
  • 网络document description
  1. CALIS乐谱文献著录研究

    Research on the Printed Music Document Description of CALIS

  2. 浅谈文献著录标准化

    A Brief Talk on Standardization of Document Description

  3. DC元数据在特种地方文献著录中的应用

    Using DC in the Description of Special Local Collections

  4. 关于高校社科学报学术论文参考文献著录问题

    About Reference Recording in Higher Learning Institutions ' Social Sciences Journals

  5. 科技期刊参考文献著录规则

    Descriptive Rules for Bibliographic References about Periodical of Science and Technology

  6. 护理期刊外文参考文献著录情况分析

    An Investigation on Citations of Foreign-language References of Articles in Nursing Periodicals

  7. 参考文献著录中的学术道德缺失现象及其防范

    Immoral phenomenon in citing references and some measures to fight

  8. 科技论文中参考文献著录失真的原因及对策分析

    The Analysis of the Causation and Countermeasure on Reference Records ' Distortion

  9. 学术论文中参考文献著录的作用、原则及标准

    Function , Principles and Standards of Reference Documents Catalogue in Research Papers

  10. 医学期刊论文参考文献著录常见问题分析及对策

    Problems of Reference Description of Medical Journal Articles and Solutions

  11. 对文后参考文献著录规则的商榷

    Discussion on " rules for documentation of bibliographic references "

  12. 参考文献著录规则应用及注意的问题

    Application of the Reference Records Rule and Advertent Problems

  13. 三种图书情报学期刊网络参考文献著录分析研究

    Analysis of Reference Descriptions from Internet in Three Journals of Library and Information Science

  14. 试论电子参考文献著录标准化

    A Study on Standardization of Cataloguing Electronic Reference

  15. 目的了解护理期刊论文外文参考文献著录情况。

    Objective To understand the citation of foreign-language references of articles in nursing periodicals .

  16. 实施科技期刊中文后参考文献著录规则的问题与对策

    Issues and Countermeasures on the Citation Rules of References in S & T Periodicals

  17. 参考文献著录格式的常见差错评析

    Analysis on the Common Mistakes of Bibliography Pattern

  18. 文后参考文献著录中存在的问题及对策

    On Some problem in References and Related Measures

  19. 试论学术论文参考文献著录

    On the Bibliography of an Academic Paper

  20. 参考文献著录中存在问题与对策

    Problems Existing in Bibliography Records and Countermeasures

  21. 我校博士学位论文参考文献著录分析

    The references in the doctorate dissertations of the Third Military Medical University : their descriptions

  22. 注释、参考文献著录中若干规范问题再探

    Problems on Conventions of Notes and References

  23. 学术论文参考文献著录规范化问题探析

    The problems about normalization of reference notification

  24. 参考文献著录规范浅议

    Discussion on excerpt norm of reference literature

  25. 学术期刊参考文献著录规范研究盲点分析GB/T3792.5-1985档案著录规则

    Some Blind Points in Descriptive Rules for Bibliographic References of Academic Journals Bibliographical description for archives

  26. 对参考文献著录的几点建议

    Some Suggestions to the Reference Citation

  27. 高校自科学报文后参考文献著录规范化探讨

    Discussion About Descriptive Rules for Bibliographic References to Journal of Natural Science in Colleges and Universities

  28. 我国农业科技期刊文后参考文献著录标准化问题

    On the standardization of the description of reference documents for agricultural scientific and Technological Periodicals in China

  29. GB/T7714-1987文后参考文献著录规则

    Descriptive rules for bibliographic references

  30. 我国200种学术类科技期刊文献著录现状调查模糊聚类技术在文献自动分类系统中的应用

    Investigation of References of 200 Sci-tech Periodicals ; Application of Fuzzy Clustering Technology in Literature Automatic Classification System