
  1. 债券托管账户采用实名制。

    The bond custody account adopts the real name system .

  2. 受托人委托托管人申请开立债券托管账户的委托书复印件。

    A copy of the power of attorney from the trustee to authorize the custodian to establish a bonds depository account ;

  3. 参与者通过其在簿记系统的债券托管账户办理券款对付的债券结算。

    Participants in the inter-bank bond market have their purchased bonds settled in DVP terms via their bond custodian accounts in the Bookkeeping System .

  4. 为控制结算风险,建立中央债券托管系统成为各国金融市场基础设施建设最具革命性、最具实质性意义的举措。

    To control this kind of risk , the establishment of central securities depository ( CSD ) has become the most revolutionary and substantial measure in many countries ' infrastructure construction .

  5. 逐渐统一两个市场的债券托管制度和交易方式,逐渐实现两个市场投资者和投资工具的同一性,从而促进两个市场的融合,形成一个全国统一的债券市场。

    To unify gradually the bond trusteeship system and trading methods of two markets , to realize gradually the identity of the investors and investment tool of two markets , thus to promote the integration of two markets and form a nationwide unified bond market .

  6. 中国债券市场托管结算系统的问题及改进途径分析

    The Custody and Settlement System in Chinese Bond Market : Problems and Countermeasures

  7. 同时,要求对基金的债券投资运作的托管银行,以加强监测工作。

    At the same time , to request the custodian bank for the operation of the Fund 's bond investments to strengthen the monitoring efforts .