
jiè shū zhènɡ
  • library card;library ticket
借书证 [jiè shū zhèng]
  • [library card(ticket)] 图书馆印发的借书证件

  1. Web方式的家庭藏书管理系统设计思路我想办理一个借书证。

    Design Ideas of Family Collection Management System with Web I 'd like to have a library card .

  2. 江苏省高校通用借书证的使用状况及其问题分析

    Utilization and Analyses of Unified Library Card of Jiangsu Academic Libraries

  3. 她给他们发了借书证。

    She issued them library cards .

  4. 所以给你的图书馆借书证续期,订阅你最喜欢的英文杂志或者去上网吧!

    So renew your library pass , subscribe to your favorite English magazine or go online !

  5. 我不知道你可否让我用一用你的借书证?

    I wonder if you 'd let me use your card ?

  6. 好的.你有借书证吗?

    Okay . Um , do you have a library card ?

  7. 借书证上有我的名字和个人信息。

    There are my name and my personal information on my card .

  8. 借完书后他把借书证还给了我。

    He returned the card to me after checking out the books .

  9. 市政局借书证不得转让。

    An Urban Council library card is not transferable .

  10. 指纹识别技术在图书馆借书证管理中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Fingerprint Identification Technique in the Library Card Management

  11. 你在借书证上的电话号码是正确的吗?

    Your phone number on your library card correct ?

  12. 借阅图书时请出示借书证。

    Present Library Card To Check Out Books .

  13. 丽齐想办理学校的借书证。

    Lizzy wants to join the school library .

  14. 机读借书证的管理方法

    The Mamagement of Machine Readable Reader 's Card

  15. 中文词的自动办理浅谈图书馆借书证的管理方法

    AUTOMATIC PROCESSING CHINESS WORD Talking about the Measures for the Management of Library Card

  16. 哦.很好.我马上给你办个借书证.

    Oh . Cool . I can make you out a card right now .

  17. 然后我就可以给你办一个借书证了.

    then I can give you a card .

  18. 我把借书证递给管理员。

    I handed the assistant my library card .

  19. 对不起,您需要办借书证才能借这里的书。

    You need a library card to check out the books in this room .

  20. 我想办理一个借书证。琼是一个合乎理想的人。

    I 'd like to have a library card . Joan was the ideal person .

  21. 你有借书证吗?

    Do you have a library card ?

  22. 你有图书馆借书证吗?

    Have you a library card ?

  23. 不过,我有了一张借书证,是姐姐给我的。

    However , I had a library card , ising an elder sister to give mine .

  24. 加强文献资源共享&江苏省高校通用借书证工作研究

    Strengthening literature resources sharing - A study on universal library card of academic schools in Jiangsu province

  25. 若有借书证的话,一次最多可以借几本书?

    If you got a library card , how many books are you allowed to borrow at one time ?

  26. 只要问明白怎样申请借书证就行了,用借书证你可以经常把书借出来。

    Simply ask how to apply for a library card , which will permit you to take books out regularly .

  27. 两周内会寄给您,但您可以用临时借书证借书。

    It 'll be mailed to you within two weeks , but you can borrow books on the temporary card .

  28. 普莱西系统凭贴在每本书和借书证上的条型码标签来识别出图书和读者。

    The plessey system identifies books and readers by bar coded labels , mounted on each book and on readers'cards .

  29. 申请借书证也许要付一点费用,通常不会超过一两美元。

    There may be a small charge for the library card , normally no more than one or two dollars .

  30. 如果出现问题,在读者的借书证未找到或临时借书证未准备好以前,不能让他走。

    If problems occur the reader is detained until his ticket is found , or until a temporary ticket is prepared .