
  • 网络Debt restructurings;debt restructuring;debt consolidation
  1. 对新旧债务重组准则相关问题的思考

    A Study on the New and Old Standards of Debt Restructurings

  2. 对于债务重组的长期影响就更糟糕了。

    Worse are the longer-term implications for debt restructurings .

  3. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)也对其他债务重组可能受到的影响表示担忧。

    The International Monetary Fund has also expressed concern about possible implications for other debt workouts .

  4. 但迪拜世界旗下的迪拜环球港务集团(DPWorld)表示,它不在此次债务重组范围之内。该公司是全球最大港口运营商之一。

    But DP World , one of the world 's top port operators controlled by Dubai World , said it was excluded from the restructuring .

  5. 检验结果表明,债务重组收益与资产规模、扭亏、ST公司、持股、资产负债率有显著的相关关系;

    Test result shows that the debt restructuring revenue is correlated with asset scale , turn-loss-to-profit , ST company , stock-holding , debt-to-equity ratio ;

  6. 对于心怀焦虑的乌克兰债券持有者来说,幸运的是IMF官方声明中只字未提债务重组的要求。

    Fortunately for Ukraine 's nervous bondholders , there is no word on a debt restructuring in the IMF 's official statement .

  7. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)的官员表示,在希腊政府、欧盟相关机构和IMF于雅典进行的谈判中,债务重组并不在考虑范围之内。

    European Commission officials said that debt restructuring was not under consideration in the talks in Athens between the Greek government , EU authorities and the IMF .

  8. 知情人士表示,PlatinumEquity已聘用高盛来处理出售事宜。该交易应该能带来约3亿美元的收入,促进集团债务重组。

    People familiar with the matter said that Platinum Equity had hired Goldman to handle the sale , which should yield about $ 300m and help to restructure group debt .

  9. 这使得该方案很难被欧洲中央银行接受,因为ECB反对任何形式的近乎不理智的债务重组。

    That makes it unacceptable to the European Central Bank ( ECB ), whose opposition to any form of debt restructuring borders on the pathological .

  10. 希腊国债市场进一步跳水,因为市场越来越担心即便有欧元区和IMF的援助,该国仍可能需要进行债务重组。

    Greek government bonds suffered further heavy falls on growing concern that the country may need to restructure its debts in spite of the proposed eurozone and IMF rescue .

  11. 作为国际货币基金组织(IMF)第一副总裁,安妮•克鲁格(AnneKrueger)于2002年提出了一份有关主权债务重组机制的建议。

    As first deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund , Anne Krueger advanced a proposal for a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism in 2002 .

  12. 此外,这也将加剧市场担忧自己的次等地位:需要IMF支持的力度越大,那么假如最终必须实施债务重组,由私营部门债权人承受的损失就会越大。

    It will also exacerbate market fears of subordination : the more IMF support is needed , the larger the haircut meted out to private sector creditors if restructuring is eventually required .

  13. 而债务重组对上市公司尤其是ST、ST类上市公司当期利润的影响比较大,利用该准则进行利润操纵的可能性比较大。

    The debt restructuring of listed companies in particular , ST , ST category of listed companies in the current period compared with a profit impact , the use of guidelines for profit manipulation more likely . 4 .

  14. 如果欧元区领导人推进“软”债务重组或自愿债务重组计划、延长希腊债券到期日,那么信用违约互换(cds)交易员可能成为主要受害者之一。

    If eurozone leaders press ahead with plans to extend Greek bond maturities in a " soft " or voluntary debt restructuring , then traders in credit default swaps could be one of the main casualties .

  15. 迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)一直在寻求出售港口及航运代理商InchcapeShippingServices(ISS)。这家国有综合企业正努力筹集现金,这是其235亿美元债务重组计划的一部分。

    Dubai World has been seeking to sell Inchcape Shipping Services , a port and shipping agent , as the state-owned conglomerate seeks to raise cash as part of a restructuring of its $ 23.5bn of debts .

