流动负债之间的关系。

    The cash ratio expresses the relationship of cash and cash equivalents to the current liabilities .

  7. 主要的比率有流动负债现金比率、到期债务现金比率,负债总额现金比率、现金流量现金股利比率等。

    The major cash ratios involve current liabilities , matured debt , aggregate liabilities , cash flow and cash divi-dend .

  8. 于是,除了流动比率和速动比率外,分析者可能会使用现金比率来评价即时的支付能力。

    Thus , apart from the current ratio and quick ratio , analysts may use the cash ratio to evaluate the immediate solvency .

  9. 在指出现有对地下经济规模进行测算的现金比率模型所存在的缺陷基础之上,对其进行了必要的修正,并采用修正后的现金比率法模型测算了1995~2003年我国的地下经济规模。

    The limitation that exists in cash ratio model used to evaluate the underground economy scale is analyzed and necessary modification is made on the model .

  10. 采用出让方式的公司其负债现金比率一般较高,这说明采用出让方式要求公司的现金流量比较充裕;

    The company which adopts the first way usually has higher cash to liability ratio , so it requires the cash flow of the company to be more abundant .

  11. 对税收流失问题的研究,离不开对税收流失规模的把握。因此,文章紧接着介绍了两种具有代表性的税收流失规模测算方法&现金比率法和潜在税收测算法。

    The study of tax losing depends on the information in size of tax losing , so I subsequently introduce two typical methods to estimate the size of tax losing .

  12. 在借鉴传统研究方法的基础上,运用中国资本市场的数据,采用实证的方法对销售现金比率与财务危机的相关性进行研究,以期为研究财务危机预警做出贡献。

    Based on the traditional research method , this paper makes an empirical study of the correlation of sales ratio and financial crisis with the data of capital markets in China .

  13. 首先介绍国际上常见的测算方法,并主要对现金比率法进行敏感度分析和修正,以找出最适合于我国的模型形式,并对我国地下经济规模进行测算。

    At first , it recommends commonly used calculating methods of the underground economy in the world , and then the author revises the method of currency ration and makes empirical analysis and receives a good result .

  14. 实证结果表明,作为对盈余反应系数的影响因素,主营业务比率和投资现金比率的盈余反应系数都有显著性,现金利润比率不具有显著性。

    Empirical results show that as the factors of the earnings response coefficient , major operation income ratio ( MOIR ) and investment cash ratio ( ICR ) are significant , cash income ratio ( CIR ) is not significant .

  15. 西方对非规范经济估测方法的研究,在20世纪60年代就开始了,如今已经提出了许多估测方法,如敏感性问题调查法、现金比率法、通货需求法等。

    The western research on the method of measuring the scale of informal economy began at the sixties of the 20th century , and now proposed a lot of methods , such as cash ratio model , demand of currency method , etc.

  16. 准确地把握逃税规模是对选税的经济影响进行分析的前提和基础,本文运用现金比率法对我国自1985年到2002年地下经济规模和因地下经济导致的逃税规模进行了测算。

    Accurate estimation of tax evasion size is a precondition and basis of analyzing its effects on economy . Employing the method of cash ratio , the paper estimates underground economy size and tax evasion size caused by underground economy from 1985 to 2002 in China .

  17. 印度央行还将存款准备金率(银行必须存放于央行的现金比率)上调25个基点至9%,并将本财政年度的经济增长预期下调0.5%至8%。

    The RBI also increased the cash reserve ratio – the amount banks must keep on deposit at the central bank – by 25 basis points to 9 per cent . It lowered its forecast for economic growth this financial year by half a percentage point to 8 per cent .

  18. 研究结果发现在总资产周转率、营业毛利率、净值报酬率、资产报酬率、负债净值比现金流量比率有显着的差异。NET的重要组成部分。

    As a result , we found that there are significant differences in total assets turnover , operational margin ratio , returns on net equity , returns on total assets , debts to equity ratio and cash-flow rate .

  19. 现金存款比率和准备金存款比率持续下降而准货币存款比率却变化不大,从而导致我国货币乘数持续上升。

    The de - creasing currency ratio and the reserve ratio lead to money multiplier decreasing continuously .

  20. 短期偿债能力,流动比率,速动比率,现金流量比率,表外因素。

    The short date repays debt the ability , liquidity ratio , move the ratio soon , the cash discharge ratio , factor outside the form .

  21. 若能腾出资金,投资于收益率更高的上游资产,或许能够缩小其相对于欧洲同行的长期折扣(按股价与现金流比率计算)。

    Freeing up capital to invest in higher-yielding upstream assets might narrow its persistent discount to European peers , on a price to cash flow basis .

  22. 实证结果发现:在财务预警模型中,负债比率、现金流量比率、每股盈余具高度显著性;

    As the result of substantial test : In this financial pre-caution model analysis , the debt ratio , net profit ratio and EPS are highly with significant .

  23. 企业的违约概率与代表流动性的现金资产比率、与代表盈利性的未分配利润资产比率、与代表资产使用效率的总资产周转率显著负相关。

    The probability of default is positive relevant to cash assets rate which represents liquidity , retained earning rate which represents profitability and total assets turnover rate which represents service efficiency of assets .

  24. 从现金/收入比率及其变动看我国支付产业的发展

    On the Development of Modern Payments Industry In View of Cash / GDP Ratio and Its Changes

  25. 你有计算或以其他途径找出关于现金流的比率的习惯。

    You get used to calculating or finding out the cash flow ratio of an entity in the cash flow aspect .

  26. 该公司的资产负债率偏高,现金类偿债能力比率显示长期偿债能力不稳定。

    The ratio of ability to cash repay appears instability for a long term .

  27. 强制披露自由现金流和现金流比率可以使现金流量表更有意义。

    Mandatory disclosure of free cash flow and cash flow ratio will be more meaningful .

  28. 但是一般企业不可能、无必要保留过多的现金资产,所以现金比率不是越高越好。

    However , as it is impossible and also unnecessary for ordinary enterprises to keep too many cash assets , having a higher cash ratio is not the better .

  29. 从现金流量分类分析和现金流量比率分析两个方面出发,阐述如何利用现金流量表对企业的财务状况和经营成果进行分析。

    According to the classified analysis of cash flow reports and the ratio analysis of cash flow reports , this article discusses how to use cash flow reports to analyse the enterprise financial situation and the operating results .

  30. 一个负现金流的公司以月计的负现金流比率。

    The rate at which a company spends its money .