
  1. 股权对外转让包含债权行为和准物权行为。

    Equity transfer contains claims foreign behavior and quasi real right behavior .

  2. 关于金融资产管理公司打包出售债权行为的审判思考

    Thought After Adjudication on Packing Sale Credit Of Financial Asset Management Company

  3. 浅论侵害他人债权行为的法律适用

    Legal Application for Conduct of Infringing the Creditor 's Rights

  4. 其次是对第三人侵害债权行为的分类。

    Secondly , is the classification of the third part infringement claims .

  5. 第三人单独实施侵害债权行为的,有第三人自己承担侵权责任。

    The third person separate implementation infringement claims acts , the third person to assume the tort liability .

  6. 债权行为效力未定说与我国民法其它相关制度产生矛盾,并且忽视了对动的安全的保护;

    So , it violated the law system of China , and ignored the protection of the safety of the deals correctly .

  7. 物权行为的产生,是基于债权行为的发生,我国采物权行为有因性立场。

    The generation of Property Act , is based on the claims acts , acts of mining property are due to sexual positions .

  8. 尤其是在不动产交易关系中,当事人的利益巨大,土地等不动产是人类生存基础意义上的财产基础,在债权行为结束后,到物权变动的最终完成,往往存在时间间隔。

    Especially in real estate transaction , benefits of the party are huge and the real estate such as land is the property basis with the meaning of human subsistence .

  9. 第二,分析了股权转让中的债权行为及物权行为,以及二者对股权转让的影响;

    Secondly , the civil juristic act on property and the civil juristic act on liability are analyzed in the share transfer and the impacts of them on the share transfer is also stated .

  10. 在这种物权变动模式下,无论从理论亦或从实践上分析,作为吸收了物权合意的债权行为的无权处分行为的效力,在没有其它无效情形时,应为有效行为。

    Under this kind of real right change mode , no matter analyse from the theory or from practice , without other invalid situations , it should be the effective behavior since this implement the ownership and the unauthorized treatment .

  11. 虽然我国立法至今没有对物权行为做出明确的规定,甚至连理论界还对此有所争议,但交易中用物权行为和债权行为的分离理论来分析此问题却是事半功倍。

    Although our country 's legislation has not made the explicit stipulation , even the theorists also have some dispute , it 's really twice the result with half the effort actually to analyze this question by separating the real right behavior from the creditor 's rights .

  12. 客观上实施了侵害债权的行为;

    Objectively has carried out the act which infringes the claim ;

  13. 5,侵害债权的行为与损害后果有因果关系。

    The damage is the consequence of the infraction action .

  14. 不损害(当事人)权利〔近年来,侵害债权的行为日益增多。

    W.P. [ without prejudice ] In recent years , cases have grown increasingly concerning infringement of creditor 's rights .

  15. 作者指出了法学界物权行为无因性肯定说与否定说两种主张的缺陷,从债权有效行为,物权行为有效或无效;

    The author points out the defects of affirmative and negative abstract principle of juristic act of real right in law circle .

  16. 撤销权是指债权人对于债务人所为的有害债权的行为,可以请求法院予以撤销的权利。

    Repeal rights mean that creditor may have rights to request law court to repeal an illegal act of jeopardizing creditor 's rights committed by debtor .

  17. 代位权不同于代理权、形成权、管理权,是一种法定实体法权利、针对债务人怠于行使其债权的行为、不能直接受偿。

    Subrogation is different from the agency , the formation of rights , management rights , is a statutory right of substantive law , the substantive law the right to claim against the debtor fails to exercise its conduct , not directly the debt .

  18. 二元论则是指票据行为二阶段理论,一元论和二元论两者的区别在于对票据行为的构成的阶段性认识上的差异,二元论下票据行为分为票据债务承担行为和票据债权移转行为。

    Dualism refers to notes behavior two-stage theory of monism and dualism difference between the two is that the bills behavior constitute a stage in understanding the differences dualism notes behavior is divided into bills debt obligations the behavior and bills claims the migration behavior .

  19. 对抢劫特殊对象行为,主要分析抢劫共同共有财产、赃物、犯罪证据、通过抢劫实现债权等行为罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪的区分。

    To acts that rob the special objects , should analysis mainly the boundary of offense with not offense and this offense with that offense of acts as to rob the common community property , booty , crime proof , to realize legal right passing robbery etc.

  20. 本章首先分析了国有企业高负债与低效率并存的特征,然后从企业投资、企业治理、金融抑制三个方面分析了企业债权融资行为,最后对企业债券融资进行了探讨。

    This chapter firstly analyzes the character of high debt and low efficiency in state-owned enterprise , and secondly analyzes the debt finance of enterprises by way of their investment , management and financial restrain , in the end analyzes the behavior of debt finance of state-owned enterprise .

  21. 在引诱违约的侵权类型中,债务人因其过错构成违约行为,应当对债权人负有违约损害赔偿责任;第三人因其侵害债权的行为应当对债权人负侵害债权的损害赔偿责任。

    The type of infringement in the lure of default , the debtor constitutes a breach of its faults , the creditors should bear the liability for breach of contract damages ; third party claims against the acts of its creditors should bear the responsibility for damages against the creditor .

  22. 本文对我国上市公司近几年的股利分配政策、股权融资和债权融资的行为进行了深入的分析,指出了我国上市公司融资过程中存在的问题、原因以及危害。

    The paper makes an in-depth analysis on the policy of dividend distribution , activities in equity financing and debt financing in listed companies , pointing out the existing problems , reasons and related harm .

  23. 肯定说认为债的相对性并不能阻碍债权作为侵权行为的客体,债权同其他民事权利一样都应受到法律的有效保护,也就是说债权具有不可侵犯性。

    Positive theory believe that the nature of relative on claims cannot obstruct claims become the object of violations , claims should be protected effectively like other civil rights , claims have the nature of no aggress .

  24. 侵害他人债权是否构成侵权行为并承担损害赔偿责任,这是民法上有名的争论问题。

    Whether infringing creditor 's rights constitutes conduct infringing rights and assuming damages is a famous disputed problem in the civil law .

  25. 主观方面是关系外第三人主观上明知债权已合法有效成立却为了非法目的仍然故意对其实施阻碍其实现的行为,客观方面为实施了侵害债权的行为并造成了债权利益的损害等。

    Subjective aspects of a relationship outside of the third person who knowingly claims legitimate and effective presence is still intentionally violated the objective aspect of the implementation of the behavior of the infringement claims and caused damage creditor interests .

  26. 该部分将破产人可能涉及的债权分为七类,包括担保债权、劳动债权、特别法规定的优先权、国家债权、侵权行为之债、普通债权及其他债权。

    In this part , the writer classifies the claims against the bankrupt into seven kinds , including the secured claims , claims of laborers , preferred claims provided by special laws , government claims , claims for tort damages , common claims and other claims .