  16. 它面临金砖四国(bric,包括巴西、印度和中国)新兴市场中最陡峭的经济跌幅,以及最大的债务重组问题。

    It faces the steepest economic decline of all the emerging markets in the BRIC group which includes Brazil , India and China as well as the biggest debt restructuring problem .

  17. 然而,即使进行了这一债务重组,希腊债务相对其国内生产总值(gdp)的比例也很可能仍停留在100%以上,因此有许多投资者怀疑此举是否足以阻止债务危机向意大利和西班牙等国蔓延。

    However , with that restructuring likely to leave Greece with a ratio of debt to gross domestic product of more than 100 per cent , many investors have doubted it would be enough to prevent contagion to countries such as Italy and Spain .

  18. 如果Pimco不参与GMAC的债务重组,GMAC将有可能达不到转为银行控股公司所需资本。

    If Pimco doesn 't participate in GMAC 's debt restructuring , GMAC would likely fall short of the capital it needs to become a bank holding company .

  19. 另一种解决方案最早是由时任IMF第一副总裁的安妮克鲁格(AnneKrueger)提出的。这种方法更有气魄,主张建立一套主权债务重组机制(SDRM),为债务危机提供一个法定框架。

    The other solution , originally proposed by Anne Krueger , the then IMF first deputy managing director , was more ambitious : a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism that would provide a statutory framework for debt crises .

  20. 要进一步降低实力较强成员国可能因某一实力较弱成员国未来债务重组而面临潜在损失的风险,就必须在中期内赋予emf迫使遗留主权债券承担亏损的权力。

    To further mitigate the risk that stronger member states could face potential losses as a result of a future debt restructuring by a weaker member state , the EMF would have to be empowered , in the medium term , to impose losses on Legacy sovereign bonds .

  21. 上周,迪拜官员详细说明了拟议的债务重组计划;该计划将影响迪拜世界及其部分子公司所欠下的260亿美元债务,其中包括房地产开发商Nakheel。

    Last week , Dubai officials detailed a proposed debt-restructuring plan affecting $ 26 billion in debt owed by Dubai World and some of its subsidiaries , including property developer Nakheel .

  22. 近期,意大利游艇制造商法拉帝(ferretti)进行了债务重组,以避免被破产接管,英国私人股本集团candover注销了其在该公司的全部投资。

    Ferretti , the Italian yachtmaker , recently restructured its debt to stave off administration , while candover , the UK private equity group , wrote off its whole investment in the company .

  23. 代表90余家借款机构的银行家周一齐聚迪拜世界贸易中心的马克图姆酋长(SheikMaktoum)会议大厅,听取迪拜世界债务重组小组的首次情况介绍,但是并没有就这家企业巨头停止偿债提出正式建议。

    Bankers representing more than 90 lenders gathered Monday at the Dubai World Trade Center 's Sheik Maktoum conference hall to hear an initial presentation from Dubai World 's restructuring team , but there was no formal proposal for a standstill on the conglomerate 's debts .

  24. 新旧债务重组会计准则对比研究

    Comparative Study on Accounting Stadards of New and Old Debt Reorganization

  25. 国企债务重组的重庆经验

    " Chongqing Experience " of Restructuring the Debts of State-Owned Enterprises

  26. 新旧债务重组准则比较分析

    Comparison and Analysis on the Later and Former Debt Restructuring Standards

  27. 我国债务重组准则中的问题探讨

    The Study on the Problems of Debt Restructuring Standards in China

  28. 要么为纾困计划延期,要么允许希腊进行债务重组。

    It could expand the bail-out or allow Athens to restructure .

  29. 至少希腊很有可能进行债务重组。

    Debt restructuring is quite likely , at least for Greece .

  30. 一个问题是如何管理合作式债务重组。

    One is over how to manage a co-operative debt restructuring .