
jiè yù
  • metonymy
  • use an analogy
借喻 [jiè yù]
  • (1) [parabolize]∶比喻

  • (2) [trope]∶为了活跃或强调一个意思使用与原意上不相同的一个词或一种表达

  1. 从明喻、隐喻、借喻三个方面对英语文学作品中的比喻修辞格进行了赏析。

    Appreciation is given on simile , metaphor , and metonymy all together three aspects in English literature .

  2. 辞格特征与辞格辨识&谈借喻和借代、移就和比拟的区别

    The Features and Discrimination of Figures of Speech & On the Differences between Metonymy and Synecdoche and Hypallage and Comparison

  3. 研究对象为带有隐喻(暗喻,借喻)的英谚。

    The subject of researching is the English proverbs with metaphor .

  4. 关于借喻与借代的区别问题

    On the Differences between Metaphor and Metonymy

  5. 通过两个条件:相关关系与代替来辨析借代与借喻。

    Through two conditions : the related relationship and replacement , the author analyzes Jiedai and Jieyu .

  6. 第三节分析了含有比喻义的成语翻译情况,从明喻、暗喻、借喻三个方面来阐述。

    The third part shows some idiom translation situations of metaphor from the aspects of simile and metaphor .

  7. 属于术语命名中的借喻现象。“技术路线图”一词已成为当前重要术语。

    This is the metaphor of terms , and " technology road map " has become an important term .

  8. 领悟洞穴人的生动借喻,思辨追求之先的主动放弃。

    Comprehends a metaphor about cave dwellers , and believes that ought to give up something before to seek any-thing .

  9. 从本体和喻体的角度看,比喻造词可分为暗喻造词和借喻造词。

    This article , analyzed from the view of the signified and the signifier , divides figurative word building into metaphor coining and metonymy coining .

  10. 此外隐喻和借喻对谚语的语义整合起到了重要作用,韩谚侧重于借喻认知方式,而汉谚则倾向于隐喻。

    Furthermore , the proverbial metaphor and metonymy play an important role in semantic integration , Korean adage focuses on metaphor understanding , while the Chinese adage tend to focus on metaphor .

  11. 受古代哲学思想、文化底蕴的影响,比喻辞格在中医典籍中很常见,尤其是中医学的奠基之作《黄帝内经》,仅比喻就包括四种,即明喻、暗喻、借喻和事喻。

    Under the influences of ancient philosophical ideas and culture , tropes are extremely widespread in Chinese medical classics , especially TCM fundamental book Huangdi Neijing where only tropes include four kinds , namely simile , metaphor , metonymy and logical metaphor .