- receipt for a loan;certificate of indebtedness;evidence of debt;debt on bond
[receipt for a loan] 借用别人的财物时所立的字据
Promissory notes were generally used as evidence of debt .
With the US budget deficit declining and the Treasury extending the maturity of IOUs , issuance of short-term Treasury paper has been cut back .
Paul Cavey , China economist at Macquarie , says a large and increasing number of small businesses are being forced to accept receivables , a kind of IOU , in lieu of payment for goods .
How about stamps and ious ? Are they cash or not ?
He wrote out an Lou for five thousand dollars .
We don 't accept ious-no cash no goods !
The cla accepts this as legitimate , which cannot be challenged in court .
Write out a promissory note with the assistance of a lawyer or other witness .
Six months for the iou ?
When you borrowed the money to buy your home , you signed a promissory note – an IOU .
He reminded her that the note supposedly signed by her father was dated three days after his death .
No. They are not cash although they are often handled like cash . You know stamps ant IOUs cannot be deposited .
Debt itself is presumably as old as settled society : the earliest samples of writing that have been recovered are often debt records .
A promissory note establishes the terms of the loan and allows action in a court of law if the provisions fall within state contract laws .
In the event of the ~ of the devices under execution , the whole principal sum unpaid upon the promissory note shall immediately become due .
And when he had paid everything , and lifted the hundred-dollar note with Brissenden 's lawyer , he still had over a hundred dollars in pocket .
43.3 % of rural households do not have any overt measures to ensure repayment , but there is the trend of increasing the proportion of having Borrowing certificate .
A certificate or voucher acknowledging a debt . Recording documents : The documents which prove the responsibilities of the person handling accounting events and which serve as the basis of account keeping .
In his book Debt : The First 5,000 Years , Mr Graeber describes how cancelling the debts , destroying the records , reallocating the land , was to become the standard list of peasant revolutionaries everywhere .
If loaners need help pulling a formal document together , they can opt to search online for a promissory note template , which states the promise to pay someone back and can help ensure that all the important details are covered .
In most states a promissory note just needs to be signed by the borrower to be valid , but it 's better if you sign , too , so that the intent of both parties is clear should you have to go to court , Prakash says .