
  1. 本文在新一代电话体系结构的基础上设计了一个带控器来控制H.323Zone的出口带宽资源,以提供端QoS服务。

    Based on the architecture of the new generation telephony system , the end QoS through designing a bandwidth controller , which governs the outlet bandwidth resource of H.323 Zone , is developed in this paper .

  2. 为了在经济的基础上提高校园网的出口带宽和安全性,在策略路由的基础上运用NAT技术实现了双出口接入互联网。

    To increase bandwidth and security of our campus network on the basis of economy , we exercised NAT based on Policy Routing and realized to connect the Internet with two interface .

  3. 行为管理与计费策略结合控制校园网出口带宽

    Control of Campus Network Bandwidth with Behavior Management and Billing Control Strategy

  4. 僵尸网络技术检测与防范系统是一套针对互联网骨干出口带宽上的流量进行基于特定应用协议的监测和分析平台。

    Botnet Detection and Prevention System is a set of outbound bandwidth for the Internet backbone traffic monitoring and analysis platform which based on specific application protocol .

  5. 随着高校这几年来学生数的增多,出口带宽需求也急剧增加,致使校园网络运营成本直线上升。

    With the increase of university students this years , the bandwidth demand for exports has increased dramatically , resulting in the campus network operating costs soared .

  6. 本文从中小规模校园网的网络出口带宽建设入手,提出了有效解决网络出口瓶颈的四个方案。

    This article begins with the building of the bandwidth on outlet of small and middle scale campus network , and gives four effective solutions to the traffic bottleneck .

  7. 近年来,骨干网的出口带宽能力逐年增强,但是在骨干网出口带宽增强的同时接入网方面却没有大的改进。

    In recent years , the backbone of the year exit bandwidth ability strong , but the exit bandwidth enhancement in backbone while access network has no big improvement .

  8. 分析了在网络出口控制BT带宽前后,内网用户的下载速率和内网平均用户数的变化。

    It is analyzed how the download rate and the number of users in the controlled network are changed after BT bandwidth control .