
  • 网络Coupon rate;bond coupon rate
  1. 这意味着这些债券的票面利率上限约为20%。

    That means coupons will be capped at about 20 per cent .

  2. 国家开发银行由中投注资,其周三发行的最新债券的票面利率与中投类似。

    China Development Bank , which was recapitalised by CIC , paid a similar rate for its latest bond issue on Wednesday .

  3. 到期利率是市场现行的利率,与债券的票面利率可能有差距。

    The YTM is the current market interest rates , which could differ from the fixed interest or coupon rate paid by each bond .

  4. 而债券的票面利率在发行时已定下,并在有限期内通常维持不变。

    On the other hand , the bonds coupon or fixed interest rate is determined at the launch of the bond and stays fixed during the bond 's lifetime .

  5. 股市已收复超过一半的失地,垃圾级债券的票面利率接近历史低位,而一年前的接近20%。

    Stocks have recouped more than half of their losses and junk bond borrowers now face interest rates near all-time lows , compared with near 20 per cent rates one year ago .

  6. 希腊政府与近2000亿欧元债务持有者的谈判上周破裂,此前一些欧元区官员呼吁大幅降低新债券的票面利率。

    Talks with holders of close to € 200bn of Greek debt broke down last week , after some eurozone officials called for a sharply lower coupon , or interest payment , on new bonds .

  7. 债券的票面利率为6.25%,高出葡萄牙(被视为欧元区第二疲弱的成员国)目前国债利率2个百分点左右,相当于欧洲最大经济体德国国债利率的2倍。

    The coupon interest rate on the bond was 6.25 per cent , about 2 percentage points more than Portugal – seen as the next weakest eurozone country – is paying and double the rate paid by Germany , Europe 's biggest economy .

  8. 克里特还认为,债券9%的票面利率过高,即便考虑到相关风险,以及花旗(Citigroup)与阿布扎比的基金在上月的一笔类似交易中也使用同样的利率,这一利率仍显偏高。

    Mr Grete also believes the 9 per cent coupon on the notes is too generous , even given the risk involved and the fact that it is the same rate as set by Citigroup in a similar deal last month with Abu Dhabi .

  9. 债券收益率,票面利率的基础上,付出的代价和投资期限长度。

    Bond yields are based on the coupon rate , the price paid and the maturity length of the investment .