
  1. 这意味着出差人员可以轻装上阵,远程访问也可以更加安全。

    This means that staff can travel without reservation , remote access can be more secure .

  2. 为适应一个城市,入住希尔顿宾馆的商务出差人员比任何别的宾馆都多。

    To become attuned to a city , more business travelers check into the Hilton than any other hotel .

  3. 此跟踪器具有终端机间通信的特点,对于需要确保独自工作和出差人员的安全的公司有很大帮助。

    The solution also features terminal-to-terminal communications and is especially useful for companies who need to ensure the safety of lone workers and traveling employees .

  4. 东京酒店的入住率通常是90%或者更高,国内公司已经开始抱怨,他们的出差人员无法找到价格合适的客房。

    Occupancy rates for hotels in Tokyo are regularly at 90 percent or higher , and domestic businesses have begun complaining that their traveling salarymen can no longer find affordable rooms .

  5. 美国运通全球商务旅行部商务服务副总裁艾丽西亚o蒂尔曼指出:现在有些商务出差人员不遵守公司政策,自己做决定。

    You are starting to see travelers make their own decisions and not follow policies , said Alicia Tillman , vice president of business services for American Express Global Business Travel .

  6. 这个项目旨在帮助商务出差管理人员引导他们的员工使用提供了企业协议价的酒店或航空公司。

    The idea is to help travel administrators guide their employees toward hotels or airlines that offer special corporate rates .

  7. 入境北京且入住北京酒店的旅客、近期从武汉返京的的人员以及政府机关出差返京人员也要接受检测。

    Visitors who come from overseas and stay in Beijing 's hotels , people who recently returned from Wuhan , and government employees who had trips outside Beijing also the tests .

  8. 工作人员出差旅费;工作人员公务旅行;

    Travel of staff on official business ;