
jiè fāng
  • borrower;debit;debtor;debit side
借方 [jiè fāng]
  • (1) [debit side] a [会计]∶贷方的对称账户中登记借记金额的那一栏

  • (2) 在出租出借业务中,指借入方或承租方

借方[jiè fāng]
  1. “借方”的缩写是“Dr.”。

    The abbreviation for debit is Dr.

  2. 借方余额的总数应等于贷方余额的总数。

    The total of debit balances and credit balances should agree .

  3. 这笔钱将逐月记入你账户的借方。

    The money will be debited from your account each month .

  4. 金融机构充当贷方和借方的中间人。

    Financial institutions act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers .

  5. 在记入您账户的借方之前,我们总是会就发生变动的数额书面通知您。

    We will always confirm the revised amount to you in writing before debiting your account .

  6. 银行将有权把此类债务的数额以及随之产生的所有相关费用计入你的账户借方。

    The bank shall be entitled to debit the amount of such liability and all costs incurred in connection with it to your account

  7. 此款应记入谁的账户的借方?

    To whom shall I debit this sum ?

  8. 这笔账应记入贷方还是借方?

    Does this item go among the credits or the debits ?

  9. 我的银行帐户借方记入了两笔5英镑的款项

    My bank account shows two debits of 5 each .

  10. 你购物的金额会自动记入账户借方

    Your current account is automatically debited with the amount of your purchase .

  11. 不完整的退货将退回相应的进口商或porsche经销商,并记入相应保修索赔的借方。

    Incomplete return deliveries will be sent back to the respective importer or Porsche dealer and debited to the corresponding warranty claim .

  12. 摩根大通(jpmorganchase)等银行和美国运通(americanexpress)等信用卡集团都收紧了对一些客户的借贷,而他们一向被视为最为安全和有利可图的借方。

    Banks such as JPMorgan Chase and credit card groups such as American Express have clamped down on lending to customers that have traditionally been regarded among the safest and most profitable borrowers .

  13. 在此模式中,客户机即应用程序将调用Web服务,而Web服务对其进行响应;例如,当在线购物车向信用卡公司发送要记入借方的金额时,信用卡公司将使用事务ID进行响应。

    In this pattern , the client that is , the application invokes the web service and the web service responds ; an example of this is when an online shopping cart sends amount to be debited to Credit Card Company and Credit Card Company responds back with a transaction ID.

  14. 在衰退时期,信贷息差通常会随着借方质素恶化而扩大。

    Credit spreads normally rise during recessions as borrower quality deteriorates .

  15. 借方:记录在帐本里的负债项目。

    Debit : an item of debt as recorded in an account .

  16. 随函寄去借方通知一纸,各项费用均已列明。

    We enclose a debit note on which the charges is bill .

  17. 银行愿意贷款给借方的上限。

    The maximum amount a bank is willing to loan a borrower .

  18. 它仅仅是一座架在借方和贷方之间的桥梁。

    It merely stands between the depositor and the borrower .

  19. 商店把购货金额记入我账户的借方。

    The shop debited the purchase to my account .

  20. 这笔帐属於借方还是属於贷方?

    Is this item a debit or a credit ?

  21. 所幸的是,现在是借方的市场。

    Fortunately , this is a borrower 's market .

  22. 很容易判别借方与贷方是否相等。

    It is fairly easy to tell if debits don 't equal credits .

  23. 你购物的金额会自动记入账户借方。

    The money will be debited from your account .

  24. 峒室松动控制爆破在公路借方开采石料中的应用

    Application of Controlling Blasting for Chamber Loose Blasting to Highway Exploitation Rock Materials

  25. 制造费用借方数据有几种来源。

    Debits to Factory Overhead come from various sources .

  26. 在显然看不到真实风险的情况下,贷款给次级抵押贷款借方的做法有些过火。

    Lending to subprime borrowers was overdone with the true risk apparently invisible .

  27. 银行在她帐户的借方记入400英镑。

    The bank debited her account with & 400 .

  28. 一些企业借方已变成了股市投机者;其他人则正在吹大房地产泡沫。

    Some corporate borrowers have turned stock speculators ; others are inflating property bubbles .

  29. 费用账户有借方余额。

    The account of withdrawals has debit balances .

  30. 这些收入都记入现金帐的借方,因此,增加了资产。

    Such receipts are debited to the Cash account , thus increasing the asset .