
xiàn yǒu shì chǎnɡ
  • ready market
  1. Facebook现在总共拥有18亿活跃用户,在现有市场的基础之上,它正积极寻求向世界其它地方扩张。

    Facebook , which has 1.8 billion active users , is aggressively looking to expand in parts of the world beyond its existing markets .

  2. 虽现有市场已有许多纺织方面的CAD系统,但就目前所发表的文献鲜见关于纹理绉组织CAD设计方面的研究报道,也未见纹理绉组织CAD设计系统专用软件上市。

    Although there are many CAD systems of textile designing in the current market , the relevant research report of the CAD designing of grain crepe weave is seldom , and there is no special CAD designing software for grain crepe weave .

  3. Hara拒绝透露IBM正在开发的首个产品具体事宜,只表示是一个新产品,将会更新现有市场上的同类产品。

    Hara declined to gosintosspecifics on the first product IBM is producing except to say that it will be a new product that will update an existing part currently on the market .

  4. 文章采取实证分析方法,通过总结MBO在中国现有市场条件下发展状况,归纳出了MBO在中国现有市场条件下的六种基本的交易模式及面临的发展障碍;

    Based on the methodology of case analysis , the paper discussed six basic exchange mode of and obstacles facing MBO market under the extant market condition through the summary of the current situation of MBO in China 's market .

  5. 在实证分析方面,通过对兴业银行泉州分行个人理财业务的营销环境进行SWOT分析,得出其应用采取市场渗透的营销战略,并据此对现有市场营销策略进行改善和优化。

    On the foundation of SWOT analysis of the personal finance business in the Industrial Bank Quanzhou Branch , the empirical analysis makes a conclusion that the penetration marketing strategies should be taken . With this conclusion I put out the methods for improving and bettering the existing marketing strategy .

  6. 就像亚马逊(Amazon)改变了零售业一样,Uber也可能改变运输业——通过设计精美、用户友好的软件以及海量数据来彻底重塑现有市场,最终使许多的城市交通模式更便宜、更灵活,更易于为不同收入阶层的人所使用。

    It could well transform transportation the way Amazon has altered shopping - by using slick , user-friendly software and mountains of data to completely reshape an existing market , ultimately making many modes of urban transportation cheaper , more flexible and more widely accessible to people across the income spectrum .

  7. 对现有市场的进行渗透形成业绩增长的依赖;

    Our dependence on increased penetration of existing markets ;

  8. 制定地方法规、政策,整顿现有市场,为饭店企业创造良好的经营环境;

    Formulate the local laws and regulations , create good environment for the hotel enterprise ;

  9. 为了巩固现有市场,万豪集团现在主要致力于打造现有品牌。

    To further strengthen their presence , the group is undertaking considerable investments in existing brands .

  10. 但诺基亚表示,预计第四季度其将保持现有市场份额,并有可能实现增长。

    But Nokia said it expects to hold or gain market share in the fourth quarter .

  11. 特别是在现有市场环境下,任何投机取巧行为,所带来的将是自杀式的破坏。

    Especially under the existing market environment , any kind of opportunistic behavior would bring the suicide-like destruction .

  12. 刻印出的标识清晰、美观、规范,满足现有市场对便携式气动打印系统的需求。

    The marks made by it are clear , beautiful and standard , which meet the requirement of the market .

  13. 他表示,硅谷擅长的是创造新市场,而非满足现有市场的迫切需求。

    He argues that the Valley has excelled in creating new markets rather than satisfying crying needs in existing ones .

  14. 钢铁产品贸易的发展主要依靠对现有市场份额的争夺和开拓新市场来实现。

    The development of steel products trade lies largely on the snatch of incumbent market and the exploitation of new market .

  15. 在现有市场价格水平上,消费者不选择生态标识鸡蛋并不是因为支付能力不足。

    At the present market , the reason that consumers do not buy eco-labeling eggs is not insufficiency of purchasing power .

  16. 我们分析了188个国外现有市场的合资企业,发现信息不可考证性和法律的非执行性增加了机会机会主义。

    Our analysis of188 foreign joint ventures in an emerging market suggests that opportunism increases with information unverifiability and law unenforceability .

  17. 收入中心经理们应组织和激励销售人员在现有市场上尽可能多地销售。

    Revenue center managers should organize and motivate their sales forces to sell as much as possible in their assigned markets .

  18. 尤其在高通货膨胀时期,投资者尽量购买那些至少会保持他们现有市场价值的有形资产。

    Especially during cycles of high inflation , investors try to purchase tangibles that will at least retain their current market values .

  19. 到那时候,可再生能源技术将变得过于先进,让南非的参与者无法在现有市场上猛烈地竞争。

    By then , renewable energy technologies will be far too advanced for South African entrants to fiercely compete in established markets .

  20. 而受制于整体风险管理的落后,现有市场风险管理水平还不容乐观。

    The existing market risk management level still allows of no optimist , which is limited by the backwardness to whole risk management .

  21. 然而,减少天然气燃除的一个主要障碍是缺乏利用伴生气所需要的基础设施和现有市场。

    But a key obstacle to reduce the amount of gas flared is the lack of infrastructure and available markets for the associated gas .

  22. 德尔福排气在中国的发展条件出现了剧变,公司必须重新制定和实施新的战略,以保持和发展现有市场。

    The environment for Delphi Exhaust China is changed . The company should consider and implement new strategies to maintain and develop the market share .

  23. 去年11月晋升为渣打银行首席执行官的彼得桑兹表示,渣打银行在现有市场中拥有“巨大的增长机会”。

    Peter sands , who was promoted to Chief Executive in November , said the bank had " huge growth opportunities " in its markets .

  24. 然后根据现有市场上比较好和热门的产品进行分种类设计分析,据此对当代美国办公家具发展现状进行总结归纳。

    Then current market better products and popular sub-type of design analysis , whereby the development of contemporary office furniture , the United States summarized the current situation .

  25. 然而现有市场导向文献只是从制造商公司内部的角度进行研究,即市场导向行为中涉及的信息的收集、传播和响应是在公司内部进行的。

    Currently , existing literature on market orientation , mainly research from a manufacturer , and intelligence collection , dissemination and response are carried out within the company .

  26. 对现有市场进行渗透销售,与此同时向完善现代企业制度,逐步培养和强化企业的核心竞争力。

    Market penetration of existing sales , at the same time to improve the modern enterprise system , and gradually develop and strengthen the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  27. 商业化的最新进展,在绿色和蓝色发光二极管激光器是创造机会,扩大现有市场,以及实现新的增长领域。

    The advantages of direct-emitting green laser diodes among them high efficiency and lifetime are expected to expand visible laser applications and enable growth in new areas of use .

  28. 苏南苏北现有市场拓展型、成本节约型、产业转移型等3种企业联系模式。

    There are three models of relationships among enterprises between the north and the south of Jiangsu province : market expansion models 、 cost saving models and industry shift models .

  29. 这虽然不是一种零和游戏,但思科无法做到永远阻止竞争对手并保住现有市场份额,这一点毋庸置疑。

    The reality might be less zero-sum than that , but it 's true that Cisco won 't be able to fend off competitors forever and keep its market share .

  30. 随着产品生命周期的大大缩短,以及现有市场的极度细分和饱和,导致基于现有已界定市场的纵向营销创新的成功率不断下降。

    The shortening of the product 's lifecycle and the subdivision and saturation of the current market result in the success rate of vertical marketing cultivation based on current market declines .