
  1. 借贷活动中信任的建构与法律的作用

    Maintaining Trust Between Debit and Credit Sides and The Force of Law

  2. 信用是一种借贷活动。

    Credit is a kind of borrowing - lending activity .

  3. 二三十年代华北乡村合作社的借贷活动

    The Debit and Credit Activities of Rural Cooperatives in North China in the 1920-1930s

  4. 民间金融是指不受官方监管的各种投资和资金借贷活动。

    Civil finance refers to various kinds of investment and capital loan activities not supervised by the government .

  5. 规范民间借贷活动,要从法规建设、市场环境和金融改革多方面入手。

    Managing country lending , efforts should be put at rules establishment , market environment and financial revolution .

  6. 借贷活动中明显存在着对债权人有利的习俗、习惯和社会环境,借贷者完全处于受剥削的地位。

    Customs , habits and social environment in lending activities were clearly propitious to creditors , borrowers is completely at exploited status .

  7. 银行的存款准备金指的是国家规定,储蓄银行都必须设置的一部分资金,以进行其日常的资金借贷活动。

    The bank reserve requirement refers to deposits banks are required to set aside as a reserve , which reduces their lending ability .

  8. 至于小规模高利贷以及其它非正式的借贷活动,只要数额较小且不张扬,中国官方就会采取默许的态度。

    Small-scale loan sharking and other informal lending activity are tacitly permitted in China , as long as they are relatively small and low-key .

  9. 近年来,民间借贷活动异常活跃,民间借贷问题成为金融界乃至全社会讨论的热门话题。

    In recent years , very active non-governmental lending , private lending financial sector and the whole issue has become a hot topic for discussion within the community .

  10. 然后,当私人借贷活动有所复苏时,央行将会进行逆向操作,向市场出售资产并减少对银行的贷款。

    Then , as and when private lending recovers , the central banks will reverse course , selling assets into the market and reducing their credit to banks .

  11. 结论部分,在本部分中初步提出了有关于民间借贷活动的发展趋势及农牧民增收的问题。

    In the last part , the writer initially put forward the developing tendency of the folk debit and credit and the problem of increasing income of peasants and herdsmen .

  12. 而随着信息技术的推动,与社会网络服务的结合,基于网络的金融服务创新为我们探索民间借贷活动提供了一个的窗口。

    Based on the development of information technology and online social network services , online financial service provides us with a real transaction based angle to investigate civil lending activities .

  13. 由于中国官方试图在不引发经济崩溃的情况下抑制借贷活动,中国国内市场债券发行规模四年来首次降低。中国目前是世界第二大经济体。

    Chinese onshore bond issuance is falling for the first time in four years , as the authorities try to dampen borrowing in the world 's second largest economy without triggering a crash .

  14. 他所说的“目前的政策立场”被经济学家和美联储的观察人士普遍看作是美国目前的利率。这表明,美联储至少会考虑削减利率来刺激经济增长和促进借贷活动。

    The " current stance on policy " is widely viewed by economists and Fed-watchers as current U.S. interest rates - an indication that the Fed will at least consider further cuts to stimulate economic growth and promote lending .

  15. 他们以后从事的次级借贷市场的活动的利润会减少,而且他们也会减少投入的力量。

    Following bonds once they trade in the secondary market is much less lucrative for the agencies , he argues , and they devote far fewer resources to it .

  16. 要加强对农村民间借贷的引导、管理和规范,扬利去弊,使农村民间借贷活动沿着健康的方向发展,以促进农村的社会稳定和经济发展。

    Strengthen the guiding , management and standardization so as to make the rural folk debit and credit activity developed healthy and promote the social stability and economic development in the countryside .

  17. 狭义上的国际借贷指国际贷款,即处于不同国家的债权人和债务人之间的货币借贷活动。

    Narrowly speaking , international loans only refer to money borrowing and lending between debit and credit sides from different countries .