
zhài quán zhuǎn yí
  • transfer of creditor's right;cession;transfer of obligatory right
  1. 债务网络的债权转移算法及其复杂性

    Debt Transfer Algorithm about Debt Network and Its complexity

  2. 代位求偿权是法定的债权转移,是民法债权制度中进一步完善。

    Subrogation is statutory transfer of credit and further improvement of credit system of civil law .

  3. 但承包人优先受偿权制度因在我国缺乏登记制度的支持,且实务中主要用于保护建筑工人的工资,故不应认为优先权随债权转移。

    Priority of the Contractor , but in our system because of the lack of support for the registration system , and the practice is mainly used to protect the wages of construction workers , so that the priority should not be transferred with the claims .

  4. 海上保险代位权的法律属性为债权的法定转移。

    The right of subrogation in marine insurance is , in essence , the statutory assignment of creditor 's rights .

  5. 然而,依转移占有这一质权的本质特征对普通债权质权制度进行审视时,发现普通债权质权不但与转移占有的质权理论相矛盾,而且脱离了生活实际。

    However , in accordance with shifting and possession this essential characteristic of pledge to examine ordinary creditor 's rights pledge system , we find ordinary creditor 's rights pledge not only contradictes with the theory of shifting and possession , but also breakes away from life reality .