
chuō jì
  • stamp;seal;countermark;chop mark
戳记 [chuō jì]
  • (1) [stamp;seal]∶图章(多指集体的,用于一般场合的)

  • (2) [chop mark]∶在钱币上打一凹痕或印记

戳记[chuō jì]
  1. 将该戳记与其他所有人为相同的资源在同一日期生成的戳记区别开来的随机因子(salt)。

    A random salt that distinguished this stamp from any other one minted for the same resource and date .

  2. 在允许编辑之前,Wiki服务器可以校验该戳记。

    The Wiki server can check the stamp before it allows edits .

  3. 标签上盖有“7月14日前食用”的戳记。

    ' Eat before JULY 14 ' was stamped on the label .

  4. 如果已经运行了RUNSTATS,则这些列包含实际的数字,并且如果运行过RUNSTATS,则statstime列将包含时间戳记。

    These columns contain real numbers if RUNSTATS has been run , and the stats_time column will contain the timestamp when RUNSTATS ran .

  5. 或许还将缓存其他一些编辑戳记,将它们用于当前Wiki页所链接的页面。

    Perhaps some other edit stamps could also be cached for pages linked to by the current Wiki page .

  6. 然而,要确认一个戳记,只需要进行一次SHA-1计算即可。

    However , verifying a stamp requires just one SHA-1 computation .

  7. 质询响应就在原始消息之中(作为一个hashcash戳记)。

    The challenge response is right in the original message ( as a hashcash stamp ) .

  8. 使用Pointcut,您可以方便地定义环境,加上时间戳记的对象将在其中更新戳记。

    Using pointcuts , you can easily define situations in which a timestamped object should have its stamp updated .

  9. 一个好的MUA或者垃圾邮件过滤系统可以将拥有合法hashcash戳记的电子邮件列入白名单(whitelist)。

    A good MUA or spam-filtering system might whitelist e-mails with valid hashcash stamps .

  10. 这个资源的出处是这个RSS1.0文件的URI,而时间戳记表明何时找到它的。

    The origin of this resource is the URI of the RSS1.0 file , and a timestamp denotes when it was found .

  11. 在您的消息头中,必须包括一个合法的hashcash戳记(hashcashstamp);具体地说,该标志中包含我的收件人地址。

    You have to include a valid hashcash stamp in the headers of your message ; specifically , one that includes my recipient address within the stamp .

  12. 对那些没有添加hashcash戳记的发送者而言,检验X-Hashcash:的接收者不用校验任何内容。

    For senders who do not add hashcash stamps , recipients who check for X-Hashcash : just do not have anything to check .

  13. 即使垃圾邮件制造者利用植入木马(trojans)的僵尸(zombies)的技术,需要使用具体的hashcash戳记至少也会减少那些僵尸进程的发出量。

    Even if spammers utilize zombie machines they have infected with trojans , requiring individualized hashcash stamps at least slows down the traffic out of those zombies .

  14. 例如,一个快速的PentiumIII或者G4可以在不到一秒钟之内生成一个20-比特的戳记,但是Pentium-II或者G3做不到。

    For example , a fast Pentium III or slow G4 can mint a20-bit stamp in less than a second , but a Pentium-II or G3 cannot .

  15. hashcash提出质询的方式是,当通过安全散列算法(SecureHashAlgorithm)进行散列时,要求“minters”生成一个字符串(戳记,stamps),在它们的散列中有很多前导零。

    The way hashcash poses a challenge is by asking " minters " to produce strings ( stamps ) that when hashed with the Secure Hash Algorithm , SHA-1 , have a number of leading zeros in their hash .

  16. 给定SHA-1的一致性与加密强度,找出给定比特值的hashcash戳记的惟一已知途径是平均2^b次运行SHA-1。

    Given the uniformity and cryptographic strength of SHA-1 , the only known way to discover a hashcash stamp of a given bit value b is by running SHA-12 ^ b times on average .

  17. 假定给出了前6个域,为了生成一个通过期望数目的前导零进行散列的的戳记,minter必须尝试很多连续的后缀值。

    Given the first six fields , a minter must try many sequential suffix values to produce a stamp that hashes with the desired number of leading zeros .

  18. 生成戳记的日期(和时间)。

    The date ( and time ) a stamp was minted .

  19. 他们在卡片上打戳记后送还给你。

    They stamp the card and send it back to you .

  20. (印在纸片上的)纪念邮票邮戳是印于邮票上的官方戳记。

    Postmark is an official mark printed over a postage stamp .

  21. 生成一个20-比特的戳记只需要几秒钟的时间。

    It only takes a couple of seconds to mint a20-bit stamp .

  22. 蜡上的公证人印章戳记;

    An impression of a notary 's seal on wax ;

  23. 戳记为哪个资源而生成。

    The resource for which a stamp is minted .

  24. 这是在上一次检查的时间戳记基础上被检查的。

    This is checked based on the timestamp of the last time check .

  25. 你从图书馆借的书上的戳记表明,这本书必须明天归还。

    The stamp in your library book shows it must be returned tomorrow .

  26. 用户可能会决定认为比特定期限更早的戳记是非法的。

    A user may decide to consider stamps older than a certain age invalid .

  27. 所找到的前导零的数目就是特定戳记的比特值。

    The number of leading zeros discovered is the bit value of a particular stamp .

  28. 现在面临的挑战是如何获得更多可以更无缝地处理bashcash戳记的工具。

    The challenge now is to get more tools to process hashcash stamps more seamlessly .

  29. 附加的时间戳记对于是否是当前状态是很重要的。

    The addition of the date-time stamp is important to give a sense of currency .

  30. 当然,校验一个戳记所需的时间只是一秒的一小部分。

    Checking a stamp , of course , takes a tiny fraction of a second .